核工程结构完整性 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:涂善东,王正东,薛昌明主编
- 出 版 社:上海:华东理工大学出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9787562831532
- 页数:393 页
Margin between safety and disaster concerned with nuclear power generation entities&G C.Sih 1
Basic modelling of creep deformation&Rolf Sandstrom 17
Defect-based structural integrity in nuclear plants&Kamran Nikbin 19
Facilities and research activities for nuclear engineering in radiation research center of Osaka Prefecture University&Shuichi Okuda et al. 21
Structural integrity issues in nuclear engineering&Shan-Tung Tu 29
Flaw-to-surface proximity rules and fatigue crack growth behavior for transformed surface flaws&Kunio Hasegawa,Yinsheng Li 31
Ductile crack growth simulation of full-scale cracked pipes&Yun-Jae Kim,Jong-Hyun Kim,Nak-Hyun Kim 37
Review and perspective on fracture toughness testing for pressure vessel steels&Xiankui Zhu 39
Finite element analysis on ratcheting strain distribution for pressurized 90°-elbows under cyclic bending&Xiaohui Chen,Xu Chen 51
Some considerations when conducting nuclear power plant structural integrity assessments in the UK&JinhuaShi 57
Fatigue crack initiation and propagation in stainless steel bars under combined cyclic torsion and tension&Huichen Yu,Yanguo Sun,Keisuke Tanaka 59
In-situ observations on local fracture behavior in a dissimilar metal weld joint of nuclear power plant&Haitao Wang,Guozhen Wang,Fu-Zhen Xuan,Changjun Liu,Shan-Tung Tu 65
Nanoindention on proton irradiated A508-3 steel&Qiangmao Wan,Guogang Shu,Rongshan Wang,Hui Ding,Xiao Peng,Chunxu Pan,Yang Li,Qi Zhang,Chuansheng Liu 73
Effect of high temperature on integrity of pressure vessels of nuclear power plant in case of severe unusual accident&Tong Liu,Ke Wang,Qiwu Dong 77
Statistic characteristics of fatigue limit in steels and magnesium alloys&Yoshiharu Mutoh,S.Mohd 83
A numerical fracture mechanics tool to help assess the structural integrity of nuclear power plant components&Chris Timbrell,Ramesh Chandwani,Angelo Maligno,Charly Ma 91
Finite element analysis and experimental study on drop process of steel containers&Caifu Qian,Hong Xu 97
An energy approach to estimate yield strength by small punch testing&Xiaohui Zou,Kaishu Guan,Tong Xu 101
Damage evaluation for an aged turbine rotor material using creep crack growth tests&Ting Ye,Fu-Zhen Xuan,Zhengdong Wang 107
An energy-based model for prediction of fracture toughness using Charpy size'surveillance specimens'&in nuclear power plant&Rui Cheng,Yupeng Cao,Guozhen Wang,Hu Hui,Fu-Zhen Xuan,Zhengdong Wang 113
The exploration of strain aging embrittlement evaluation in metallic materials using indentation test&JieTang,Weiqiang Wang,Mengli Li,Haoyuan Kong,Qiang Shi 121
Fracture toughness and impact strength of SUS630 stainless steel&Defu Nie,Yoshiharu Mutoh 127
Creep behavior and microstructural evolution of P92 steel used in ultra supercritical plants&Xiaofeng Guo,Jianming Gong,Yong Jiang 133
Finite element modeling of creep behavior of porous nickel alloys at the operating conditions of molten carbonate fuel cell&ZhuoHe,Jian Chen,Jianjun He,Jianlin Chen,Yanjie Ren,WeiQiu 139
Prediction of creep rupture property using MHZ constant for 25Cr35Ni steel&Chunhui Liu,Jie Zhao,Congqian Cheng,Lixin Song,Haitao Ma 145
Tensile behavior of a TiAl intermetallic alloy at 750°C based on in-situ observationaltests&Zehui Jiao,Xiping Song,Huichen Yu,Yanguo Sun 149
Prediction methodology of creep performance from stress relaxation measurements&Jinquan Guo,Huichao Shi,Long Tian,Zhanjun Li 157
Corrosion fatigue of tailshaft material in seawater&Shuxin Li,Robert Akid,Shurong Yu 161
The unified model of fatigue crack growth from micro-to macro-scale and its engineering application&Xuesong Tang,Xiaobo Zhang 167
Quantitative inspection of iron contamination on 304 Austenitic stainless steel&Congqian Cheng,Tieshan Cao,Jie Zhao,Guanyu Song 175
Influence of high temperature aging on the carbides of 25Cr35Ni-Nb alloys&Xiaoming Lian,Xuedong Chen,Yunrong Lv,Tao Chen 181
Chemical degradation of elastomeric gasket material in simulated PEM fuel cell environments&Xiaowei Zhang,Jinzhu Tan,Yanchao Xin,Xuejia Hu 187
