- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张天乾主编
- 出 版 社:天津:南开大学出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787310033256
- 页数:307 页
动词Aabandon desert forsake leave 1
abduct kidnap shanghai 2
abolish annul cancel eliminate 3
accept admit receive take 4
accomplish achieve complete end finish fulfill 5
accompany chaperon escort partner 6
accuse book charge frame 7
acknowledge admit concede confess own 8
acquire get obtain gain 11
add sum total append 12
admire honor respect regard 13
advance progress proceed 14
affect effect influence 15
affect assume feign pretend 16
agree approve comply consent 17
allow let permit promise suffer 18
alter change convert modify revise transform transmute vary 19
announce declare publish proclaim profess pronounce 21
annoy bother disturb plague trouble 23
answer reply respond retort return 25
appreciate enjoy 26
arrive dock get reach 27
argue contend debate discuss dispute moot quarrel quibble squabble wrangle 28
ask inquire/enquire interrogate question 30
ask beg beseech claim demand entreat implore request require 31
attempt endeavor exert offer seek strive try 33
avoid elude escape evade shirk 35
Bbear endure stand tolerate withstand 36
begin commence initiate start 38
blame accuse censure rebuke reproach reprove 39
blend combine compound mix 41
book order reserve subscribe 42
build assemble construct erect establish 43
buy purchase 44
Ccalculate count estimate 45
call visit 46
capture arrest catch seize snatch trap 47
carry bring fetch take transport 48
cease discontinue halt pause stop 49
chat say speak state talk tell whisper 51
cheat deceive defraud swindle trick 53
choose elect pick select 54
climb creep crawl scramble 55
close shut 56
collect gather accumulate assemble congregate 57
compare contrast 59
connect link join unite associate 60
Ddecide determine settle resolve 61
decrease reduce lessen diminish lower 63
defeat conquer overcome 64
destroy damage demolish ruin smash spoil wreck 65
dissolve melt liquefy thaw fuse 68
drag draw pull haul tow 69
Eencircle surround enclose encompass 71
excuse forgive pardon 72
expose reveal discover uncover betray disclose leak 73
Hhappen occur 75
have own possess 76
hurt harm injure wound impair 77
Iignore neglect overlook omit disregard 79
include contain hold 80
increase expand enlarge amplify magnify 81
insist persist adhere stick 83
Jjump hop leap spring skip vault hurdle bound 84
Kkeep maintain preserve reserve retain stay remain conserve store 87
Llead guide direct conduct 89
lift raise elevate hoist heave boost 91
Mmake manufacture construct fashion shape 92
Nnotify inform advise acquaint 94
Oobserve notice perceive 95
Ppersuade convince 96
place put lay set 97
plan intend mean aim propose 98
postpone delay defer put off 100
protect defend guard safeguard 101
Rrefuse decline deny reject 103
release liberate discharge emit 104
remember recall recollect remind 105
rise arise arouse raise rouse 107
Sscare frighten cow terrify 108
secure fasten tie chain 109
see look glance stare watch glare gaze peer eye peek gape peep scan 111
send deliver ship transmit dispatch 114
separate divide 115
shout cry exclaim scream 116
slide slip glide skid 117
spend take 119
spread scatter dispel disperse 119
stretch extend spread lengthen 120
strike hit beat slap flog thump pound 122
substitute replace exchange 124
suppose assume guess conjecture 125
surprise amaze astonish astound dumbfound 126
Tthink know 127
treat cure heal recover remedy mend attend 128
tremble shake quake vibrate oscillate wobble swing sway 130
Uuse employ utilize 133
Vvalue prize treasure cherish 134
Wwake awake waken awaken 135
wish hope expect desire long want 136
名词Aability aptitude capability capacity competence faculty power proficiency 140
abstinence abstention temperance forbearance 142
accident event happening incident 143
account description narration report 144
ache pain agony affliction anguish hurt pang throe 145
achievement accomplishment attainment exploit feat 147
accomplice abettor accessory confederate 148
abundance profusion 149
address lecture speech talk 150
admission admittance entry entrance 151
advantage benefit gain profit 152
adversary antagonist competitor opponent 153
advice counsel opinion proposal recommendation suggestion view 154
