埃伦堡-里弗金斯糖尿病学 英文影印版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:34 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)DanielPorte主编
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7030087313
- 页数:1423 页
1.Integrated Fuel Metabolism&Gerald I.Shulman,MD,PhD,Eugene J.Barrett,MD,PhD,Robert S.Sherwin,MD 1
2.Ketogenesis&J.Denis McGarry,PhD,Daniel W.Foster,MD 19
3.Molecular and Cellular Biology of the Beta Cell&Kevin Docherty,BSc,PhD,Donald F.Steiner,MD 29
4.B-Cell Function and Insulin Secretion&Danieel L.Cook,MD,PhD,Gerald J.Taborsky,Jr.,PhD 49
5.Mechanisms of Insulin Action&Jes K. Klarlund,PhD,Andrew D.Cherniack,Bruce R.Conway,Barbara VanRenterghem,Michael P.Czech,PhD 75
6.Insulin-Like Growth Factors&E.R.Froesch,MD,M.Hussain,MD,C.Schmid,MD,J.Zapf,MD 95
7.Glucagon&Roger H.Unger,MD,Lelio Orci,MD 115
8.Stress-Induced Activation of the Neuroendocrine System and Its Effects on Carbohydrate Metabolism&Gerald J.Taborsky,Jr.,PhD,Peter J.Havel,DVM,PhD,Daniel Porte,Jr.,MD 141
9.Role of Brain Peptides in the Regulation of Metabolism&Marvin R.Brown,MD,Claes Wahlestedt,MD,PhD 169
10.Food Intake and Energy Balance&Stephen C.Woods,PhD,Karl Kaiyala,Daniel Porte,Jr,MD,Michael W.Schwartz 175
11.Diabetes and Atherosclerosis&Daniel Steinberg,MD,PhD 193
12.Vascular Thrombosis in Diabetes&John A.Colwell,MD,PhD,Rudolf Jokl,MD 207
13.Aldose Reductase&Margo P.Cohen,MD,PhD 217
14.Advanced Products of Nonenzymatic Glycosylation and the Pathogenesis of Diabetic Complications&Michael Brownlee,MD 229
15.Pathophysiology of Renal Complications&Michael W.Steffes,MD,PhD 247
16.Gene Transfer Methods in Diabetes Research&Andrea L.Sestak,Christopher B.Newgard,PhD 257
17.Immunology Relevant to Diabetes&Charles A.Janeway,Jr.,MD 287
18.Diabetes in Animals&Eleazar Shafrir,PhD 301
19.Pathology ofthe Pancreas in Diabetes Mellitus&Per Westermark,MD,PhD 349
20.Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes&Stefan S.Fajans,MD 357
21.Epidemiology of Diabetes Mellitus&Peter H.Bennett,MB,FRCP,FFCM,Marian J.Rewers,MD,William C.Knowler,MD, DrPH 373
22.Genetics of Diabetes&Leslie J.Raffel,MD,Maren T.Scheuner,MD,MPH,Jerome I.Rotter,MD 401
23.Pathophysiology of Type Ⅰ(Insulin-Dependent)Diabetes&Jerry P.Palmer,MD,?ke Lernmark,MD,PhD 455
24.The Pathophysiology of Type Ⅱ(Non-insulin Dependent)Diabetes Mellitus:Implications for Treatment&Steven E.Kahn,MD,ChB,Daniel Porte,Jr.,MD 487
25.Insulin Resistance&Jerrold M.Olefsky,MD 513
26.Obesity and Diabetes Mellitus&Per Bj?rntorp,MD,PhD 553
27.Aging and Diabetes&Robert V.Hogikyan,MD,MPH,Jeffrey B.Halter,MD 565
28.Malnutrition-Related Diabetes Mellitus&Jasbir S.Bajaj,MD,FRCP(Ed),FRCP(Lond),FAMS,DM(hc),Hon.D.Sc.,M.Bajaj,MD 581
29.Diabetes Secondary to Endocrinopathies&Om P.Ganda,MD 595
30.Nutritional Management of the Person with Diabetes&Aaron I.Vinik,MD,PhD,FCP,FACP.Rena R.Wing,PhD,Thomas J.Lauterio,PhD 609
31.Metabolic Implications of Exercise and Physical Fitness in Physiology and Diabetes&Z.Qing Shi,MD,PhD,D.H.Wasserman,PhD,Mladen Vranic,MD,DSc,FRCP(c) 653
32.Insulin Chemistry and Pharmacokinetics&Christian Binder,MD,DMSc,Jens Brange,MSc,DSc 689
