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  • 电子书积分:23 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:刘业翔著
  • 出 版 社:长沙:中南大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:9787811059786
  • 页数:855 页

第一篇 铝电解惰性阳极、惰性可润湿阴极及电解新工艺 3

铝电解用SnO2基惰性阳极的研究 3

Some Important Performances of TiB2 Coated Cathode Carbon Block 10

铝电解用NiO-NiFe2O4基金属陶瓷的制备和性能研究 18

Laboratory Study on TiB2-based Ceramic Cathode for Aluminium Reduction Cell 25

Ambient Temperature Cured TiB2 Cathode Coating for Aluminum Electrolysis 34

Preparation and Preliminary Testing of Cermet Inert Anode for Aluminum Electrolysis 42

Temperature of Primary Crystallization in Party of System Na3 AlF6-K3AlF6-AlF3 59

Research Progress in TiB2 Wettable Cathode for Aluminum Reduction 74

NiFe2O4-based Cermet Inert Anodes for Aluminum Electrolysis 89

Cup-shaped Functionally Gradient NiFe2O4-based Cermet Inert Anodes for Aluminum Reduction 100

第二篇 铝电解工艺优化、自动控制与计算机仿真 113

Effect of An Alumina Layer at the Electrolyte/Aluminum Interface:A Laboratory Study 113

Inhibition of Anode Effect in Aluminum Electrolysis Process by Anode Dopants:A Laboratory Study 126

160 kA预焙铝电解槽区域电流效率 135

铝电解过程控制信号的滤波与噪声解析模型的研究 142

点式下料铝电解槽氧化铝浓度新型估计模型 152

Bath Temperature Model for Point-feeding Aluminium Reduction Cells 159

Development of Fuzzy Expert Control Technique for Aluminum Electrolysis 170

Heat Balance Simulation of A Drained Aluminum Reduction Cell 180

Thermal Stresses Relaxation Design of Ni/NiFe2O4 System Functionally Graded Cermet Inert Anode 190

Coupled Simulation of 3D Electro-Magneto-Flow Field in Hall-Heroult Cells Using Finite Element Method 200

A Improved Finite Element Model for Electro-magnetic Analysis in Aluminum Cells 219

第三篇 高温熔盐电解过程电催化 231

Oxygen Overvoltage on SnO2-based Anodes in NaF-AlF3-Al2O3 Melts.Electrocatalytic Effects of Doping Agents 231

Progress in Studies of Electrocatalysts and Doped Carbon Anodes in Aluminium Electrolysis Cells 240

New Type Electrocatalysis for Energy Saving in Aluminum Electrolysis 246

Electrocatalysis of Doped Carbon Anodes in Aluminum Electrolysis 254

Measurement of Anodic Overvoltage by A Modified Current Interruption Method in Cryolite-Alumina Melts 268

高温氯化物熔体氯电极过程的电催化作用 280

Electrocatalytic Behaviors of CER on Some Metal Oxides in Chloride Melt at 700℃ 287

高温析氯电催化剂用稀土氧化物的性能 296

Electrocatalysis of the Carbon Anode in Aluminium Electrolysis 302

第四篇 湿法冶金电解过程电催化 321

锌电解节能惰性阳极的研究——惰性阳极上的析氧超电压 321

用于Ni和Zn电积的节能形稳阳极(DSA)——实验室研究 327

Effect of Rare Earth Eu on Anti-passivation of Metal Oxide Anode Coating 335

SnSb导电膜对钛基金属阳极涂层性能提高的深入研究 341

锌电积用Pb-Ag-Ca-Sr四元合金阳极的阳极极化行为研究 348

Effect of Doping Bi on the Oxygen Evolution Potential and Corrosion Behavior of Lead-based Anode in Zinc Electrowinning 356

A Novel Porous Pb-Ag Anode for Energy-saving in Zinc Electrowinning Part Ⅰ:Preparation and Property Tests in Laboratory 369

A Novel Porous Pb-Ag Anode for Energy-saving in Zinc Electrowinning Part Ⅱ:Preparation and Pilot Plant Tests of Large Size Anodes 383

A Novel Porous Pb-Ag Anode for Energy-saving in Zinc Electrowinning Part Ⅲ:Clarifying Porous Anode with Flat Plate Anode 399

第五篇 锂离子电池 417

Electrochemical Behaviors of New Lithium Salt LiBC2O4F2 in EC+DMC Solvents 417

石墨负极在Et4NBF4+LiPF6/EC+PC+DMC电解液中的电化学行为 431

A Novel Modification Approach for Natural Graphite Anode of Li-ion Batteries 440

天然石墨中嵌/脱锂离子过程的研究 450

Electrochemical Characterization of Surface-modified LiMn2O4 Cathode Materials for Li-ion Batteries 460

不同原料对Li-Ni-Mn-O 5V正极材料的结构和性能的影响 469

Effect of Cooling Modes on Microstructure and Electrochemical Performance of LiFePO4 478

Coating of LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2 Cathode Materials with Alumina by Solid State Reaction at Room Temperature 487

第六篇 超级电容器 501

Preparation and Electrochemical Characterization of Mn/Pb Composite Oxides for Supercapacitors 501

Effect of Ni-doping on Electrochemical Capacitance of MnO2 Electrode Materials 508

活性炭的制备及其在有机超级电容器的应用 519

聚苯胺纳米纤维的界面聚合法合成及电化学电容行为 530

Preparation and Properties of Pitch Carbon Based Supercapacitor 538

中间相沥青粒径对活性炭材料及其电化学性能的影响 550

Preparation and Electrochemical Characterization of Activated Carbons by Chemical-physical Activation 558

Preparation of Activated Carbons from Mesophase Pitch and Their Electrochemical Properties 569

第七篇 太阳电池 583

Cyclic Voltammetry Study of Electrodeposition Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Thin Films 583

Electrodeposition Based Preparation of Cu(In,Ga)(Se,S)2 Thin Films 602

Calculation of Surface Free Energy of Fcc Copper Nanoparticles 608

CuInSe2薄膜的电化学沉积及其形成机理 626

Characterization of CuInS2 Thin Films Prepared by One-step DC Reactive Sputtering 638

电沉积法制备CuInSe2薄膜的组成与形貌研究 647

Pulse-plating Electrodeposition and Annealing Treatment of CuInSe2 Films 660

电沉积Cu(In,Ga)Se2预置层硫化退火制备Cu(In,Ga)(Se,S)2薄膜及表征 671

电解精炼制备太阳级硅杂质行为研究 680

第八篇 学术报告与科技评述 695

我国铝电解技术今后的研究与开发课题 695

论我国铝企业的产品结构调整 704

加强有色冶金基础研究的建议 710

论铝电解的节能潜力 718

电化学新材料的若干发展前沿 724

能源新材料的若干发展前沿 740

战略金属铍材料的可持续发展 758

第九篇 其他 775

强化烧结法生产氧化铝新工艺的研究与实践 775

氢氧化铝晶粒强度的应力状态分析 784

A New Heat Treatment Processing for TiAl Based Alloy 794

自蔓延高温合成过程中绝热温度的编程计算 805

Study on CuO-BaTiO3 Semiconductor CO2 Sensor 812

纳米TiO2光催化剂的电化学法制备及其表征 824

改性钛阳极对甲醇的电催化作用 832

Preparation of Precursor for Stainless Steel Foam 839

低温热处理以及高能球磨对制备超细氧化铝的影响 849
