- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:朱竹芳主编
- 出 版 社:武汉:武汉理工大学出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:7562921458
- 页数:188 页
目录 1
1.陶瓷 1
Contents 1
1.Ceramics 1
2.Chingtechen Ware and Underglaze Decoration 3
2.景德镇瓷器及醴陵釉下彩 3
3.白色陶瓷器 6
3.White-wares 6
4.陶瓷原料 10
4.Ceramic Raw Materials 10
5.氧化硅(Ⅰ) 13
5.Silica(Ⅰ) 13
6.氧化硅(Ⅱ) 16
6.Silica(Ⅱ) 16
7.The History of Chinese Ceramics 20
7.中国陶瓷史简述 20
8.世界陶瓷发展简史(Ⅰ) 24
8.Cycles in Ceramic History(Ⅰ) 24
9.世界陶瓷发展简史(Ⅱ) 29
9.Cycles in Ceramic History(Ⅱ) 29
10.智能成型 33
10.Intelligent Forming 33
11.使用机器人压力注浆成型 36
11.Using Robots for Pressure Casting 36
12.Overview of Injection Molding 39
12.喷射成型概论 39
13.Designing a Binder System 42
13.粘结剂系统的设计 42
14.The Molding Process 46
14.成型工艺 46
15.Removing the Binder 49
15.排胶 49
16.Profiling Kiln Temperature with Telemetry 52
16.窑温遥测 52
17.卫生洁具生产用窑具 55
17.Kiln Furniture for Sanitaryware Manufacturing 55
18.利用隔热材料降低能耗 58
18.Cutting Energy Use with Insulation 58
19.Saving Energy with Raw Materials 62
19.利用原料节能 62
20.Traditional Refractories Focus on New Technology 66
20.耐火材料着重于新技术 66
21.TRI Fall Meeting:Focus on Quality 68
21.耐火材料协会秋季年会:强调质量 68
22.通过砖窑改造提高质量 70
22.Brick Kiln Renovation Improves Product Quality and Production 70
23.Computer Interfacing 73
23.计算机接口 73
24.数控陶瓷贴花 76
24.Digital Ceramic Decals 76
25.着眼于细节:陶瓷网站的建设 80
25.Attention to Detail-The Making of a Pottery's Website 80
26.结晶釉 84
26.Crystalline Glaze 84
27.陶瓷焊接 89
27.Ceramic Welding:Performance by Design 89
28.陶瓷在燃料电池方面的应用 93
28.Ceramic Opportunities in Fuel Cells 93
29.稀土着色剂的利用 97
29.Using Rare Earth Colorants 97
30.装饰要有超前意识 101
30.Decorating with The Future In Mind 101
31.Surface Pigments Expand Product Range for Brick Manufactures 104
31.表面色料的发展拓宽瓷砖生产范围 104
32.Encaustic Tiles 110
32.彩花陶瓷面砖 110
33.Transporting Hazardous Materials 114
33.危险材料的运输 114
34.Making History 116
34.创造历史 116
35.Beneath the Skin 120
35.透过表面 120
36.Controlled Drying and Firing 124
36.大件雕塑作品与大规格面砖的干燥与烧成的控制 124
37.The Design of Architectural Ceramics and Indoor Space 128
37.建筑陶瓷色彩设计与室内空间 128
38.架起一座桥 132
38.Building Bridges 132
39.A Potter's Markets 135
39.陶艺作品的销售 135
40.Why Unleaded 139
40.为什么要除铅 139
41.Refractory Ceramic Fibre Insulation:A Health Hazard? 145
41.耐火陶瓷纤维保温材料对健康是一种危害吗? 145
42.Growth Prediction Lowered for U.S.Advanced Ceramics 150
42.预测:美国高档瓷需求将趋缓 150
43.Sanitaryware Markets Rely on Innovation,Diversification 153
43.卫生洁具市场依靠创新多样化 153
44.Raw and Manufactured Materials for Ceramics:2001 Overview 157
44.2001世界陶瓷生产与原料市场分析与预测 157
45.高科技陶瓷经历下滑有望在2002年至2003年复苏 161
45.Recoverv Expected in Late 2002 or 2003………………………………………(16i)Vocabulary 165
词汇 165
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