33.Intensive Management of Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus&Suzanne M.Strowig,MSN,RN,Philip Raskin,MD 709
34.Insulin Treatment of Noninsulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus&David M.Nathan,MD 735
35.Hypoglycemia in Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus:Interplay of Insulin Excess and Comprised Glucose Counterregulation&Philip E.Cryer,MD,John E.Gerich,MD 745
36.The Oral Hypoglycemic Agents&Harold E.Lebovitz,MD 761
37.Brittle Diabetes:Pathogenesis and Therapy&David S.Schade,MD,Mark R.Burge,MD 789
38.Behavioral and Familv Aspects of the Treatment of Children and Adolescents with IDDM&Barbara J.Anderson,PhD,Lori M.B.Laffel,MD,MPH 811
39.Diabetic Ketoacidosis&Elizabeth Delionback Ennis,MD,Elizabeth J.v.B.Stahl,MD,Robert A.Kreisberg,MD 827
40.Hyperosmolar Non-Acidotic Diabetes(HNAD)&Robert Matz,MD 845
41.Host Defense and Infections in Diabetes Mellitus&Brian P.Currie,MD,Joan I.Casey,MD,FRCPC 861
42.Diabetes and Surgery&K.G.M.M.Alberti,DPhil,BM,Bch,FRCP,FRCPath 875
43.The Mother in Pregnancies Complicated by Diabetes Mellitus&Boyd E.Metzger,MD,Richard L.Phelps,MD,Sharon L.Dooley,MD 887
44.The Offspring of the Mother with Diabetes&Bernard L.Silverman,MD,Edward S.Ogata,MD,Boyd E.Metzger,MD 917
45.Retinopathy and Other Ocular Complications in Diabetes&Ronald Klein,MD,MPH 931
46.Diabetic Renal Disease&Ralph A.DeFronzo,MD 971
47.Diabetic Neuropathy&Douglas A.Greene,MD,Eva L.Feldman,MD,PhD,Martin.J.Stevens,MBBCh,Anders A.F.Sima,MD,PhD,J.W.Albers,MD,PhD,M.A.Pfeifer,MD 1009
48.Diabetic Dyslipidemia:Pathology and Treatment&John D.Brunzell,MD,Alan Chait,MD 1077
49.Hypertension and Diabetes&Norman M.Kaplan,MD 1097
50.Heart Disease in Diabetes&Frederick S.Fein,MD,James Scheuer,MD 1105
51.Peripheral Vascular Disease in the Diabetic Patient&Marvin E.Levin,MD,Gregorio A.Sicard,MD Brian G.Rubin,MD 1127
52.The Diabetic Foot&William C.Coleman,DPM,Paul W.Brand,MD,BS,FRCS 1159
53.Diabetes and the GI System&Jamie S.Barkin,MD,FACG,FACP,Earl G.Robbins,II,MD,Bernard Stein,MD 1183
54.Diabetes and the Skin&John E.Olerud,MD 1207
55.Diabetes and Oral Diseases&Richard C.Oliver,DDS,MS,Harald L?e,DDS 1227
56.Relationship of Glycemic Control to Diabetic Complications&Jay S.Skyler,MD 1235
57.Pancreas Transplantation&David E.R.Sutherland,MD,PhD,Rainer W.G.Gruessner,MD,PhD,Kenneth L.Brayman,MD,PhD,FACS,Angelika Gruessner,PhD 1255
58.Islet Cell Transplantation&Gregory S.Korbutt,PhD,Garth L.Warnock,MD,Ray V.Rajotte,PhD 1281
59.New Pharmacologic Approaches&David G.Johnson,MD,Rubin Bressler,MD 1293
60.Hypoglycemia&Pierre J.Lefèbvre,MD,PhD,FRCP,André J.Scheen,MD,PhD 1307
61.Economic Aspects:Insurance,Employment,and Licensing&Christopher D.Saudek,MD,Sandra Segal Polin,JD,MPA 1329
62.Health Education for Diabetes Self Management&Elizabeth A.Walker,RN,DNSc,CDE,Judith Wylie-Rosett,EdD,RD,Harry Shamoon,MD 1341
63.Professional Education,Clinical Decision-Making and Computer Technologies in Diabetes Care&Roger S.Mazze,PhD,Harold Rifkin,MD 1353
Index 1373
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