- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:段良亮著
- 出 版 社:长沙:中南大学出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:7810610325
- 页数:315 页
第—章 欢迎礼仪演说 1
一、概述 1
二、欢迎礼仪演说的一般模式 2
三、事项与技巧 3
四、活用佳句 4
五、欢迎致词范文 7
1.Welcome New Employees 7
2.Welcome the Group of Guests 8
3.A Welcome Speech by the President 8
4.A Welcome Speech by the Leader of a College 10
5.A Welcome Message to Overseas Students 12
6.A Welcome Speech at the Station 13
第二章 欢送致词 16
一、概述 16
二、欢送致词的一般模式 17
三、事项与技巧 18
四、活用佳句 19
五、欢送,告别致词范文 22
1.A Speech at Johnson's Promotion 22
2.A Speech at a Retirement 23
3.See-off Speech to Professor Smith 23
4.Send-off Dr.Harris Who Lectured in China 24
5.A Speech of Farewell—by Abraham Lincoln 25
6.A Toast to the Next Visit 25
7.Farewell Speech:I Wish the Fraternal Chinese People Prosperity and Happiness 26
8.A Speech at the Last Meeting 27
9.Farewell to Our Chinese Friends 28
10.See-off the Graduates 29
11.A Farewell Speech to a Visiting Scholar 31
12.Welcome to the Real World!—by West Smith 31
第三章 庆祝礼仪演说 37
一、概述 37
二、贺词的一般模式 38
三、事项与技巧 39
四、活用佳句 40
五、贺词范文 45
1.A Speech at a Party in Celebration Winning an Oratorical Contest 45
2.A Speech at a Party in Celebration of Winning a Group Title in China University Games 46
3.A Speech at a Party in Celebration of a Success 47
4.A Speech at a Party in Giving Awards 47
5.A Speech after Receiving a Reward as an Advanced Employee 48
6.A Speech at the Opening Ceremony of International Conference on Intellectual Property Rights 49
7.A Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the Forth World Conference on Women 50
8.An Address for the New Year's Coming 53
第四章 国际学术交流会上演讲 57
一、概述 57
二、在国际学术交流会上宣读论文的一般模式 58
三、事项与技巧 59
四、活用佳句 60
五、国际学术交流会上演讲范文 72
1.A Speech by a Chinese Official at an International Conference 72
2.Who is the Greatest Woman of All? 78
3.Language and Science 81
4.The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation 82
5.Difference between the Physiological and the Biochemical Levels 83
6.A Speech at an International Conference 85
7.A Speeeh on the Development of Recent European Union Meeting 89
8.A Speech on Education in Australia 92
第五章 演讲与致词 97
一、概述 97
二、演讲词的一般模式 99
三、事项与技巧 100
四、活用佳句 102
五、演讲实例 106
1.Chairman's Opening Address at a Speech 106
2.Chairman's Closing Address at a Debating 107
3.Birth Control:A World Problem 108
4.Do You Want to Be a Hundred? 109
5.Smoking Is a Bad Habit 110
6.A Paycheck Means More Than Dollars and Cents 111
7.I Can't Stop Working 113
8.People Should Be Made to Love Knowledge and Reading 114
9.Some Ideas about Examinations 115
10.A Speech on the First Visit 117
11.You Can Speak in Public—by John Wolfe 119
第六章 座谈会发言 127
一、概述 127
二、座谈会发言的一般模式 129
三、事项与技巧 129
四、活用佳句 130
五、座谈会发言实例 141
1.Linguistic Characteristics of English 141
2.A Summary 141
3.Chairman's Opening Remarks at a Meeting 142
4.A Speech at a Round-Table Talk 142
5.A Speech Opposing Someone's Opinions 143
6.To Market Our Products in the Overseas Markets 144
7.Our Policy Concerning Personnel Matters 144
8.Joining Us to Work Together 145
9.About Overseas Study Program 146
10.Lsbour Market:Men and Women 146
11.About Our Foreign Language Education Program 147
12.A Speech on the Women Conference 148
第七章 节庆致词 150
一、概述 150
二、节庆致词的一般模式 153
三、事项与技巧 153
四、活用佳句 154
