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- 出版年份:2002
- 页数:462 页
Introduction 1
1. The Content and Purpose of a Theory of Constitutional Rights 5
Ⅰ.The Concept of a General Legal Theory of the Constitutional Rights of the Basic Law 5
1. A Theory of the Constitutional Rights of the Basic Law 5
2. A Legal Theory of the Constitutional Rights of the Basic Law 6
3. A General Legal Theory of the Constitutional Rights of the Basic Law 10
Ⅱ.Constitutional Rights Theory and Constitutional Rights Theories 11
Ⅲ.Constitutional Rights Theory as Structural Theory 13
2. The Concept of a Constitutional Rights Norm 19
Ⅰ.On the Concept of a Norm 20
1. On the Controversy about the Concept of a Norm 20
2. The Semantic Concept of a Norm 21
3. The Separation of Semantic Questions from Questions of Validity 25
4. The Connection of Semantic Questions with Questions of Validity 27
5. The Assertion and Creation of Norms 28
Ⅱ.The Constitutional Rights Norm 30
1. Constitutional Rights Norms and Constitutional Rights Provisions 31
2. Derivative Constitutional Rights Norms 33
3. On Friedrich Mullet’s Theory of Constitutional Rights Norms 38
3. The Structure of Constitutional Rights Norms 44
Ⅰ.Rules and Principles 44
1. Traditional Criteria for Distinguishing Rules from Principles 45
2. Principles as Optimization Requirements 47
3. Competing Principles and the Conflict of Rules 48
4. The Different Prima Facie Character of Rules and Principles 57
5. Rules and Principles as Reasons 59
6. Generality and Principles 60
7. Three Objections to Principles 61
8. Principles and Proportionality 66
Ⅱ.Three Models 69
1. The Model of Pure Principles 69
2. The Model of Pure Rules 71
3. The Model of Rules and Principles 80
Ⅲ.Theories of Principles and Values 86
1. Principles and Values 86
2. Objections to Theories of Principles and Values 93
4. Constitutional Rights as Subjective Rights 111
Ⅰ.On the Current Debate about Subjective Rights 111
1. Subjective Rights and Normative Questions 111
2. Subjective Rights and Empirical Questions 113
3. Subjective Rights and Analytical Questions 114
Ⅱ.A System of Basic Legal Positions 120
1. Rights to Something 120
2. Liberties 138
3. Powers 149
Ⅲ.The Complete Constitutional Right 159
5. Constitutional Rights and Legal Status 163
Ⅰ. Jellinek’s Theory of Legal Status 163
1. The Passive Status 164
2. The Negative Status 166
3. The Positive Status 169
4. The Active Status 172
Ⅱ.On the Critique of Jellinek’s Status Theory 173
6. The Limits of Constitutional Rights 178
Ⅰ.The Concept and Types of Constitutional Rights Limit 178
1. The Logical Possibility of Limits 178
2. The Concept of a Constitutional Rights Limit 181
3. Types of Limit 184
4. On the Guarantee of an Inalienable Core as a Limit to Limits 192
Ⅱ.The Scope and Limits of Constitutional Rights 196
1. The Protected Area and Scope of Rights 196
2. Narrow and Wide Theories of Scope 200
Ⅲ.Limitation and Outworking 217
7. The General Right to Liberty 223
Ⅰ.The Concept of a General Right to Liberty 223
Ⅱ.A Formal-Material Conception of the General Right to Liberty 226
1. The No-Content Objection 226
2. The Combination of Formal and Material Principles 232
Ⅲ.Spheres of Protection and Implied Liberties 236
1. Sphere Theory 236
2. Implied Liberties 239
Ⅳ.Problems with the General Right to Liberty 243
1. The General Right to Liberty and Selected Guarantees 244
2. The General Right to Liberty and the System of Constitutional Rights 245
3. The General Right to Liberty and the ‘Isolated Individual’ 248
4. The General Right to Liberty and Other Constitutional Norms 251
8. The General Right to Equality 260
Ⅰ.Equality in the Application and Creation of Law 260
Ⅱ.The Structure of the Requirement of Equality in the Creation of Law 262
Ⅲ.The Formulae of the Federal Constitutional Court 265
Ⅳ.Similar and Differential Treatment 270
1. The Requirement of Similar Treatment 270
2. The Requirement of Differential Treatment 271
Ⅴ.The Principle of Equality and Evaluation 273
Ⅵ.Legal and Factual Equality 276
1. The Concepts of Legal and Factual Equality 276
2. The Principles of Legal and Factual Equality 276
3. On the Role of the Principle of Factual Equality 278
Ⅶ.The Structure of Equality Rights as Subjective Rights 285
9. Rights to Positive State Action (Entitlements in the Wide Sense) 288
Ⅰ.Basic Terms and Concepts 288
1. Constitutional Text and Legislative History 288
2. The Case-Law of the Federal Constitutional Court 290
3. The Nature of the Dispute about Entitlements 293
4. The Concept and Division of Entitlements 294
5. The Guiding Idea 297
Ⅱ.Protective Rights 300
1. On the Concept of Protective Rights 300
2. The Existence of Protective Rights 301
3. Structure and Justiciability of Protective Rights 308
Ⅲ.Rights to Organization and Procedure 314
1. On the Current State of Debate 314
2. The Concept of a Right to Organization and Procedure 315
3. On the Problem of their Existence 317
4. Procedural Rights and Status Theory 319
5. Types of Right to Organization and Procedure 323
Ⅳ.Entitlements in the Narrow Sense (Social Constitutional Rights) 334
1. Concept and Structure 334
2. On the Arguments For and Against Social Constitutional Rights 337
3. A Model of Social Constitutional Rights 343
10. Constitutional Rights and Constitutional Rights Norms in the Legal System 349
Ⅰ.The Fundamental Nature of Constitutional Rights Norms 349
Ⅱ.Third Party, or Horizontal, Effect 351
1. On the ‘Radiation’ Thesis 352
2. The Construction of Horizontal Effect 354
Ⅲ.The Legal System and Constitutional Rights Reasoning 365
1. Constitutional Rights and the Nature of the Legal System 365
2. On the Problem of the Controlling Competence of the Constitutional Court 366
3. Argumentation and Decision 369
Postscript 388
Ⅰ.Too Little and Too Much 388
Ⅱ.Framework and Foundation 390
1. The Concept of a Framework 391
2. The Concept of a Foundation 394
Ⅲ.Structural Discretion and Balancing 394
1. End-Setting Discretion 395
2. Means-Selecting Discretion 396
3. Discretion in Balancing 396
Ⅳ.Formal Principles 414
1. Epistemic Discretion as the Outcome of Balancing 414
2. Epistemic Discretion and the Binding Nature of the Constitution 422
Appendix: The Constitutional Rights Provisions of the German Basic Law 426
Bibliography 434
Index 457
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