显示中的文学 美国华裔女性文学中的跨文化变迁 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:唐蔚明著
- 出 版 社:天津:南开大学出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787310033317
- 页数:357 页
Chapter One The Predicament of Culture:An Introductory Survey of the History of Asian and Chinese American Migration and Cultural Struggles 1
Ⅰ.Internal Colonial"Racist Hate"and Neo-colonial"Racist Love":Racial Alienation and Abjection 13
The Irreducible Other—Internal Colonial Alienation:1850-1943 14
Asian Abjection—Neo-colonial"Racist Love":Post-1943 26
Ⅱ.Structural Contradictions:the American Dilemma 36
Ⅲ.Resistance and Complicity:The Predicament of Asian and Chinese American Cultural Struggle 43
Chapter Two The Subversive Outsider Within:Towards a New Perspective of Asian and Chinese American Literary-cultural Criticism 63
Ⅰ.Unassimilability:History,Racialisation and Cultural Contestation and Transformation 67
Refraning Space:Ambivalence and Uncanny Cultural Doubling 67
Hybridising Time:Dual-dimensional Third Time-space and Cultural Reconfiguration 80
Ⅱ.Straddling the Border:Rethinking the Politics of Asian and Chinese American Literary-cultural Criticism 90
Ⅲ.Chinese American Women's Writings:Living and Exploiting The Duality and Paradox 108
Chapter Three "Echo of a Cry":The Psychic Landscape of the Cosmopolitan ?migrés in Diana Chang's The Frontiers of Love and Chuang Hua's Crossings 125
Ⅰ.Schizophrenic Multiple Identities and Double Consciousness 129
Ⅱ.Divided Colonial City and the Subject of the Borderlands:Diana Chang's The Frontiers of Love 141
Ⅲ.Desire and Imagining in a"No Man's Land":Chuang Hua's Crossings 152
Ⅵ.Conclusion 165
Chapter Four Monstrosity of Translation:The Masquerade Dream Narratives of Fifth Chinese Daughter and Typical American 170
Ⅰ.The Trope of Assimilation:De-mythologizing the Dream of Upward Mobility 175
Ⅱ.The Masquerade Dream Narratives:Mimic(Wo)men in Fifth Chinese Daughter and Typical American 185
Ⅲ.Seeing Double:Fragments and Chunks and Metonymic Displacement 201
Ⅳ.Conclusion 219
Chapter Five Transcultural Metamorphosis:Feminist Intersubjectivity,Negotiation and Subversion in The Woman Warrior and The Bonesetter's Daughter 224
Ⅰ.Politicising the Mother-daughter Trope:Postulating an Intersubjective Space of Cross-cultural Negotiation 226
Ⅱ.Multiple Intersections:the Cross-cultural Self-other Interaction 238
Ⅲ.Leap to the Power of Language:Storytelling and Re-inscribing Gender,Ethnicity and Transcultural Identity 252
Ⅳ.Conclusion 267
Chapter Six Negotiating Cultural Identities and Differences 272
Ⅰ."The(Pre-)Emergent":Finding a Non-place of Neither One Nor Other Yet Both 274
Ⅱ.Extra-and Intra-textual Negotiations:Rereading Chinese American Cultural Identity 278
Ⅲ.Emergent Literature:Contestation and Interdependence 294
Selected Bibiliography 312
Index 335
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