- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王福祯
- 出 版 社:杭州:浙江大学出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787308074483
- 页数:210 页
A 1
Aaron's beard金丝桃 1
a baker's dozen一打加一,13(个) 1
a bed of roses使人心情愉快的地方、职位、工作等 1
able seaman一等水手 2
A-bomb原子弹 2
above board光明正大的 2
above oneself自命不凡 2
above the salt在上席 2
above water摆脱困境/麻烦&债务 3
absence of mind心不在焉,精神不集中 3
accept the face of偏爱,偏袒 3
Achilles'heel致命的弱点,致命伤 3
acid test严峻的考验,真正的考验 4
act the fool装模作样,装傻 4
act the goat胡闹 4
Adam's apple喉结 4
adult movies色情电影 4
advertise oneself吹嘘自己 5
a fine/good selection of很多,大量 5
African American非洲裔美国人,美国黑人 5
after a fashion勉强,马马虎虎 5
afternoon farmer不守时刻的人,懒汉 6
after the fashion流行的,时髦的 6
against the clock尽快完成 6
all abroad感到莫名其妙,(某事)离谱 6
all Greek to sb.对某人来说一窍不通 7
all the world and hiswife所有的人,人人 7
all thumbs笨手笨脚 7
all told总共,共计 7
all to nothing百分百地,一定 7
all woman最标准的女性,最理想的女性 8
a long distance长途电话 8
American Beauty月月红 8
an arm and a leg一大笔钱 8
and company及其朋友们,及其同事们 8
and what not等东西,诸如 9
a near go幸免于难,极侥幸地逃脱 9
an eight days一星期 9
animal spirits生气,活力 9
another pair of shoes另外一码事,另当别论 9
answer the call of nature解小便 10
anything but根本不是,一点也不 10
a piece of cake很简单的事 10
apple of love西红柿 10
apple polisher马屁精,奉承者 11
April weather喜怒无常 11
around the clock连续一整天,昼夜不停地 11
as blind as a bat判断力差,有眼无珠 11
as clear as mud极难理解的 12
as good as gold很乖,很听话 12
as high as a kite烂醉如泥 12
ask for it自找麻烦,自讨苦吃 12
ask for one's cards要求辞职 12
ask for the floor要求发言 13
ask me another我不知道 13
as like as not很可能,大概 13
as likely as not多半,说不定 13
a small fortune许多钱,一大笔钱 13
as merry as a cricket非常开心 14
as nice as they come极好的 14
as nutty as a fruitcake脑子有毛病,精神不正常 14
as plain as the nose on one's face一目了然 15
as safe as houses非常安全 15
ass in lion's skin原形毕露 15
as soon as not宁可 16
as the crow flies笔直地 16
as thick as thieves亲密无间 16
athlete's foot脚癣,香港脚 16
at one's expense捉弄某人 16
at sea茫然,不知所措 17
at sixes and sevens乱七八糟,一团糟 17
at table进餐 17
at the eleventh hour最后时刻 17
at the end of one's rope山穷水尽,处于绝境 17
at the wheel在驾驶;控制,指挥 18
Aunt Sally设想的对手,众矢之的 18
B 19
baby-kisser为竞选而到处笼络人心的政客 19
baby's breath满天星 19
baby shower婴儿送礼会 19
back to square one前功尽弃,(因失败)从头再来 19
bad apple害群之马,坏蛋 20
bad blood恶感,敌意,仇恨 20
ball and chain老婆 20
banana skin令人尴尬的错误,出洋相 20
bark up the wrong tree不成功的尝试 21
bat a thousand很有成就,非常出色 21
be a fool for无法抵制……的诱惑,对……着迷 21
be a fool to不能和……相比 21
be all ears全神贯注地听,聚精会神地倾听 22
be all in the day's work不足为奇 22
bean counter斤斤计较之人 22
bean feast庆祝会,聚会 22
beat goose双手插在腋下取暖 23
beat one's brains out绞尽脑汁 23
be called to the bar取得律师资格,成为大律师 23
be caught with one's pants down被当场抓住 23
be dead on善于 24
before you could say Jack Robinson一下子,马上 24
behind bars坐牢 24
behind the eight ball受挫,处于困境或不利地位 24
behind time迟到 24
be hot under the collar大发脾气 25
be in the dock在被告席上 25
bell-boy侍者,搬运东西的人 25
bell the cat自告奋勇去冒险,老虎头上拍苍蝇 25
bench player替补队员 26
be out for dust一心想赚钱 26
beside oneself失去控制,得意忘形 26
best boy灯光师主要助手 26
best man伴郎 27
best-seller畅销书;畅销书的作者 27
