Metabolic Pathways Volume IIPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:22 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:David M.Greenberg
- 出 版 社:Academic Press Inc.
- 出版年份:1961
- 页数:814 页
13.Nitrogen Metabolism of Amino Acids&by P.P.COHEN AND H.J.SALLACH 1
Ⅰ.Scope 1
Ⅱ.Deamination 2
Ⅲ.Deamidation 37
Ⅳ.Transamination 42
Ⅴ.Amino Acid Racemases 52
Ⅵ.Urea Biosynthesis and Related Systems 53
Ⅶ.Summary Remarks 63
Addendum 65
References 66
14.Carbon Catabolism of Amino Acids&by DAVID M.GREBNBERG 79
Ⅰ.Scope of the Chapter 80
Ⅱ.Amino Acids Linked with the Citric Acid Cycle 81
Ⅲ.Glycine 84
Ⅳ.The Hydroxyamino Acids 88
Ⅴ.The Aliphatic Branched-Chain Amino Acids 95
Ⅵ.Certain Amino Acids of Uncertain Biological Significance 109
Ⅶ.The Sulfur Amino Acids 111
Ⅷ.Lysine 113
Ⅸ.Arginine and Ornithine 118
Ⅹ.Proline and Hydroxyproline 119
Ⅺ.The Aromatic Amino Acids 121
Ⅻ.Histidine 133
ⅩⅢ.Tryptophan 143
ⅩⅣ.The 5-Hydroxyindole Pathway 159
ⅩⅤ.The Tryptophanase Pathway 161
References 162
15.Biosynthesis of Amino Acids and Related Compounds&by DAVID M.GREENBERG 173
Ⅰ.Introduction 174
Ⅱ.Biosynthesis of Serine and Phosphoserine 174
Ⅲ.The Glycine-Serine Interconversion 177
Ⅳ.Formation of Phosphatide Bases 181
Ⅴ.Biosynthesis of Threonine and Homoserine 186
Ⅵ.Interconversions of Glutamic Acid,Ornithine,and the Prolines 191
Ⅶ.Biosynthesis of the Branched-Chain Amino Acids 195
Ⅷ.Biosynthesis of Lysine and Hydroxylysine 202
Ⅸ.Biosynthesis of Aromatic Amino Acids 207
Ⅹ.Biosynthesis of Tryptophan 214
Ⅺ.Synthetic Reactions Involving Tyrosine 218
Ⅻ.Biosynthesis of Histidine 223
References 228
16.The Metabolism of Sulfur-Containing Compounds&by ERNEST KUN 237
Ⅰ.The Biological Importance of Sulfur in Animals 237
Ⅱ.The Metabolism of Cysteine 239
Ⅲ.The Metabolism of Methionine 250
Ⅳ.Glutathione 252
Ⅴ.Lipoic Acid 254
Ⅵ.Biotin 255
References 257
17.The Synthesis of Proteins&by Ⅰ.D.RAACKE 263
Ⅰ.Introduction 263
Ⅱ.Studies on Protein Synthesis in Whole Cells 266
Ⅲ.Studies on Protein Synthesis with Cell-free Systems 278
Ⅳ.Evaluation of Results 334
Ⅴ.Relationship between Protein Synthesis and Other Metabolic Activities of the Cell 344
References 360
Addendum 372
References to Addendum 386
18.Purines and Pyrimidines&by MARTIN P.SCHULMAN 389
Ⅰ.Introduction 389
Ⅱ.Biosynthesis of the Purines 391
Ⅲ.Incorporation of Preformed Purine Compounds into Nucleic Acids 413
Ⅳ.Summary of Purine Biosynthesis 417
Ⅴ.Purine Degradation 418
Ⅵ.Biosynthesis of the Pyrimidines 427
Ⅶ.Pyrimidine Catabolism 437
Ⅷ.Feedback Control of Purine and Pyrimidine Biosynthesis 443
Ⅸ.Comparative Utilization of Free Bases versus Elementary Precursors in Nucleic Acid Synthesis 444
References 446
19.Nucleotides and Nucleosides&by LEONARD WARREN 459
Ⅰ.General Introduction 459
Ⅱ.Components of the Nucleotides 460
Ⅲ.Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) 480
Ⅳ.Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) 493
Ⅴ.Coenzymes and Group Activation 502
References 515
20.The Metabolism of Heme and Chlorophyll&by S.GRANICK AND D.MAUZBRALL 525
Ⅰ.Introduction 526
Ⅱ.Tracer Studies of Protoporphyrin Biosynthesis 534
Ⅲ.Synthesis of a-Aminolevulinic Acid 536
Ⅳ.δ-Aminolevulinic Acid to Protoporphyrin 544
Ⅴ.The Iron Branch of the Biosynthetic Chain and Some Geneal Properties of Heme and Heme Proteins 553
Ⅵ.The Magnesium Branch of the Biosynthetic Chain and Chlorophyll Synthesis 576
Ⅶ.Metalloporphyrins Other Than Iron or Magnesium 583
Ⅷ.Decomposition of Iron Protoporphyrin to Bile Pigments 584
Ⅸ.Biochemical Lesions in Porphyrin Metabolism 598
References 606
Ⅰ.Biosynthesis 617
Ⅱ.Further Metabolism 620
Ⅲ.Thiamine Destruction 622
Ⅳ.Conclusion 624
References 624
22.Metabolic Pathways Involving Niacin and Its Derivatives&by NATHAN O.KAPLAN 627
Ⅰ.Biogenesis of Nicotinic Acid 627
Ⅱ.Relative Effectiveness of Nicotinic Acid and Nicotinamide 637
Ⅲ.Synthesis of Pyridine Coenzymes from Nicotinamide and Nicotinic Acid 641
Ⅳ.Enzymic Cleavage of DPN 644
Ⅴ.The Pyridine Coenzyme Requirement of Hemophilus 648
Ⅵ.Metabolism of Pyridine Nucleotides in Vivo 649
Ⅶ.The Excretory Products of Niacin 660
Ⅷ.Antagonists of Nicotinamide 663
References 665
23.The Biosynthesis of Flavin Derivatives&by GERHARD W.E.PLAUT 673
Ⅰ.Biogenesis of Riboflavin 673
Ⅱ.The Biological Decomposition of Riboflavin 697
Ⅲ.The Synthesis of Flavin Derivatives 701
Ⅳ.Summary 707
References 708
24.Biogenesis and Metabolism of Folic Acid and Vitamin B12&by THOMAS H.JUKES AND HARRY P.BROQUIBT 713
Ⅰ.Folic Acid Compounds 713
Ⅱ.Vitamin B12 and Its Analogs 731
References 737
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