- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)Clifford E. Landers著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2008
- ISBN:9787544608244
- 页数:214 页
The Fundamentals 3
Why Literary Translation? 3
“Night Drive,"by Rubem Fonseca 3
The uniqueness of literary translation 7
An ephemeral art 10
Getting started 13
How many languages? 13
Submissions:a primer 17
Coping with bad reviews 23
Preparing to translate 27
Down to work 30
Permissions 31
Staying on track 35
A day in the life of a literary translator 38
Stages of translation 45
Techniques of Translation 49
Decisions at the outset 49
Fluency and transparency 49
The author-translator-reader triangle 50
'Targeteers'and'sourcerers' 51
Resistance 52
Word by word or thought by thought? 54
Adaptation or translation? 55
Register and tone 59
Using tone in translation 67
What literary translators really translate 72
When not to translate cultural cues 79
The care and feeding of authors 81
The dubious project 85
Face time with the author 86
The hijacked author 88
Style in translation 90
Fiction and footnotes 93
Footnotes 93
Interpolation 94
Omission 95
Some notes on translating poetry 97
To rhyme or not to rhyme? 98
Translating humorous verse 101
Other areas of literary translation 103
Translating non-fiction 103
Translating for the theater 104
Translating children's literature 106
Puns and word play 109
Stalking the treacherous typo(Lapsus calami) 111
The dilemma of dialect 116
Special problems in literary translation 118
English before there was English 118
English with a restricted vocabulary:a case study 122
Working with subtext 126
Indirect translation 130
Pitfalls and how to avoid them 132
Errors of frequency 132
'Landmine'words:hidden traps in translating common vocabulary 133
Change of address:problems of the English vocative 137
The all-important title 140
Title quest:a case study 146
Profanity,prurience,pornography 151
Pornography or'pornography'? 153
The crucial role of revision 159
How many drafts? 159
Final steps 162
Proofreading 162
Grammar checkers 163
Verifying againstthe source language 164
Where to publish 165
Periodicals 165
Commercial presses 165
Small presses 166
Academic presses 166
A word on self-publishing 167
The Working Translator 171
The translator's tools 171
References 171
How to use dictionaries for translation 175
Electronic vs.printed dictionaries 176
Dictionaries on the Internet 178
Workspace and work time 180
Financial matters 184
Taxes 184
Setting a price 187
Other translation-related sources of income 189
Contracts 191
What to include 191
The ? question 193
When contracts aren't honored 194
A final word on literary translation 197
Bibliography 200
Glossary 206
Appendix:Ethical questions in literary translation 210
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