be taken aback吃一惊,吓一跳 27
bet on the wrong horse希望落空,做了错误估计 27
be to date过时的 27
better half配偶,妻子 28
between grass and hay处于青少年时期 28
between you and me保守秘密 28
big area for tourism旅游胜地 28
big mouth多嘴多舌,嘴巴不严 28
big wheel大亨,大人物 29
big wig要人,大人物 29
bite one's tongue强忍住不说 29
bite the bullet咬紧牙关,忍受痛苦 29
bite the dust阵亡,被打败 30
bite the tongue保持沉默 30
black and blue(受伤后)青一块紫一块的 30
black art妖术,巫术 30
black beast令人讨厌的人或物 30
black coffee不加牛奶或糖的苦咖啡 31
black eye丑事,坏名声 31
black mail勒索信,敲诈勒索 31
black sheep害群之马,败家子 31
black stranger完全陌生的人 31
black widow黑寡妇蜘蛛 32
blind date(由介绍人安排的男女)初次会面 32
blind to the world烂醉 32
blood brother结盟的拜把子兄弟 32
blow hot and cold做事情犹豫不决,反复无常 32
blow one's lid发脾气,勃然大怒 33
blue film/movie黄色电影,色情影片 33
blue Monday沮丧,闷烦 33
blue moon不可能的事 33
blue stocking女学者 33
born on the wrong side of the tracks出身贫寒 34
born with a silver spoon in one's mouth出身富贵,生于富贵之家 34
born yesterday还是个小孩子,乳臭未干 34
bottle shop卖酒的商店 34
bow window罗汉肚,大腹便便的人 35
brain drain人才流失 35
bread and butter生计 35
bread-and-butter letter接受款待后写的感谢信 35
break a butterfly on the wheel小题大做 36
break a leg祝好运 36
break one's duck大逆转 37
break the ice打破僵局,打开话题,打破沉默 37
break the egg in sb.'s pocket打破某人的计划 37
break the news把新闻或情况告诉别人 38
bright and early一大早,很早 38
bright in the eye有醉意,微醉 38
bright lights五光十色的城市生活 38
bring down the house博得全场喝彩 38
bring sb.to book处罚某人,将某人绳之以法 39
brothers in arms战友 39
brown-nose拍马屁 39
build castles in the air想入非非,空中楼阁 39
burn one's boats破釜沉舟,不留后路 40
burn one's fingers吃苦头;亏本 40
burn the earth飞速前进,奔驰 40
bury one's head in the sand逃避现实 40
bus girl餐馆女杂工 41
bush telegraph小道消息 41
busybody好管闲事的人 41
butter fingers笨手笨脚之人 41
butterflies in one's stomach情绪紧张,心里发慌 41
buy it放弃 42
buy one's story同意(看法),相信(说的话) 42
buy sth.for a song用极低的价格买了某物 42
by ear不看乐谱;凭记忆 42
by half太……,过于…… 42
by the ears扭打,争吵 43
by the skin of one's teeth差一点没……,勉强 43
C 44
cabbages and kings各方面的话题 44
call it a day停止活动,不再干下去 44
call sb.names辱骂某人 44
call sb.to the carpet把某人叫来狠狠训斥 44
can not hold a candle to远逊于 45
capital idea好主意 45
car park停车场 45
carry a torch for sb.单相思,迷恋 45
carry coals to Newcastle多此一举,徒劳无功 45
carry the house博得全场喝彩 46
cash cow摇钱树,赢利单位 46
castle in Spain空中楼阁,异想天开 46
cat and dog life争争吵吵的日子 46
cat's paw替死鬼,替罪羔羊 47
cheat the journey排遣旅途的寂寞 47
chew sb.'s ear off教训,训斥 47
chew the fat聊天,闲谈 47
chicken feed小钱,不屑一提的钱 48
chickens come home to roost受到报应,自食其果 48
children's home儿童收容所,儿童福利院 48
child's play轻而易举的事情,简单的东西 48
China merchant做对华贸易的商人 49
China policy(某国的)对华政策 49
China tree楝树 49
choice words尖刻的话,刻薄的话 49
church mouse赤贫的人 50
clean author不露骨地进行色情描写的作家 50
clever horse性情温和的马,温驯的马 50
climb the wall焦躁不安 50
clock watcher总是看钟表等着下班的人 51
cock and bull story荒诞无稽的故事,编造的借口 51
cold shoulder不友善,讨厌 51
common room师生休息室 51
compare notes交换意见,共同探讨 52
confidence man骗子,欺诈者 52
cook one's own goose断送某人的前途 52
cook the books做假账 53
cool hand厚颜无耻的人 53
cost sb.an arm and a leg非常昂贵 53
couch potato终日懒散在家的人 53
count noses清点人数,点名 54
count one's chickens过早得意 54
count one's thumbs消磨时间,打发时间 54
