洛克伍德-格林 成人骨折 第1卷 英文 第8版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:38 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)考特-布朗(Court-Brown M.C.)编
- 出 版 社:北京:北京大学医学出版社
- 出版年份:2016
- ISBN:9787565911378
- 页数:1644 页
Volume 1S 1
1 Biomechanics of Fractures and Fracture Fixation&Mark J.Jo,Allan F.Tencer,and Michael J.Gardner 1
2 Classification of Fractures&Douglas R.Dirschl 43
3 The Epidemiology of Fractures and Dislocations&Charles M.Court-Brown 59
4 Bone and Cartilage Healing&Jesse Slade Shantz,Ralph Marcucio,Hubert T.Kim,and Theodore Miclau Ⅲ 109
5 Biologic and Biophysical Technologies for the Enhancement of Fracture Repair&Eric Wagner,Thomas A.Einhorn,and Sanjeev Kakar 127
6 Principles of Nonoperative Fracture Treatment&Charles M.Court-Brown 155
7 Principles of Internal Fixation&Michael Schütz and Thomas P. Rüedi 195
8 Principles of External Fixation&J.Tracy Watson 227
9 Management of the Multiply Injured Patient&Hans Christoph Pape and Peter V.Giannoudis 307
10 Initial Management of Open Fractures&S.Rajasekaran,A.Devendra,R.Perumal,J.Dheenadhayalan,and S.R.Sundararajan 353
11 Gunshot and Wartime Injuries&Paul J.Dougherty,Romney C.Andersen,and Soheil Najibi 397
12 Principles of Mangled Extremity Management&Sarina K.Sinclair and Erik N.Kubiak 429
13 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder&Thomas Moore,Jr.,Carol North,and Adam Starr 453
14 Amputations&William J.J.Ertl 459
15 Bone and Soft Tissue Reconstruction&Harvey Chim,Steven L.Moran,and Alexander Y.Shin 473
16 Outcome Studies in Trauma&Mohit Bhandari 517
17 Imaging Considerations in Orthopedic Trauma&Andrew H.Schmidt and Kerry M.Kallas 541
18 Computer-Aided Orthopedic Surgery in Skeletal Trauma&Meir Liebergall,Rami Mosheiff,and Leo Joskowicz 575
19 Osteoporosis&Stuart H.Ralston 609
20 Fractures in The Elderly Patient&Nicholas D.Clement and Leela C.Biant 621
21 Stress Fractures&Timothy L.Miller and Christopher C.Kaeding 651
22 Pathologic Fractures&Rajiv Rajani and Robert T.Quinn 667
23 Periprosthetic Fractures&William M.Ricci 691
24 Venous Thromboembolic Disease in Patients with Skeletal Trauma&Robert Probe and David Ciceri 767
25 Complex Regional Pain Syndrome&Roger M.Atkins 779
26 Orthopedic Infections and Osteomyelitis&Bruce H.Ziran,Wade R.Smith,and Nalini Rao 793
27 Principles of Nonunion Treatment&William M.Ricci and Brett Bolhofner 827
28 Principles of Malunions&Mark R.Brinker and Daniel P.O'Connor 869
29 Acute Compartment Syndrome&Margaret M.McQueen 895
30 Hand Fractures and Dislocations&Mark H.Henry 915
31 Carpus Fractures and Dislocations&Andrew D.Duckworth and David Ring 991
32 Fractures of the Distal Radius and Ulna&Margaret M.McQueen 1057
33 Diaphyseal Fractures of the Radius and Ulna&Philipp N.Streubel and Rodrigo F.Pesántez 1121
34 Elbow Fractures and Dislocations&Daphne M.Beingessner,J.Whitcomb Pollock,and Graham J.W.King 1179
35 Distal Humerus Fractures&George S.Athwal 1229
36 Humeral Shaft Fractures&Christos Garnavos 1287
37 Proximal Humeral Fractures&Philipp N.Streubel,Joaquin Sanchez-Sotelo,and Scott P.Steinmann 1341
38 Clavicle Fractures&Michael D.McKee 1427
39 Scapular Fractures&Jan Barton?ek 1475
40 Glenohumeral Instability&Andrew Jawa and Eric T.Ricchetti 1503
41 Acromioclavicular Joint Injuries&Cory Edgar,Anthony DeGiacomo,Mark J.Lemos,and Augustus D.Mazzocca 1573
42 Injuries to the Sternoclavicular Joint&Anil K.Dutta,Aaron J.Bois,Michael A.Wirth,and Charles A.Rockwood,Jr 1607
Volume 2 1645
43 Principles of Spine Trauma Care&Adewale O.Adeniran,Adam M.Pearson,and Sohail K.Mirza 1645
44 Cervical Spine Fractures and Dislocations&Andrew J.Schoenfeld and Christopher M.Bono 1677
45 Thoracolumbar Spine Fractures and Dislocations&Christopher K.Kepler and Alexander R.Vaccaro 1757
46 Pelvic Ring Fractures&Animesh Agarwal 1795
47 Acetabulum Fractures&Berton R.Moed and Mark C.Reilly 1891
48 Hip Dislocations and Fractures of the Femoral Head&Michael S.Kain and Paul Tornetta Ⅲ 1983
49 Femoral Neck Fractures&John F.Keating 2031
50 Intertrochanteric Fractures of the Hip&Thomas A.Russell 2075
51 Subtrochanteric Femur Fractures&Adam A.Sassoon,Joshua Langford,and George J.Haidukewych 2131
52 Femoral Shaft Fractures&Sean E.Nork 2149
53 Distal Femur Fractures&Cory A.Collinge and Donald A.Wiss 2229
54 Patella Fractures and Extensor Mechanism Injuries&J.Stuart Melvin and Madhav A.Karunakar 2269
55 Tibial Plateau Fractures&J.L.Marsh and Matthew D.Karam 2303
56 Knee Dislocations&Daniel B.Whelan and Bruce A.Levy 2369
57 Tibia and Fibula Shaft Fractures&Christina Boulton and Robert V.O'Toole 2415
58 Pilon Fractures&David P.Barei 2473
59 Ankle Fractures&Timothy O.White and Kate E.Bugler 2541
60 Fractures and Dislocations of the Talus&David W.Sanders 2593
61 Calcaneus Fractures&Michael P.Clare and Roy W.Sanders 2639
62 Fractures and Dislocations of the Midfoot and Forefoot&Thomas A.Schildhauer,Marlon O.Coulibaly,and Martin F.Hoffmann 2689
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