affair business matter 155
anger fury indignation rage wrath 156
animal beast brute creature 157
answer acknowledgement explanation retort riposte solution 158
area belt district region zone 160
army force services troops 161
article composition essay paper thesis treatise 162
Bbaby child infant 164
base basis bottom foundation ground 164
belief confidence conviction faith trust 166
bloom blossom flower 167
boat canoe craft ship vessel yacht 168
border boundary frontier 169
business commerce trade 170
Ccause reason 171
center/centre core middle heart nucleus 172
character disposition individuality nature temperament 173
city capital metropolis town 175
clergyman minister parson priest vicar chaplain 176
climate weather 177
clothes apparel clothing costume dress 178
coach instructor trainer 179
college institute university 180
company corporation firm 181
custom habit 182
Ddisease illness sickness complaint 183
Eemotion feeling passion 184
example instance case illustration 185
Ffactory plant mill yard studio works workshop refinery 186
failure breakdown collapse bankruptcy 188
fright fear alarm dread terror panic 189
Hhome house family 191
Iinquiry/enquiry investigation probe 192
Kkind sort type category breed species 193
Mmeeting conference assembly congress convention council gathering 195
mistake error fault wrong 197
Ppainting picture drawing illustration portrait sketch 199
practice exercise drill training 200
price cost expense charge 202
Qquality property 203
Rrate ratio proportion scale 203
Ssalary pay wage earnings fee pension 205
standard criterion norm code specification 207
strength power energy force might vigor 209
summary abstract outline digest gist 210
Ttable form return record register programme/schedule statement list slip 212
thought idea notion concept impression 214
tool instrument appliance implement device utensil 216
travel journey trip voyage tour 217
Uuniverse space cosmos 219
Vview scene scenery sight 220
Wwoman female lady 221
形容词Aaccurate correct exact precise right true 223
adequate ample enough satisfactory sufficient 225
adult mature ripe 226
afraid scared timid 227
alone desolate forlorn lone lonely lonesome solitary 228
anxious eager keen 230
artificial fake false man-made synthetic 231
Bbad evil ill wicked wrong 232
beautiful exquisite fair good-looking gorgeous handsome lovely pretty 233
big ample bulky large great giant gigantic 235
blunt curt short terse 237
brave bold courageous fearless heroic 238
broad extensive wide 239
Ccalm cool peaceful quiet silent still 240
careful cautious conscientious 242
certain sure confident positive 243
cheap inexpensive 245
clean hygienic immaculate spotless 245
clear distinct evident obvious plain 246
clever brainy bright brilliant ingenious intelligent wise 247
close near 249
continual continuous constant 250
contrary opposite contradictory 251
Ddeep profound abstruse 252
depressed sad unhappy sorrowful downcast melancholy mournful 253
Eefficient effective effectual 255
electric electrical 256
empty blank hollow vacant deserted 257
especial special 258
excited anxious enthusiastic eager impatient 259
Ffamous distinguished renowned noted celebrated eminent notorious 260
farther further 262
fast rapid quick hasty sudden instant swift speedy hurried 263
foolish silly stupid 265
Ggeneral common ordinary universal usual 266
Hhard tough stiff rigid 268
healthy healthful sound robust wholesome 269
huge enormous immense tremendous vast 270
Iill sick unwell 272
interesting fascinating absorbing 273
Llive alive living 274
Pperfect complete 275
proud conceited haughty 276
Rrough rude coarse 276
Ssmall little tiny minute 278
strange odd fantastic queer peculiar 279
Ttall high lofty 281
true real actual authentic genuine 282
Wwet damp moist dank humid 284
worth worthy worthwhile 285
副词Aabout almost approximately nearly 287
ago before 288
always frequently often repeatedly regularly 289
fairly rather quite 290
Hhardly barely scarcely 292
Ssometime sometimes 294
介词Aacross over through beyond 296
among amid/amidst between 297
Bbelow beneath down under 298
besides except except for except that 299
Llike as 301
代词Aanother other 302
连词Iif whether 304
Uuntil till 306
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