count sheep失眠 54
criminal lawyer刑事律师 54
crocodile tears假哭,假慈悲 55
cry"enough"认输,服输 55
cry for the moon想做不切实际的事 55
cry up大加称赞 55
cry wolf发假警报,忽悠人 55
curtain lecture枕边劝诫 56
cut corners抄近路;开源节流 56
cut no ice不具说服力,不起作用 56
cut one's eyeteeth开始通晓世故,年事渐长 57
cut one's tooth/teeth长牙 57
cut one's wisdom teeth开始懂事,开始识世故 57
cut somebody dead不理睬,装作没有看见 57
D 58
dark horse黑马,爆冷门 58
dark meat鸡腿肉 58
dead president美钞,美元 58
dead shot神枪手 58
dead to the world熟睡,对世事不闻不问 59
dean's list优秀学生名单 59
Dear John letter绝交信,分手信 59
deliver the goods履行诺言,说到做到 59
die in one's boots死于非命,死于工作岗位 60
discover America人们早已知道的事情 60
do for sb.使某人感到疲惫不堪 60
dog days三伏天 60
dog in the manger占着茅坑不拉屎 60
do lunch一起吃午饭 61
donkey's years很长时间,很多年 61
do time坐牢,服刑 61
double Dutch to sb.是某人所不懂的 61
double-talk不知所云地说话 62
double time(付给加班者的)双倍工资 62
drawing room客厅,起居室 62
draw sb.'s eyeteeth杀某人的威风或傲气 63
dress up to the nines穿着盛装,穿得漂漂亮亮地 63
drive someone up the wall烦躁不安 63
dry bread未涂奶油、果酱等的面包 63
dry goods干货;纺织品 63
duck soup轻而易举的事 64
Dutch feast主人先醉的酒宴 64
E 65
ears burn羞得面红耳赤 65
ease nature大便,小便 65
easy money横财,不义之财 65
easy street顺境 65
eat crow认错,被迫认输 66
eat dirt忍辱负重 66
eatdust受辱 66
eat no fish and play the game光明正大,为人可靠 67
eat one's dinner取得律师资格,学法律 67
eat one's head off食量惊人,饭量大 67
eat one's words收回前言,(低头)承认错误 67
eat sb.'s toads拍某人的马屁 68
eat short吃起来松脆,吃起来酥 68
egg apple茄子 68
egg in your beer得寸进尺 68
egg on one's face遭受失败,处境尴尬 69
English disease软骨病 69
enough to make a cat speak与众不同,令人惊讶 69
error of nature天生畸形 69
every man Jack每个人,人人 70
every other每隔;所有其他的 70
every Tom,Dick and Harry普通人,一般人 70
excuse/pardon my French请原谅我讲了脏话 70
F 71
face the music正视现实 71
fair-haired boy工作积极的人;受宠的人 71
fair sex女性,女人 71
fair-weather friend不能共患难的朋友,酒肉朋友 71
familiar talk庸俗的交谈 72
fancy girl妓女,情妇 72
fancy man情夫,靠情妇养活的男人 72
fat chance绝不可能 72
fat farm减肥中心 73
feast one's eyes饱眼福 73
feel empty感觉饿 73
feel funny觉得身体不适 73
feel like a million dollars感觉良好,精力充沛 73
feet of clay致命的弱点 74
fightf ire with fire以其人之道还治其人之身 74
fight like cats and dogs大打出手 74
fill the bill正合需要,解决问题 74
fine gentleman时髦绅士,花花公子 75
fire agun转入另一个话题 75
five metres square25平方米 75
float on air感觉洋洋得意,觉得飘飘然 75
follow one's nose往前直走,凭自己的直觉做某事 76
food for thought发人深思的事 76
for a lark欢乐,嬉戏 76
for all I know我不知道,说不定 76
for a rainy day防止将来缺钱 77
for a song便宜地 77
for love or money在任何情况下,无论如何 77
for one's health无偿地,不取报酬地 78
for the birds无趣&聊的,毫无价值的 78
four hundred(某一地区的)名流 78
free loader不速之客,揩油的人 78
French fires油炸马铃薯条 79
French leave不辞而别,悄悄离开 79
French window落地长窗 79
fresh water淡水 79
frog in one's throat咽喉炎,声音嘶哑 79
from A to Z从头到尾 80
from China to Peru普天下,到处 80
from pillar to post四处碰壁,走投无路 80
from the egg to the apple自始至终 80
front money启动资金,定金 81
full of beans精神饱满,兴高采烈 81
full of hot air(说的话)毫无价值 81
G 82
gay life淫荡的生活 82
gentleman of fortune冒险家,投机分子;海盗 82
gentleman of the press新闻记者 82
German measles风疹 82
get a girl into trouble使女子怀孕 82
get a good lick被打得惨败 83
get ants in one's pants坐立不安,急欲行动 83
get one's cards被辞退,被解雇 83
get one's goat惹某人发火 83
