- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:苏雅敏,EsterB.Dumapi编著
- 出 版 社:上海:华东理工大学出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787562826439
- 页数:174 页
1.salary/paycheck 1
2.part-time/full-time 4
3.work/job 6
4.office/work 9
5.work on/work for 11
6.colleague/co-worker 13
7.out of town on business 15
8.vacation/holiday 17
9.long weekend 20
10.take a sick leave/take a day off 21
11.sick/ill 24
12.feel well/in good health 26
13.catch a cold/had a cold 27
14.doctor's office/hospital 29
15.get a check-up/check into the hospital 31
16.college/university 32
17.grade/year 34
18.freshman 37
19.score/grade 38
20.score/point 40
21.place/prize 42
22.grade school/elementary school 45
23.secondary school/high school 47
24.multiple choice questions 49
25.pop quiz/test/exam 52
26.transcript/report card 55
27.major/take 57
28.co-ed/girls'school/boys'school 59
29.orientation/freshman party 61
30.diploma/certificate 63
31.commencement/graduation ceremony 65
32.alumnus/alumni association/alma mater 67
33.PTA/teacher conference 70
34.classmate/someone in my class 72
35.flunk/pass/fail 74
36.no school/have school 76
37.field day/sports day 79
38.golf course/tennis court 81
39.field trip/tour 83
40.finish/be done 85
41.be over/end 87
42.fun/funny 88
43.close call/emergency 90
44.keep/raise/grow 92
45.send/deliver 94
46.telephone/call 96
47.learn/studv 98
48.bargain/good deal 100
49.sale/on sale/for sale 102
50.sold out/booked up 105
51.cheers/toast/bottoms up 107
52.treat/go Dutch 109
53.liquor/drink 112
54.drv town 115
55.formal/casual 116
56.formal/official 118
57.cleaners/Laundromat/laundry room 120
58.the point/What do you mean? 122
59.fix 124
60.wash the dishes 127
61.water the plants 129
62.in my day/in those days 131
63.album/CD/tape 133
64.album 135
65.tape 137
66.in the morning/in an hour 139
67.near-sighted/far-sighted/20/20 vision 141
68.power/prescription 143
69.glasses/contacts 144
70.answer the phone/answer the door 147
71.drive-in/drive-thru 149
72.lose weight/overweight 152
73.How much do you weigh? 154
74.gain weight/put on weight 155
75.How tall are you? 156
76.She is tall./She is short 158
77.ride/drive 159
78.be held/be on 162
79.dance/ball 164
80.be impressed/impress someone 166
81.prep school/trade school 168
82.cram school/crash course 171
83.It's getting late./It's dark./It's still bright 173
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