机械零件设计 双语教程PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:翟文杰,敖宏瑞主编
- 出 版 社:哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:7560324703
- 页数:173 页
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 The Meaning of Design 1
1.2 Design of Mechanical Systems 2
1.3 Design as a Multi-Disciplinary Endeavor 2
1.4 Design of Machine Elements and Role of Failure Prevention Analysis 4
1.5 Fundamental Design Considerations 5
Chapter 2 Fundamentals for Strength Design 7
2.1 Design for Static Strength 7
2.1.1 Factor of Safety 8
2.1.2 Stress Concentration 11
2.2 Fatigue and Cyclic Stresses 13
2.2.1 Fatigue 13
2.2.2 Cyclic Stress 13
2.3 Design for Cyclic Loading 14
2.3.1 Design for Fatigue Stress 15
2.3.2 Design for Finite Life 17
2.4 Failure Criteria and Modes of Mechanical Failure 18
Chapter 3 Introduction to Tribology 21
3.1 Friction 21
3.2 Wear 22
3.2.1 Adhesive Wear 22
3.2.2 Abrasive Wear 23
3.2.3 Fatigue Wear 23
3.3 Lubrication 24
Chapter 4 Power Transmission Shafting,Couplings,Keys and Splines 26
4.1 Uses and Characteristics of Shafting 26
4.2 Potential Failure Modes 27
4.3 Shaft Materials 28
4.4 Design for Static Loads 29
4.5 Reversed Bending and Steady Torsion 30
4.6 Shaft Design Procedure 30
4.7 Couplings,Keys,and Splines 33
4.7.1 Couplings 33
4.7.2 Keys and Splines 37
Chapter 5 Sliding Bearings 42
5.1 Types of Bearings 42
5.2 Uses and Characteristics of Sliding Bearings 42
5.3 Potential Failure Modes 43
5.4 Sliding Bearing Materials 44
5.5 Boundary-Lubricated Bearing Design 44
5.6 Hydrodynamic Bearing Design 46
5.6.1 Lubricant Properties 46
5.6.2 Petroff’s Friction Analysis 48
5.6.3 Hydrodynamic Lubrication Theory—Reynolds Equation 49
5.6.4 Design Considerations in Hydrodynamic Journal Bearings 50
5.6.5 Bearing Performance—An Evaluation Example 52
5.6.6 Optimization Techniques 58
Chapter 6 Rolling Element Bearings 60
6.1 Characteristics of Rolling Element Bearings 60
6.2 Types of Rolling Element Bearings 61
6.3 Potential Failure Modes 63
6.4 Bearing Materials 64
6.5 Bearing Selection 64
6.5.1 Basic Load Ratings 65
6.5.2 Reliability Specifications 66
6.5.3 Suggested Selection Procedure for Steady Loads 66
6.6 Mounting and Enclosure 69
6.6.1 Mounting 69
6.6.2 Preloading 71
6.6.3 Alignment 72
6.6.4 Enclosures 72
Chapter 7 Power Screw Assemblies 76
7.1 Uses and Characteristics of Power Screws 76
7.2 Potential Failure Modes 78
7.3 Materials 78
7.4 The Mechanics of Power Screws 79
7.5 Suggested Power Screw Design Procedure 82
Chapter 8 Threaded Joints 84
8.1 Selection of Joint Type and Fastening Method 84
8.2 Threaded Fasteners 85
8.3 Screw Thread Standards and Terminology 86
8.4 Strength under Static Load 89
8.4.1 Joints Designed without Initial Stress 90
8.4.2 Joints Designed for Axially Loaded Threaded Parts 91
8.4.3 Joints Designed with Initial Stress 91
8.4.4 Joints Designed for Shear-Loaded Threaded Parts 95
8.5 Load Distribution between Threaded Parts in a Group Joint 96
8.6 Tightening and Locking 97
8.6.1 Tightening Torque 97
8.6.2 Locking Methods 98
Chapter 9 Springs 100
9.1 Types and Characteristics of Springs 100
9.2 Potential Failure Modes 101
9.3 Spring Materials 102
9.4 Axially Loaded Helical-Coil Springs;Stress 103
9.5 Deflection and Spring Rate 106
9.6 Buckling Analysis of Helical Compression Springs 108
9.7 Procedure and General Guidelines for Spring Design 109
Chapter 10 Gears 112
10.1 Types of Gears 112
10.2 Potential Failure Modes 114
10.3 Gear Materials and Heat Treatment 116
10.4 Force Analysis for Spur Gears 117
10.5 Stress Analysis and Design for Spur Gears 118
10.5.1 Calculation of Teeth Surface Strength for Spur Gears 118
10.5.2 Calculation of Teeth Bending Strength for Spur Gears 124
10.6 Designing of Helical Gears 130
10.6.1 Load Analysis for Helical Gears 130
10.6.2 Calculation of Teeth Surface Strength for Helical Gears 131
10.6.3 Calculation of Teeth Bending Strength for Helical Gears 131
10.7 Summary of Gear Design 132
10.7.1 Suggested Design Procedure 132
10.7.2 Some Consideration in the Design of Gears 132
10.8 Structural Design of Pinions and Gears 133
10.9 Lubrication 135
Chapter 11 Worm Gears 136
11.1 Worm Gears and Worms;Nomenclature,Materials 136
11.2 Main Parameters and Geometrical Calculations 137
11.3 Force Analysis 140
11.4 Stress Analysis and Design 141
11.5 Structural Design of Worm and Gears 143
11.6 Lubrication and Heat Dissipation 144
11.6.1 Efficiency of Wormset 144
11.6.2 Lubrication and Heat Dissipation 145
Chapter 12 Brakes and Clutches 147
12.1 Types of Brakes and Clutches 147
12.2 Potential Failure Modes and Materials Selection 148
12.3 Basic Concepts for Design of Brakes and Clutches 149
12.4 Band Brakes 150
12.5 Disk Brakes and Clutches 152
Chapter 13 Belt Drives 155
13.1 Characteristics of Belt Drives 155
13.2 Potential Failure and Belt Materials 156
13.3 Flat Belts 157
13.4 V-Belts 159
13.5 Synchronous Belts 166
Appendix 168
References 173
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