get one's monkey up发怒 84
get the bird被喝倒彩,被解雇 84
get the gate被辞退,被(异性)抛弃 84
get the goose被喝倒彩,被嘘 84
get through with an examination考试结束 85
get up early(in the morning)精明,机警 85
ghost writer黑笔杆,枪手 85
girl Friday得力女助手 85
give a black eye to使丢脸,使丧失信誉 85
give a good account of oneself表现很好 86
give lip顶嘴 86
give one's ears不惜任何代价(得到或做) 86
give one's hand to sb.接受某人的求婚 86
give one's pigs不惜任何代价 87
give sb.the axe解雇某人,开除某人 87
give sb.the elbow排挤,排斥 87
give sb.the lie指责某人说谎 87
give sb.the sack开除某人,解雇某人 87
go a long way大有帮助 88
go bananas变得十分气愤 88
go Dutch(with sb.)各人付各人的账,平摊费用 88
go fly a kite滚开 88
go gay过放荡的生活 88
go like a bomb非常成功 89
good nose嗅觉灵敏 89
good sailor不晕船 89
goose egg零分 89
go to bed in one's boots酩酊大醉 90
go to bed with the chickens睡得非常早 90
go to one's rest死去 90
go to sb.'s heart使某人伤心 90
go to the dogs每况愈下,趋于衰败 90
go to the wall败北,认输,碰壁 91
Greek gift带有阴险目的的礼物 91
green hand新手 91
green man无经验的或未成熟的人 91
green meat新鲜血液,活力 92
gun shy不敢跟以前那样,风声鹤唳 92
H 93
handwriting on the wall不祥之兆 93
have a bad hair day坏心情 93
have a bee in one's bonnet想得入迷,盯住一件事想 93
have a big mouth大声说话,说话毫无顾忌 94
have a bone in one's throat难于启齿 94
have a feeling in one's bone强烈的预感 94
have a fit勃然大怒;大吃一惊 94
have a frog in one's throat嗓子嘶哑了 95
have a game with欺骗,愚弄 95
have an ear for对……有鉴赏力 95
have ants in one's pants坐立不安,急不可耐 95
have a sweet tooth喜欢吃甜食 95
have a wolfin the stomach饿极了,非常饿 96
have egg on one's face丢脸,出丑 96
have eyes bigger than stomach嘴馋 96
have interest with sb.能对某人产生影响 96
have itching ears爱窥探秘密的人,爱打听 97
have legs速度快,有耐力 97
have no opinion of对……印象不好 97
have no use for不能容忍,不喜欢 97
have one's heart in one's mouth心提到嗓子眼了 97
have rabbit ears耳朵尖,爱打听事 98
have the baby生孩子 98
have the edge on胜过,超过 98
have the key of the street无家可归,被关在门外 98
have two left feet极其笨拙 99
have words with sb.与某人吵架 99
help desk网络支持服务 99
hen fruit鸡蛋 99
hen party只有女人参加的聚会 100
high horse趾高气扬,盛气凌人 100
hit below the belt暗箭伤人,不择手段 100
hit home打中要害 101
hit sb.between the eyes给……留下深刻印象 101
hit the bottle酗酒,拼命喝酒 101
hit the ceiling发怒,生气 101
hit the sack去睡觉 101
hold water是真实的,站得住脚的 102
home question击中要害的质问 102
home truth使人难堪的事实 102
horse sense常识,实际知识 102
hot dog热狗,红肠面包 103
hot potato棘手的问题,烫手的山芋 103
hush money堵嘴钱 103
I 104
I dare say(我想)可能,或许 104
if not或者,也可以说 104
if you ask me据我看,在我看来 104
important money大笔的钱 104
in Abraham's bosom安息,死去 105
in a family way怀孕,有喜 105
in black and white白纸黑字,书面的 105
in camera不公开地,秘密地 105
Indian weed烟草 105
in fine feather气色不错 106
in good humour情绪好 106
in good season及早,尽可能早 106
in hot water遇到麻烦事 106
in labour分娩,生孩子 107
in my book在我看来,依我看 107
in one's birthday suit光着身子,一丝不挂 107
in one's blood天生的 107
in plain English直率地,明白地 107
in repair处于良好状态 108
in store即将发生 108
in the altogether赤身裸体 108
in the dumps情绪低落 108
in the final analysis归根到底 108
in the green处于青春期,风华正茂 109
in the pink身体很好 109
in the red亏损,负债 109
in the same boat处境相同 109
in the secret知道内情,了解内情 110
in the swim熟悉内情,跟上形势 110
in train准备就绪 110
invent a story捏造事实,寻找借口 110
J 111
