环球汉语汉语和中国文化 2 学生用书PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)任友梅,孟德儒编
- 出 版 社:北京:华语教学出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787513804677
- 页数:368 页
Unit Eleven:似曾相识 1
1:Greetings and introductions:Review and expansion 2
FYI Personal relationships in China:Welcome to 关系/關係 2
FYI Titles galore 3
GRAMMAR BITS A little lesson on 了 le 5
2:Building a relationship by exchanging personal details 6
FYI Getting personal 7
FYI“Spelling”in Chinese 9
3:Making a brief narrative statement about yourself 10
Skills and interests 11
Sports 12
GRAMMAR BITS How an action is performed 12
FYI“Arf,arf,meow,meow”now heard increasingly in China 14
4:Asking for and providing information about a third party 16
5:Giving and deflecting compliments 19
6:Taking your leave:Review and expansion 23
Unit Rap 23
7:Reading and writing 24
Reading familiar sentences in Chinese characters 24
GRAMMAR BITS The many faces of de in Chinese 25
Reading real-life texts 29
Learning to write characters 30
Filling out a form 30
CULTURAL BITS Physical characteristics and social expectations 31
Grammar 32
Vocabulary 32
Checklist of“can do”statements 34
Unit Twelve:民以食为天 35
1:Setting up a food-shopping excursion 36
FYI Food shopping in China 37
2:Naming different kinds of fruit 38
GRAMMAR BITS Commenting on the performance of an action:Review and expansion 39
3:Naming food items,flavors,and other characteristics of food 41
Flavors 41
Other qualities 41
Categories of food 42
4:Discussing vegetables 44
GRAMMAR BITS的,the little modifier that could:Review and expansion 46
5:Putting together a meal 49
6:Shopping for food in a supermarket 52
FYI Five foods to live by 53
Unit Rap 54
7:Reading and writing 54
GRAMMAR BITS More on coverbs 54
Reading familiar sentences in Chinese characters 54
GRAMMAR BITS Yet another coverb—把 56
Reading real-life texts 60
Learning to write characters 63
Making a shopping list 63
CULTURAL BITS Shopping for food 63
Grammar 64
Vocabulary 66
Checklist of“can do”statements 68
Unit Thirteen:家常便饭 69
1:Offering and accepting invitations 70
FYI Paying for a meal 71
GRAMMAR BITS Verb+measure word+object 72
GRAMMAR BITS给/給:Review and expansion 75
FYI Gift-giving-送礼物/送禮物 76
2:Declining an invitation 77
3:Arriving at someone's home and starting a meal 78
FYI What to expect in a home-cooked Chinese meal 82
4:Encouraging guests to eat up,toasting,and saying you're full 83
FYI Food and Chinese culture 86
Unit Rap 86
5:Reading and writing 86
Reading familiar sentences in Chinese characters 86
GRAMMAR BITS Adding“flavor”to your Chinese verbs:Review and expansion 90
Reading real-life texts 91
Learning to write characters 95
Writing e-mail messages 95
CULTURAL BITS Eating at the home of a friend 95
Grammar 96
Vocabulary 97
Checklist of“can do”statements 98
Unit Fourteen:味美价廉 99
1:Deciding on a place to eat 100
FYI Regional Chinese cuisines 102
2:Getting seated and ordering drinks 104
GRAMMAR BITS Taking advantage of adverbs 106
FYI A balanced diet through a balanced meal order 108
3:Ordering dishes 108
FYI Chinese menus for the uninitiated 110
4:Ending a meal 112
FYI Eating in a Chinese restaurant 113
Unit Rap 114
5:Reading and writing 114
Reading familiar sentences in Chinese characters 114
Reading real-life texts 119
Learning to write characters 121
Writing a descriptive note 121
CULTURAL BITS Eating in a Chinese restaurant 121
Grammar 122
Vocabulary 122
Checklist of“can do”statements 124
Unit Fifteen:休闲娱乐 125
1:Some leisure activities 126
GRAMMAR BITS Verb complements 128
2:Keeping active during Off-hours 129
FYI Basketball?Sure!But cricket-fighting? 131
3:Planning leisure activities 132
GRAMMAR BITS The many faces of:在vs.再 134
