英语听力入门3000 4 学生用书PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张民伦著
- 出 版 社:上海:华东师范大学出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787561774984
- 页数:178 页
Unit 1 The Less Traveled Path 3
PartⅠ Warming up 3
PartⅡ Opting for a slower pace of life in the 21st century 6
PartⅢ Family 8
PartⅣ Listen and relax 10
Unit 2 The Changing Women 15
PartⅠ Warming up 15
PartⅡ Working mothers 18
PartⅢ Mothers and daughters 20
PartⅣ Language study and language appreciation 23
Unit 3 Work and Workforce 27
PartⅠ Warming up 27
PartⅡ Americans at work 30
PartⅢ Stress management 32
PartⅣ Listen and relax 33
Unit 4 Matching Dreams with Education 39
PartⅠ Warming up 39
PartⅡ Education then and now 41
PartⅢ A life-changing event 45
PartⅣ Language study and language appreciation 47
Unit 5 Love and Help 51
PartⅠ Warming up 51
PartⅡ Anti-AIDS campaign 55
PartⅢ Innocence in danger 59
PartⅣ Listen and relax 61
Unit 6 Youth Aspirations 67
PartⅠ Warming up 67
PartⅡ British youth 69
PartⅢ Young entrepreneurs 72
PartⅣ Language study and language appreciation 74
Unit 7 Why the Problem? 79
PartⅠ Warming up 79
PartⅡ Why the problem? 82
PartⅢ Drug therapy 84
PartⅣ Listen and relax 87
Unit 8 Seeing Both Sides 91
PartⅠ Warming up 91
PartⅡ A medical question — should doctors always tell the truth? 95
PartⅢ A radio debate 99
PartⅣ Language study and language appreciation 101
Unit 9 Inside Me 107
PartⅠ Warming up 107
PartⅡ Roots of rap 110
PartⅢ Stuntpeople:Hollywood’s heroes 112
PartⅣ Listen and relax 116
Unit 10 Your Round 121
PartⅠ Warming up 121
PartⅡ New fashions 123
PartⅢ Humor — its role in our lives 126
PartⅣ Listen and relax 129
Unit 11 Managing Personal Development 135
PartⅠ Warming up 135
PartⅡ Lateral or vertical? 137
PartⅢ Mediation skills 139
PartⅣ Language study and language appreciation 141
Unit 12 Review 147
A.A healthy glow? 147
B.Reading dictionaries 148
C.Museum of Questionable Medical Devices 149
D.Home schooling 150
E.Ken Caulkins’ automated orchestra 152
F.The instinct for keeping useless objects 153
G.Mr Harris comes to see the headmaster 154
Vocabulary 155
Acknowledgements 177
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