Jack of all trades都懂一点,但没一样精通 111
jam tomorrow许而不予的好东西 111
Jew's ear黑木耳 111
John Hancock亲笔签名 111
jump out of one's skin吓一大跳 112
just any普普通通的 112
K 113
kangaroo court非法法庭 113
keep account of计较 113
keep body and soul together维持生活,挣钱糊口 113
keep early hours早睡,早起 113
keep the wolf from the door使不受饥寒 114
kick in the teeth遭受侮辱,嘲讽 114
kick one's heels久等,空等 114
kick sb.upstairs使某人明升暗降,以晋升为名排斥某人 114
kick the bucker死掉 115
kiss the ground屈服,受屈辱,被打倒 115
know a hawk from a handsaw有常识,有鉴别力 115
know a thing or two见多识广,明白事理 115
know better than很懂得,明白事理(而不至于) 115
know the ropes了解情况,熟悉情况 116
know zip什么也不知道,一无所知 116
L 117
lame duck届满又无法再连任的官员 117
laugh all the way to the bank轻而易举地发大财 117
laugh on the other side of one's face笑脸变哭脸 117
lead sb.a dance使某人疲于奔命;给某人带来麻烦 117
leap in the dark冒险行事,轻举妄动 118
lend an ear to听,注意 118
let George do it让别人去干吧 118
let sleeping dog lie别惹是非 118
let the cat out of the bag无意中泄露秘密 118
lie behind sth.是某事的原因或理由 119
like a dream好极了,非常有效 119
like a duck to water非常喜欢,轻而易举 119
like anything非常,及其 119
like forty非常厉害地,猛烈地 119
lion and the mouse小人物有时也起大作用 120
live in the past按旧章程办事,因循守旧 120
live like a fighting cock养尊处优,过得舒服 120
live on one's own fat吃老本 121
live under the cat's foot惧内,怕老婆 121
long distance长途电话 121
long family多子女的家庭 121
long figure高价 121
long in the tooth年纪大 122
look a gift horse in the mouth吹毛求疵 122
look like a million dollars显得美丽动人,满面春风 122
look out当心 122
look through one's fingers at假装没看见 123
lose one's heart to sb.爱上某人,极其喜欢某人 123
lose one's mind丧失理智,发疯 123
love child私生子 123
M 124
mad as a wet hen怒气冲天 124
mad doctor精神病科医生 124
make a bee line for直奔某地 124
make a bomb(通过做某事)挣大钱 124
make a bundle赢钱,挣大钱 125
make advances to...向……示爱,接近 125
make a hare of愚弄(某人) 125
make a living谋生 125
make a monkey of sb.愚弄某人 125
make a mountain out of a molehill小题大做 126
make an example of sb.惩罚某人以儆他人 126
make an exhibition of oneself出洋相,当众出丑 126
make a pig's ear(out)of sth.把事情办砸,弄得一团糟 126
make a practice of经常进行,养成……习惯 126
make a song and dance大吵大闹,唠唠叨叨 127
make beautiful music和谐地生活 127
make both ends meet使收支平衡 127
make eyes at sb.向某人送秋波 127
make harbor进港停泊 127
make one's blood boil使某人发怒 128
make sheep's eyes at向……送秋波 128
make shift凑合 128
make talk闲谈,无话找话说 128
make the bed铺床 129
make waves捣蛋,兴风作浪 129
mall rat经常到购物中心的人 129
man and boy从小到大,从儿童时代以来 129
man for all seasons博学多才、适应性强的人 129
man Friday忠诚的助手,得力的助手 130
man in a million一个非常出色的人 130
man in the street普通人,老百姓 130
man of letters文学家,学者 130
man of one's word守信的人,说话算数的人 131
man of the right kidney脾气好的人 131
man of war军舰 131
mare's nest海市蜃楼,镜花水月 131
marry a fortune和有钱的女人结婚 131
marry with the left hand与门第比自己低的人结婚 132
medicine man巫医 132
meet(one's)Waterloo受毁灭性打击,灭顶之灾 132
memory like an elephant's记性好 132
mend one's fences争取人缘,修好(关系) 133
merchant of death军火商 133
milk and honey丰富的享受 133
mind one's eye小心,当心 133
mind your p's and q's谨慎小心 133
money burns a hole in one's pocket急于把钱花掉,有钱就想花 134
Mongolian idiocy先天性白痴 134
monkey business胡闹,欺骗,恶作剧 134
monkey suits军服,警服 135