FYI Planned or spontaneous activities? 137
Unit Rap 138
4:Reading and writing 138
Reading familiar sentences in Chinese characters 138
Reading real-life texts 143
Learning to write characters 146
Writing a descriptive note 146
CULTURAL BITS More about daily activities 147
Grammar 147
Vocabulary 148
Checklist of“can do”statements 150
Unit Sixteen:好好学习,天天向上 151
1:Discussing levels of schooling 152
GRAMMAR BITS A note on the verb毕业/畢業(graduate) 155
2:Talking about school subjects and majors 156
FYI High school majors 159
3:Discussing a school schedule 162
GRAMMAR BITS Frequency and duration 164
4:Visiting a campus 166
FYI University dormitories 168
FYI Two“commas”in Chinese 169
Unit Rap 169
5:Reading and writing 170
Reading familiar sentences in Chinese characters 170
FYI Chinese student life 175
Reading real-life texts 176
FYI The imperial examination system:Then and now 178
Learning to write characters 178
Writing a descriptive note 178
CULTURAL BITS School and school schedules 179
Grammar 179
Vocabulary 180
Checklist of“can do”statements 182
Unit Seventeen:金窝银窝不如自己的草窝 183
1:Visiting someone's room 184
GRAMMAR BITS“Feasting”on adverbs 186
2:Recounting memories of a childhood home 187
FYI“Real”language is sometimes really“messy” 190
GRAMMAR BITS“Putting the cart before the horse”:More on把 192
3:Describing modern housing 194
GRAMMAR BITS Saying“very”and really meaning it! 195
FYI From communes to condos 197
Unit Rap 197
4:Reading and writing 198
Reading familiar sentences in Chinese characters 198
Reading real-life texts 202
Learning to write characters 204
Writing a descriptive note 204
CULTURAL BlTS Home Sweet Home 205
Grammar 205
Vocabulary 206
Checklist of“can do”statements 208
Unit Eighteen:车水马龙 209
1:Getting around with help 210
2:Riding a bicycle 213
3:Riding the bus 216
FYI Forget the car;take the bus 219
GRAMMAR BITS Expressing then and now 221
4:Riding the city train or subway 222
FYI Culture and behavior:Queuing up 224
GRAMMAR BITS Flexing sentence muscles 224
Unit Rap 230
5:Reading and writing 230
Reading familiar sentences in Chinese characters 230
Reading real-life texts 236
Learning to write characters 240
Writing a descriptire note 240
CULTURAL BITS Moving around 241
Grammar 241
Vocabulary 243
Checklist of“can do”statements 244
Unit Nineteen:海阔天空 245
1:Talking about seasons and the weather 246
FYI Weather in China 252
2:Planning an excursion 252
FYI Put Xiāngshān on your to-do list 253
GRAMMAR BITS When do you请/請qǐng and when do you叫jiào? 255
FYI Communing with nature 257
3:Going to the beach 258
FYI Chinese on the move 260
4:Traveling internationally 261
FYI Popular media 263
GRAMMAR BITS Showing your“attitude”with modal verbs 264
Unit Rap 268
5:Reading and writing 269
Reading familiar sentences in Chinese characters 269
GRAMMAR BITS Two verbal actions at the same time 272
Reading real-life texts 277
Learning to write characters 279
Writing a descriptive note 279
CULTURAL BITS Weekend excursion 280
Grammar 280
Vocabulary 281
Checklist of“can do”statements 282
Unit Twenty:活到老,学到老 283
1:IS learning Chinese hard? 284
2:Is learning Chinese easy? 286
FYI Learning Chinese in the pastpresentand future 291
3:How the Chinese learn Chinese 291
GRAMMAR BITS The passive voice in Chinese;The imperative in Chinese 293
4:Some tips for continuing to learn Chinese 297
Unit Rap 300
5:Reading and writing 300
Reading familiar sentences in Chinese characters 300
Reading real-life texts 307
FYI Chinese dictionaries 312
Learning to write characters 313
Writing a descriptive note 313
CULTURAL BITS Learning Chinese 313
Grammar 314
Vocabulary 315
Checklist of“can do”statements 317
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