养生祛病 返老还童——王松龄气功养生法延缓衰老效应与机理的研究PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:20 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:赵继承
- 出 版 社:
- 出版年份:1997
- 页数:0 页
On Methods 1
1. Quiet Standing Method 1
一、Static Exercise for Vital Energy Cultivating Methods 1
●方法篇● 1
一、静功修炼方法 1
1.傻站法 1
2.傻坐法 3
2. Quiet Sitting Method 3
3. Chuang Zi s Xinzhai Method (Mindfast) 5
3.庄子心斋法 5
4. Chuang Zi s Sitting-and-Forgetting Method 7
4.庄子坐忘法(补肾健脑法) 7
5. Cunsi——The Myperfunction of Self-Imaginative Power 12
5.存思——自我想象力的超常作用 12
6. Tranquil-Mind gong (Kongdan,guangdan) 18
6.清静功(空丹,光丹) 18
7. Song-Ming Method 25
7.守一明法 25
8.炼精化?法(修内丹两种入手方法) 26
8. Energy Converting qi 26
(1)Arch-state sleeping 30
9. Two Methods of Sleeping gong 30
9.睡功两法 30
(1)龙门睡法 30
(2)傻卧法 31
(2)Quiet-horizontal sleeping 31
1.遗精前兆及制遗功法 32
二、动功修炼方法 32
二、Dynamic Exercise for vital Energy Cultivating Methods 32
1. The Omen and Control of Spermalorrhea 32
2. Acrobical Method 35
2.健美采气法 35
3.闭气法与闭气搓手热法 39
3. Closed qi and Hcanng by Rubbing Hands Together 39
4. Blow-Provoking Mcthod 41
4.吐音导引法 41
5. Notes to Eight-Stage jin Hcalth Preservation 50
5.八段锦养生法注释 50
三、Advanced Cultivating Methods 56
1. Xuanguan and Its Effect 56
三、高级修炼方法 56
1.玄关与玄关效应 56
附:玄关之修炼方法 76
Enclosed Herewith Xuanguan Cultivating Method 76
2. Cultivating Xu and Joining with Tao Method (Personal Recognition of Tao) 82
2.炼虚合道法(对“道”的体认) 82
Enclosed Herewith Lao Z:s Moral Classics 101
附:老子《道德经》 101
3. Explanations of the One-Hundred-Character Stella 113
3.百字碑释义 113
4. Brief Explanation of Five Articles About Soul Annotated by Wang chong-yang 126
4.王重阳注《五篇灵文》简释 126
四、论精气神 145
四、On Energy, qi and Soul 145
一、Achievements 157
一、研究成果 157
1.王松龄气功养生法延缓衰老效应与机理的研究 157
Achievements in Scientific Research 157
1. Studies on The Effect and Mechanism of Delaying Getting Old Through Wang song-ling s qigong Heal 157
3.王松龄气功养生法对脑电生理效应的研究 174
3. Influences of Wang song-ling s qigong Health Preservation On Electroencephalo graphic Physiologi 174
2.玄关与玄关效应 174
2. Xuanguan and Its Effect 174
4.修炼王松龄气功养生法老年人血中活性氧自由基的ESR研究 181
4. Wang song -ling s qigong Health Preservation and the ESR of Active Oxydrcn Free Radicals In Old 181
5.修炼王松龄气功养生法老年人发中微量元素的研究——附39例 184
5. Wang song -ling s qigong Health Preservation and Microclements In Aged People s Hair-Enclosed He 184
6.养生气功对血中性激素及过氧化脂质的影响 189
6. Influences of qigong Health preservation Upon Blood Sex Hormone and Peroxide Lipid 189
7. Studies On The Changes of Radioenzymalic Quota in Thoze Ole Benefited From Wang song-ling s qigo 194
7.老年修炼王松龄气功养生法者的放射免疫指标变化的研究 194
8. Influences of Wang song-ling s qigong Health Preservation Upon The Gender of IL2 of TH Cells In 198
8.王松龄气功养生法对老年人TH细胞?产生的影响 201
9.王松龄气功养生法对老年人心血管功能的影响 201
9. Influences of Wang song-ling s qigong Health Preservation Upon Old People s Cardiovascular Facul 201
10. Studies About Mechamism of Wang song-ling s qigong Health Preservation healing Coronory Disease 204
10.王松龄气功养生法治疗冠心病的机理探讨 204
11.《庄子坐忘法》对缓解风心病心衰的探讨 209
11. Probing Into Zhuang Zi s Sitting -and-Forgetting Method Relieving Heart Exhaution of——(风心 209
12.视神经萎缩青少年重见光明有希望——《清静功》治疗青少年视神经萎缩显效4例 213
12.Teenagers Suffering From Optic Atrophy Having Hope To Regain Their Sight 213
13.从王松龄脑ET扫描太极图象试探太极、易经八卦之起源 218
13. Investigating The Origins of The Great Ultimate, The Book of Changes And The Eight Diagrams Thr 218
二、获奖证书 222
1.王松龄著《中国气功的史理法》被评为首届全国优秀医史文献图书及医学工具书银奖 222
二、Prize-winning Certificates 222
1. Wang song-ling s The History And Theory of Chinese qigong was Judged The First Session s Excelle 222
2. Studies On The Effect and Mechanism of Delaying Getting Old Through Wang song-ling s qigong Hea 223
2.《王松龄气功养生法延缓衰老效应与机理的研究》获省(部)级科研成果 223
三、成果鉴定 227
1.《王松龄气功养生法延缓衰老效应与机理的研究》成果 227
1. Studies on The Effect And Mechanism of Delaying Getting Old Through Wng song-ling s qigong Heal 227
三、Achievent Appraisals 227
2. The Major Figure in Experimental research 228
2.参与本课题实验研究的主要单位 228
Postscript 230
后记 230
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