more often than not经常,常常 135
morning glory牵牛花 135
mother hen婆婆妈妈的人 135
motor mouth滔滔不绝 136
mouse potato电脑迷 136
move heaven and earth想方设法,竭尽全力 136
Mr.Right白马王子,意中人 136
mud in your eye祝你好运 137
multiply the earth生儿育女 137
my cup of tea我的最爱,我喜欢的人&物 137
N 138
nature calls去厕所 138
near thing极危险的事,死里逃生的事 138
neither fish nor fowl非驴非马,不伦不类 138
nest egg储备金,(为养老、应变等用的)储蓄 138
never say die别灰心,别气馁 139
nice and...挺,很,非常 139
night man掏粪工 139
night owl夜游神,夜猫子 140
night soil大粪 140
nine-day wonder昙花一现 140
no joke认真的事,不容易的事 140
none the worse不因……而变得更糟……坏 140
no picnic不是轻松的事 141
nose of wax没有主见 141
no skin off nose于己无关,满不在乎 141
not a bit一点也不 142
not a few很多,相当多,不少 142
not a little许多;很 142
not all there(某人的行为表现)很奇怪,很傻 142
not begin to do sth.根本不,一点也不 143
not dry behind the ears缺乏经验,乳臭未干 143
not for one's health有一定目的 143
not half bad一点也不坏,好极了 143
not have a leg to stand on理屈词穷 144
nothing if not很,极其 144
not know...from Adam根本不认识…… 144
not so hot不太杰出 144
not that I/we know of据我(们)所知并非如此 144
not to say甚至,简直,几乎 145
not turn a hair面不改色,不动声色 145
not worth one's salt不值得,不称职 146
O 147
of age成年 147
oil one's tongue说奉承话,谄媚 147
on a good note尽欢而散 147
once in a blue moon难得有一次,极罕见 147
on deck在眼前,即将到来 147
on easy street生活富足,顺境 148
on edge紧张不安,烦躁 148
one fine day突然有一天 148
one hundred and one很多,许多 148
one's ewe lamb珍爱的东西 148
on St Tib's eve永远不,决不会 149
on the ball做事内行;机警的;有见识的 149
on the bottle爱喝酒,贪杯 149
on the carpet在考虑中;受训斥 149
on the edge of my seat专心地听或看 149
on the fence抱骑墙态度,保持中立 150
on the right side of不到……,比……小 150
on the square公平,诚实 150
out of...收你……钱 150
out of the picture(某人)已经不在了 151
out of the question不值得考虑,不可能 151
out of thin air无中生有,一派胡言 151
out to lunch心不在焉的,脑子出毛病的 151
over my dead body做梦,休想 151
over one's dead body竭力阻止 152
over the edge精神错乱,疯狂 152
owl train夜行火车 152
P 153
paint a clear picture解释某种情况,使更加了解 153
paint the wall red大肆庆祝 153
Pandora's Box祸根,灾祸之源 153
pass the hat募捐,乞讨,要钱 154
pass the time of day寒暄,问候,聊一会 154
pay one's address献殷勤 154
pay one's debt to nature死亡 154
pay the earth付出大笔钱 155
pay through the nose付出高价格,被敲竹杠 155
pick up the check付账 155
pie in the sky空想,空头支票,水中月 156
pink elephants(因饮酒过量而产生的)幻觉 156
pink lady红粉佳人鸡尾酒 156
pipe dream白日梦,空话,泡影 156
play both ends against the middle坐享渔翁之利 157
play dumb装傻 157
play it by ear即席做,随机应变 157
play possum假装死 158
play the fox行为狡猾 158
play the peacock炫耀 158
polish the apple拍马屁,讨好 158
political animal善于搞政治的人 159
poor as a church mouse一文不名,一贫如洗 159
pop the question求婚 159
powder room(妇女用的)化妆间 159
private office厕所 159
pull one's leg戏弄,取笑 160
pull one's socks up振作起来 160
pull(the)strings幕后牵线,幕后操纵 160
put all one's eggs in one basket孤注一掷 160
put on airs摆架子,盛气凌人 161
put on a white sheet当众悔过,当众认错 161
put one's foot in one's mouth祸从口出,做错事 161
put on the map名扬四海 161
put...to bed把……付印 162
put up the sword讲和 162
R 163
rabbit food凉拌菜,生菜 163
rain cats and dogs下倾盆大雨 163
rain check改期举行,日后进行 163
rain maker能赚钱的人 163
read sb.a lecture训斥某人一顿 164
read sb.like a book对某人一目了然 164
real estate房产,不动产 164
