物理 第1册PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:课程教材研究所双语课程教材研究开发中心组编
- 出 版 社:北京:人民教育出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:710715561x
- 页数:252 页
Preface 1
Mechanics 2
Chapter 1 Force 2
Ⅰ Force 3
Ⅱ Gravitational force 4
Ⅲ Elastic force 7
Ⅳ Frictional force 10
Readings Fluid resistance 13
Ⅴ Composition of forces 15
Ⅵ Resolution of force 17
Chapter 2 Rectilinear motion 22
Ⅰ Mechanical motion 23
Ⅱ The relationship between displacement and time 27
Ⅲ Description of speed of motion Velocity 29
Readings How to understand instantaneous velocity 30
Ⅳ The relationship between velocity and time 32
Ⅴ Description of the change of velocity Acceleration 34
Ⅵ Laws of uniform variable rectilinear motion 36
Readings An alternative derivation of the displacement equation 38
Ⅶ Application of the laws of uniform variable rectilinear motion 40
Ⅷ Free-fall motion 43
Readings How Galileo studied free-fall motion 46
Chapter 3 Newton's laws of motion 52
Ⅰ Newton s first law 53
Readings Einstein talked about the contributions of Galileo 55
Ⅱ Change in state of a motion 57
Ⅲ Newton's second law 59
Ⅳ Newton's third law 64
Ⅴ Unit system of mechanics 66
Ⅵ Application of Newton's laws of motion 68
Readings Measuring mass in a way of dynamics 71
Ⅶ Overweight and weightlessness 72
Readings Weightlessness and space exploitation 74
Ⅷ The inertial and noninertial systems 76
Ⅸ The applicability of Newton's laws of motion 79
Chapter 4 Equilibrium of objects 84
Ⅰ Equilibrium of an object acted on by concurrent forces 85
Ⅱ Application of the equilibrium condition of concurrent forces 86
Ⅲ Equilibrium with a fixed rotational axis 88
Ⅳ Application of the equilibrium condition of moments 91
Readings Kinds of equilibriums Stability 93
Chapter 5 Curvilinear motion 98
Ⅰ Curvilinear motion 99
Ⅱ Composition and resolution of motion 102
Ⅲ Motion of horizontally projected objects 105
Ⅳ Uniform circular motion 110
Ⅴ Centripetal force Centripetal acceleration 113
Readings The derivation of the equation of centripetal acceleration 116
Ⅵ Analysis of practical examples of uniform circular motion 118
Ⅶ Centrifugal phenomenon and its application 120
Chapter 6 The law of universal gravitation 126
Ⅰ Planetary motion 127
Ⅱ The law of universal gravitation 128
Ⅲ The measurement of gravitational constant 131
Ⅳ Applications of the law of universal gravitation in astronomy 133
Ⅴ Artificial satellite Cosmic velocity 134
Readings Black hole 135
Ⅵ Planets,stars,galaxies and the universe 137
Chapter 7 Momentum 142
Ⅰ Impulse and momentum 143
Ⅱ Theorem of momentum 146
Ⅲ The law of conservation of momentum 150
Ⅳ Applications of the law of conservation of momentum 153
Ⅴ Recoil motion Rocket 156
Readings The development of space technology and space flight 159
Chapter 8 Mechanical energy 164
Ⅰ Work 165
Readings Work done by a varying force 168
Ⅱ Power 169
Ⅲ Work and energy 171
Ⅳ Kinetic energy Theorem of kinetic energy 172
Ⅴ Gravitational potential energy 177
Ⅵ The law of conservation of mechanical energy 180
Ⅶ Applications of the law of conservation of mechanical energy 183
Ⅷ Bernoulli's equation 187
Chapter 9 Mechanical vibration 196
Ⅰ Simple harmonic motion 197
Ⅱ Amplitude,period and frequency 200
Ⅲ Graphs of simple harmonic motion 202
Readings Tone and scale 204
Ⅳ Simple pendulum 207
Ⅴ Phase 211
Readings The phase of the moon 214
Ⅵ The energy of simple harmonic motion Damped vibration 214
Ⅶ Forced vibration Resonance 216
Student's experiments 224
Ⅰ Measurement of length 227
Ⅱ Testing the parallelogram rule of force 231
Ⅲ Practice using the dotting timer 232
Ⅳ Analysis of uniform variable rectilinear motion 235
Ⅴ Analysis of projectile motion 238
Ⅵ Testing the law of conservation of momentum 239
Ⅶ Testing the law of conservation of mechanical energy 241
Ⅷ Analysis of the relationship between the elastic force and the stretched length of a spring 243
Ⅸ Measuring gravitational acceleration with a simple pendulum 244
Ⅹ Testing the law of conservation of momentum with the air cushion guide 245
Topic studies 248
1.Experiment:Analysis of the factors influencing sliding friction 249
2.Study report:Mechanical knowledge of a kitchen knife 249
3.Scientific and technical creation:Developing water"rocket" 249
4.Study report:The advantages and disadvantages of wheels held tightly during braking 249
5.Experiment:The relationship between the period of a spring oscillator and the mass of the ball 249
Appendix 250
Ⅰ Système International(SI) 250
Ⅱ Table of some English-Chinese terms 252
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