五、节庆致词范文 158
1.A Speech at a New Year's Party 158
2.A Speech at a Year-End Party 159
3.A Speech at Christmas Party 159
4.A Speech by a Toastmaster at a Christmas Party 160
5.Words of Thanks by a Host at an Easter Party 160
6.Words of Thanks by a Guest at a Thanks-Giving Party 161
7.Words of a New Year's Party 162
8.A Speech to Welcoming the New Year 163
第八章 生日庆贺礼仪演说 167
一、概述 167
二、生日庆贺礼仪演说的一般模式 168
三、事项与技巧 169
四、活用佳句 170
五、生日贺词范文 178
1.A Speech at a Friend's Birthday Party 178
2.A Speech at a Boss's Birthday Party 179
3.A Speech at a Foreign Teacher's Birthday Party 179
4.A Speech at a Section Chief's Birthday Party 180
5.Words of Thanks at a Birthday Party 181
第九章 婚礼致词 182
一、概述 182
二、婚礼致词的一般模式 183
三、事项与技巧 183
四、活用佳句 185
五、婚礼致词范文 190
1.To My Dearest Friend 190
2.To a Foreign Friend 191
3.To a Workmate 192
4.To a Bride's Friend 192
5.To His Brother 193
6.A Speech at Marriage Ceremony on Behalf of President 194
7.A Speech at a Wedding Anniversary 194
第十章 校园活动致词 196
一、概述 196
二、校园活动致词的一般模式 197
三、事项与技巧 198
四、活用佳句 199
五、校园活动致词实例 206
1.A Speech at a School Opening Ceremony 206
2.A Few Words by a Graduate at a Reception 207
3.A Speech at an Alumni Association Party 207
4.A Graduation Speech 208
5.A Speech at Mr and Miss Young International Contest 209
6.Chairman's Opening Address at a Speech Contest 210
7.A Speech to the Students at a Lecture-room 210
8.A Speech to the Students at a Classroom 211
9.A Speech to the Students at a Lab 212
10.A Speech to the New Students 213
11.A Speech After Receiving an Award 214
12.A Speech After Receiving an Award by a Three-Good Student 214
13.A Speech After Receiving an Honour 215
第十一章 司仪致词 217
一、概述 217
二、司仪致词欣赏 217
1.司仪致词(The Role of Chairman) 218
(1)介绍演说者 218
(2)请听众提问 219
(3)结束提问 220
(4)闭会演说 221
2.悼词(A Commemorative Speech) 223
(1)Eternal Glory to Mr. James Stitton 223
(2)A Memorial Speech:Abraham Lincoln:The Gettysburg Address 228
(3)Bill Mauldin Goodbye From Willie and Joe 230
(4)Adlai Stevenson There Is a Lonesome Place in the Sky 233
(5)Pete Wilson Eulogy for Former President Richard Nixon 234
(6)Ronald Reagan In Memory of the Challenger Astronauts 241
第十二章 公关礼仪演说欣赏 250
一、概述 250
二、公关礼仪演说欣赏 250
1.Strengthen Coopoeration and Meet New Challenges Together in the New Century 250
2.Work Hand in Hand to Build a Better Future for Asia in the 21st Century 260
3.A Speech at the Fourth World Conference on Women 266
4.Congratulation Speeoh on the 100th Anniversary of Beijing University 269
5.Self-Introduction 272
6.Introduction of a Colleague 274
7.Introduction to a Newly Arrived Teacher 277
8.Welcome to New York 278
9.A Welcome Speech to the Visiting University President 282
10.Response to a Welcome Speech 283
11.Toast at Return Banquet 286
12.A Guest's Speech on His First Visit to China 288
13.Reply to the Toast of the Prosperity of the Firm 289
14.Address at a Company's Anniversary 292
15.Toast to the Health of the Staff 294
16.Donation of a Bronze Statue 296
17.Acceptance of Donation 298
18.Presentation of the Prize 300
19.Acceptance of an AWard 303
20.Chairman's Opening Address at an English Speech Contest 305
21.A Toast to the School 307
22.To the Bride and Bridegroom 308
23.Address at a Salesmen Meeting 310
24.To the Prosperity of the Firm 313
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