red-letter day重要的日子,纪念日 164
red news最新新闻 164
red tape繁琐手续,官僚习气 165
report sb.告发某人 165
rise to the fly上当,中圈套 165
rise with the lark早起 165
rob Peter to pay Paul拆东墙补西墙 166
rob the cradle老牛吃嫩草 166
rosy in the garden十分美好,称心如意 166
rubber check空头支票 166
rubber neck窥探别人隐私的人 166
rush one's fences胡来,鲁莽行事 167
Russian olive沙枣 167
S 168
sail under false colors欺世盗名 168
sail before the mast普通船员 168
salad days青年时代 168
save one's bacon免遭损伤 168
save one's life无论多么努力 168
say uncle服输,求饶,投降 169
sb.'s cup of tea配某人胃口的东西 169
second-storey man夜盗 169
second to none最好的,首屈一指的 169
see a wolf张口结舌 170
see eye to eye看法完全一致 170
see red怒不可遏,火冒三丈 170
see sb.through帮助某人渡过难关 170
see stars眼冒金星 170
see the elephant开眼界,长见识 171
see the light领悟(某事),明白(真相) 171
send in one's jacket辞职 171
set the Thames on fire做出惊人之事而一举成名 171
set the world on fire一举成名 171
set up a straw man提出一个站不住脚的假设 172
shoot one's mouth off吹牛,夸口 172
show a face不示弱,公然反抗 172
show one's teeth做出威胁的姿态,发怒 173
show sb.the door对某人下逐客令 173
show the white feather表现懦弱或胆怯 173
sing like a bird招供,坦白罪行 173
sit at sb.'s feet做某人的弟子 173
sit up and take notice大吃一惊 174
skeleton in the cupboard家丑,隐私 174
sleep late晚起,睡懒觉 174
sleep on both ears酣睡,熟睡 174
smell a rat感到事情不对劲,觉得可疑 174
smoking gun犯罪的证据 175
snake in the grass伪装成朋友的人 175
soft soap劝诱,灌米汤的做法 175
some few相当多,好多 175
son of a gun棘手的事情 176
Spanish athlete爱吹牛的人,胡说八道的家伙 176
speak/talk of the devil谈到某人时某人刚好出现 178
spill the beans泄露秘密 178
spoil the Egyptian夺取有钱有势者的财物 178
stand treat做东,请客,付钱 179
stand up to(sth./sb.)反对,抵制 179
stars in one's eyes迫不及待 179
start a family生第一个孩子 179
stop on a dime刹车特别灵 180
storm in a teacup小题大做 180
straight arrow正人君子 180
straw boss副领班,副工头 180
straw in the wind迹象,苗头 181
street girl妓女 181
street smarts随机应变的能力 181
strong stomach不感到恶心 181
such as it is/was尽管不怎么好 182
Sunday driver偶尔开车的司机,危险的司机 182
surface mail普通邮件,水陆路邮件 182
swallow the anchor脱离航海生活 183
swan song最后一次演出,告别演出 183
sweet talk拍马,奉承,甜言蜜语 183
sweet water淡水,饮用水 183
T 185
take a bath赔钱,亏本 185
take a chance冒险 185
take a leaf from sb.'s book学某人的样子 185
take one's medicine忍受不愉快之事 185
take rest就寝 185
take sb.for a ride欺骗某人;带某人到某地把他处死 186
take sb.to task责备某人,申斥某人 186
take sb.to the cleaners使人囊空如洗 186
take the bear by the tooth不必要的冒险 186
take the Fifth避而不答,拒绝回答 186
take the floor开始跳舞 187
take the words out of sb.'s mouth说出某人要说的话 187
talk horse吹牛,说大话 187
talk nineteen to the dozen唠唠叨叨,喋喋不休 187
talk shop说行话,讲专业术语 188
talk turkey坦率地交谈,谈正经事 188
teach a fish how to swim班门弄斧 188
teach sb.a lesson教训某人 188
tell its own tale不言而喻,显而易见 189
tell tales out of school揭人隐私,背后讲坏话 189
ten-minute man个人奋斗者;油嘴滑舌糊弄人的人 189
ten to one很可能,非常有可能 189
the apple of discord争斗的原因或根源 190
the apple of one's eye某人心爱的人,某人的掌上明珠 190
the Big Apple纽约市 190
the birds and the bees两性关系的常识 190
the cat gets one's tongue因害羞或紧张而说不出话 191
the daddy of them all创始人,开拓者 191
the father and mother of a...非常大的,十分剧烈的 191
the great enemy死亡 191
the last straw忍无可忍 192
the lion's share最大的份额 192
the Milky Way银河 192
the other day前两天,不久以前 192