Limit load analysis of pressure pipe with internal double pits at high temperature&Zhigang Sun,Xiaohua He,Changyu Zhou 193
Characteristics of ?-integral and COD values of transverse crack during rolling process&Jianjun Chen,Yuxi Yan,Hongliang Pan 199
LBB analysis of a dissimilar metal weld joint of pipe-nozzle in nuclear power plant&Nu Gong,Guozhen Wang,Fu-Zhen Xuan,Shan-Tung Tu 205
Welding residual stress and crack driving force for centerhole control rod drive mechanism nozzles in AP1000 RPV head&Zhengjun Gu,Guozhen Wang,Fu-Zhen Xuan,Shan-Tung Tu 213
Fatigue-cracking evolution of material under load action&Jianhua Xiao 221
Research on limit load and defect tolerance for autofrettaged pipes with corrosion&Xing Xin,Jianping Zhao 227
Fatigue life prediction of welded tubular T-joints&Tong Liu,Minshan Liu,Qiwu Dong 233
Influence of environmental conditions on fatigue behavior of a titanium alloy for turbine blade&Yu-Jia Li,Fu-Zhen Xuan,Shan-Tung Tu,Zhengdong Wang 237
Interval sensitivity analysis of fracture failure parameters of titanium pipe with crack&Qiao Dai,Changyu Zhou,Jian Peng,Xiaohua He 243
Notch sensitivity of two materials including TiAl alloys and K418 alloys&R.Cao,H.J.Liu,J.Zhang,J.H.Chen 251
Effect of Sn contamination on fatigue properties of 304 stainless steel&Yan Zhao,Congqian Cheng,Jie Zhao 265
A study on reheat cracking susceptibility of SA543 steel&Huaquan Pu,Xuemei Luo,Wanbo Dou,Xuedong Chen 269
An investigation of intergranular reheat cracking in the weld heat affected zone of TP321H stainless steel&Tao Chen,Xuedong Chen,Zhibin Ai,Xiaoming Lian 275
Quantitative measurement of strain-induced α′-martensite in 06Cr19Ni10 austenitic stainless steel&Weihai Kong,Xuedong Chen,Pengju Guo,Yongchao Yan 283
Influence of geomagnetic field on the spontaneous magnetic signals of ferromagnetic steel during tensile testing&Pengju Guo,Weihe Guan,Xuedong Chen 289
The vibration analysis of steam generator support plates coupled with fluids by integral transformation method&Tong Liu,Qiwu Dong,Minshan Liu 295
Dynamic analysis of supercritical carbon dioxide condenser&Minshan Liu,Jin Xie,Qiwu Dong,Tong Liu 301
Finite element analysis on overall stress variation of the boiler drum of 300MW thermal power unit during the startup process&Jianjun He,Jian Chen,Guang Li,Wenhui Liu,Wei Qiu,Wei Li 307
Finite element analysis of equivalent fracture stress and strain in small punch specimen&Guangzhe Zhang,Kaishu Guan,Hehui Wang,Xu Wang,Yifei Xu 313
Three-dimensional finite element analysis of temperature field and thermal stress of tube sheet in U-tube SG model&Minshan Liu,Ruijie Wang,Qiwu Dong,Tong Liu 319
Numerical simulation of the stress distribution of the components in a single PEM fuel cell&Xuejia Hu,Jinzhu Tan,Xiaowei Zhang,Yanchao Xin 325
Nonlinear dynamic response of piezoelectric cylindrical shell with delamination considering contact effect&Jinhua Yang 331
Pitting of LY12CZ aluminum alloy under corrosion-deformation interactions(CDI)&Sixian Rao,Wei Wei,Xuedong Chen 339
Determination of mechanical properties of laser cladding H13-TiC composite coating&Shengting Gu,Yumei Bao,Guozhong Chai 345
Effect of residual stress on fracture properties of thin films under bending&Xiancheng Zhang,Fu-Zhen Xuan,Zhengdong Wang,Shan-Tung Tu 351
Effect of laser parameters on the mechanical properties of in situ synthesized TiN/Ti3Al composite coatings on Ti6Al4V&Zhengdao Liu,Jinsha Xu,Xiancheng Zhang,Fu-Zhen Xuan,Zhengdong Wang 361
Effectiveness study of the envelope method for coalescing multiple surface cracks&Xiaoyu Liu,Caifu Qian,Huifang Li,Hui Zheng 367
Mode and frequency selections of ultrasonic Lamb waves for creep damage detection in Titanium alloy&JuanYe,Fu-Zhen Xuan,Yanxun Xiang 371
Nd:YAG laser weldability and tensile strength of AZ91D magnesium alloy butt joints&Chunwei Ma,Peng Sun,Peiquan Xu 377
Cyclic asymmetry of a single-crystal nickel-based superalloy&Ying Li,Huichen Yu,Xueren Wu,Yanguo Sun 385
Author index 389
Keywords index 391
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