《牛津英语教师宝库》合作版前言 1
The author and series editor 4
导读 前言 5
Foreword 6
导读 引论 9
Introduction 11
导读 使用建议 19
How to use this book 24
第一部分 集体的组建 33
Section A:Forming the group 34
导读一 打破尴尬局面:第一周的准备活动 36
1 Breaking the ice:warm-up activities for the first week of term 37
1.1 Guess my name 37
1.2 Shaking hands 38
1.3 Circles 39
1.4 My home town 39
1.5 Group skills 40
1.6 Family statistics 40
1.7 Forfeits 42
导读二 谈谈语言学习:个人的学习方式与班级的教学模式 44
2 Thinking about language:individual learning styles and group strategies 45
2.1 What kind of person are you? 46
2.2 What kind of language learner are you? 47
2.3 Experience and expectations 49
导读三 谈谈班级:班级的集体力量与个人的贡献 51
3 Thinking about groups:group strengths,individual contributions 52
3.1 Thinking about groups 52
3.2 Contributing to a group 53
3.3 Roles in groups 55
第二部分 维系集体 59
Section B:Maintaining the group 60
导读四 减少分歧:统一观点的活动 61
4 Bridging gaps:opinion-and value-bridging activities 62
4.1 One world 63
4.2 The Flat Earth Society 64
4.3 What's so special about us? 64
4.4 Elemental passions 65
4.5 Happy families 66
4.6 The Smelly-foot Tribe 66
4.7 Predicting similarities 67
导读五 多接触多交谈:重新安排座位和找人交谈的活动 68
5 Maintaining fluidity:reseating and m?lée games 69
5.1 Seating plan 70
5.2 Changing places 71
5.3 Airport lounge 72
5.4 Stations 73
5.5 Picture sections 74
5.6 Invitations 75
导读六 相互了解:人本主义和情景化的语法练习 76
6 Getting to know each other:humanistic exercises and personalized grammar 77
6.2 How often? 78
6.1 What are they up to now? 78
6.3 Past confessions 79
6.4 Class records 81
6.5 Magic moments 82
6.6 Group predictions 83
导读七 按你的方法做:移情活动 84
7 I did it your way:empathy activities 85
7.1 I am you 86
7.2 If I were you 87
7.4 How did it feel? 88
7.3 Ghostwriters 88
7.5 A day in your life 90
导读八 归属感:集体意识活动 91
8 A sense of belonging:whole group identity activities 92
8.1 Group history 93
8.2 Group profile 94
8.3 Rainy Sunday Shock Horror:a group newspaper 96
8.4 Group portrait with melon 97
8.5 Group advert 98
8.6 One big family 99
导读九 建立信任:建立信任和信心的活动 100
9 Establishing trust:trust-and confidence-building activities 101
9.1 Falling 102
9.2 Blind trust 102
9.3 Look after it for me 103
9.4 Promises promises 105
9.5 Silly walks 105
导读十 鼓励积极的情感 107
10 Staying positive:encouraging positive feelings 108
10.1 I like it when... 109
10.2 My English self 110
10.3 Wanted:the perfect student 111
10.4 Medals 112
10.5 Crazy compliments 113
10.6 Present-giving 114
10.7 The negative feelings dustbin 115
导读十一 集体成就:显示成果的活动 116
11 Group achievements:product-orientated activities 118
11.1 'A partridge in a pear tree':a group song 119
11.2 'Tonight at noon':a group poem 122
11.3 TV News 124
11.4 Travel posters 131
11.5 Group scrapbook 132
导读十二 从小组活动到班级活动:“金字塔”式的讨论、反馈技巧和汇总 134
12 Bringing it together:pyramid discussions,feedback techniques,and summaries 135
12.1 Pyramid discussions 136
12.2 Reporting back 136
12.3 Poster presentations 136
12.5 Instant opinion poll 137
12.6 Storybook 137
12.4 Postbag 137
12.7 Amazing facts 138
导读十三 对班级的热爱:班际竞赛活动 139
13 That patriotic class feeling:inter-class activities and competitions 140
13.1 Inter-class debate 140
13.2 Package tours 141
13.3 Inter-class quiz league 142
13.4 Silly sports 143
13.5 Sketches 144
导读十四 保证人人参与 148
14.1 Interaction mapping 150
14 Ensuring participation 150
14.2 Catching the question 152
14.3 Group scribes 152
14.4 Over to you 153
14.5 Passing the buck 153
导读十五 学会听人说 155
15 Learning to listen 156
15.1 Speaking to a brick wall 156
15.2 Tea and sympathy 158
15.3 Listeners 158
15.4 Bamboo telegraph 159
15.5 Body language and showing interest 160
导读十六 目标意识:制定、评估和再确定目标 163
16 A sense of direction:setting,assessing,and resetting goals 165
16.1 I'm here because... 165
16.2 Visualize it 167
16.3 What do I want? 168
16.4 How I can help you,how you can help me 168
16.5 Have I got what I wanted? 169
16.6 What we've done 169
导读十七 求同存异:取得个人和集体的一致 171
17 Coexistence and compromise:individual wants and frustrations;group solutions 173
17.1 Ideal homes 174
17.2 Win-lose and win-win negotiations 175
17.3 Middlemen 177
17.4 Timetabling priorities 178
17.5 Negotiating the timetable 180
导读十八 难题的处理:班级的问题 181
18 Coping with crisis:some group problems 186
Sources of problems in groups 186
Responding to problems 193
Some strategies for coping with conflict 196
第三部分 班级生活的结束 201
Section C:Ending the group experience 202
导读十九 以积极的态度对待结业 203
19 Ending with positive feelings 204
19.1 Remember when...? 204
19.2 I'll remember them because... 205
19.3 Thank-you presents 205
19.4 Hopes for the future 206
导读二十 班级生活的评估 207
20 Evaluating the group experience 208
20.1 Look how far we've come 208
20.2 Now we can... 208
20.3 Evaluating learning strategies 209
20.4 What's left to do? 210
20.5 The old lags'letter 210
导读二十一 尾声 211
21 Finale 212
Language focus index 215
Further reading 217
- 《课堂上听不到的历史传奇 世界政治军事名人 初中版》顾跃忠等编著 2015
- 《全国校外艺术课堂新形态示范教材系列 少儿钢琴表演曲集》唐冠祥编著 2019
- 《语文第二课堂 平凡的日子》曹文轩 2019
- 《语文第二课堂 未来的路上》曹文轩 2019
- 《高中英语高效课堂的实践与应用》黄玉红,邱少权,张建新主编 2018
- 《行走课堂》张辅良著 2017
- 《英语课堂教学启示录》李蔓著 2018
- 《普通高中语文教师课堂教学决策研究》高玲 2019
- 《课堂行为管理指南》(澳)比尔·罗杰斯 2019
- 《微课、慕课与翻转课堂视频制作一本通》朱定见 2019