Aerospace MedicinePDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Maj.Gen.Harry G.Armstrong
- 出 版 社:The Williams & Wilkins Company
- 出版年份:1960
- 页数:633 页
1.Historical 1
2.General Physical Examination 18
3.Eye Examination 32
4.Cardiovascular Examination 56
5.Ear,Nose and Throat Examination 61
6.Neuropsychic Examination 66
7.Psychologic Methods of Air Crew Selection 74
8.The Atmosphere 109
9.Altitude Sickness 120
10.Breathing Oxygen 143
11.Aerotitis Media and Aerosinusitis 162
12.Decompression Sickness 175
13.Medical Aspects of Pressurized Equipment 189
14.Air Sickness 219
15.Vertigo and Related States 225
16.Effects of Radial and Angular Accelerations 238
17.Effects of Linear Accelerations 263
18.Effects of Acoustic Energy 284
19.Temperature Stresses 324
20.Escape,Survival and Rescue 345
21.Aviation Ophthalmology 401
22.Cardiovascular Considerations 415
23.Neuropsychiatry in Aviation 443
24.Aviation Dentistry 467
25.Toxicology in Aviation 477
26.Aircrew Maintenance 507
27.Civil Aviation Medicine 530
28.Aeromedical Evacuation 548
29.Aerial Hygiene and Sanitation 557
30.Aircraft Accidents 582
31.Space Medicine 595
32.Planetary Atmospheres 616
Author Index 621
Subject Index 623
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