the salt of the earth令人敬佩的人,社会中坚 193
the scales fall from sb.'s eyes发觉上当 193
the sheep and the goats好人与坏人;笨蛋与聪明人 193
the state of the art最先进的水平 193
the turn of the wheel命运的转变 194
the young idea青少年;小孩的想法 194
the weaker sex女性,女人 194
think better of改变主意,决定不这样做 194
third wheel(不受欢迎的)第三方;第三者 194
three sheets in the wind大醉 195
throw the book at sb.往某人身&头上加罪名,严厉惩罚某人 195
till the ass ascends the ladder绝不可能 195
till the cows come home无限期地 195
Tom,Dick and Harry张三、李四和王五 195
to the bad负债 196
traveler's check无稽之谈 196
travel in blue沉思,冥想 196
tread on eggs如履薄冰,瞻前顾后 196
turn the tables扭转局面,转败为胜 197
turn up one's toes死,去世 197
U 198
Uncle Sam山姆大叔,美国(人) 198
under a cloud被嫌弃,受怀疑 198
under sb.'s skin让某人极不舒服,激怒某人 198
under the influence喝醉酒 199
under the sun全世界 199
under the weather有点小病;微醉 199
V 200
vegetable man贩卖蔬菜的人,蔬菜商 200
W 201
wake a sleeping dog惹是生非 201
walk on air感觉洋洋得意,感到非常高兴 201
walk on eggshells小心谨慎 201
walk the floor坐立不安 201
walk the streets流落街头无家可归;当妓女 202
wash one's dirty linen in public宣扬家丑 202
watch out当心,注意 202
wear the trousers掌权,当家 202
wear two hats身兼两职 203
wet as a drowned rat(湿得)像落汤鸡 203
wet blanket让人扫兴的人,败兴的事 203
wet hen泼妇 203
wet the other eye再喝一杯 203
whistle in the dark嘴上逞强 204
white coal水力资源 204
white coffee加牛奶的咖啡 204
white day吉日 204
white elephant累赘,无用之物 204
white knight救星 205
white lie善意的谎言 205
white man忠实可靠的人 205
white night不眠之夜 205
white war经济战争 206
widow's weeds黑色丧服 206
wild-goose chase徒劳,白费力,做无益的事情 206
will not hear of...不同意,拒绝考虑 206
with a caution正式(口头)警告,训诫 207
with a wet finger毫不费力地 207
with child怀孕 207
with dry eyes无动于衷 207
with luck如果一切顺利的话,如果走运的话 207
with one's tongue in one's cheek说话不算数,说话态度不真诚 208
with young(动物)怀胎 208
woman of the world深通人情世故的女子 208
work double tides昼夜工作 208
work for the dead horse做无报酬的工作 209
would as soon as look at you一转眼就会 209
wring sb.'s hand热情地紧握某人的手 209
Y 210
yellow dirt黄金,金钱 210
yellow streak胆怯,懦弱 210
young blood年轻人;青春活力 210
- 《走出人格陷阱》郑晓斌,徐樟责编;武志红 2020
- 《快乐的陷阱》(加)兰迪·帕特森(RandyJ.Paterson) 2019
- 《自信的陷阱 如何通过有效行动建立持久自信》(澳大利亚)路斯·哈里斯 2019
- 《黑客大揭秘 近源渗透测试》柴坤哲 2020
- 《中国高考揭秘·数学》薛金星主编 2004
- 《思维与陷阱 世界远没有我们以为的那么安全,我们该如何避开隐患=CAREFUL:A USERS GUIDE TO OUR INJURY-PRONE MINDS》(美)史蒂夫·卡斯纳著 2019
- 《并购陷阱》俞铁成著 2020
- 《宇宙行星大揭秘》(西)巴勃罗·马丁·阿维拉 2020
- 《管理陷阱=MYTHS OF MANAGEMENT》(英)斯特凡·斯特恩(Stefan stern) 2019
- 《葛玉宏围棋道场教程 中国流揭秘》韩晗著 2017
- 《中草药识别应用图谱 第3版》冼建春主编;王福强,赫宏伟,倪慧等副主编 2020
- 《甘肃住房和城乡建设发展分析与预测》杨咏中,王福生,何苑 2016
- 《甘肃住房和城乡建设发展分析与预测 2018》杨咏中,王福生,何苑主编 2017
- 《福君壶》王福君编著 2016
- 《口腔助理医师应试指导 2013 2013版》本社专家组编;马国武主编;牛卫东,王福,王东红副主编;孔英,马国武,王如等编写 2013
- 《我的第一本英语语法书》﹝韩﹞朴熙锡著;﹝韩﹞赵良顺绘王福娇译 2013
- 《气井水合物监测与预警》郭小哲,赵志辉,王福升编著 2013
- 《发明奇观》王福康编著 2013
- 《简明医学统计学》王福彦主编 2013
- 《大学计算机实验指导及习题解答》曹成志,宋长龙 2019
- 《浙江海岛植物原色图谱》蒋明,柯世省主编 2019
- 《大学生心理健康与人生发展》王琳责任编辑;(中国)肖宇 2019
- 《大学英语四级考试全真试题 标准模拟 四级》汪开虎主编 2012
- 《大学英语教学的跨文化交际视角研究与创新发展》许丽云,刘枫,尚利明著 2020
- 《复旦大学新闻学院教授学术丛书 新闻实务随想录》刘海贵 2019
- 《大学英语综合教程 1》王佃春,骆敏主编 2015
- 《美丽浙江 2016 法语》浙江省人民政府新闻办公室编 2016
- 《二十五史中的浙江人 24》浙江省地方志编纂委员会编 2005
- 《大学物理简明教程 下 第2版》施卫主编 2020