计划生育生殖生物学国家重点实验室简况及论文集 1999PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:计划生育生殖生物学国家重点实验室
- 出 版 社:中国科学院动物研究所
- 出版年份:2222
- 页数:405 页
cAMP inhibits mitogen-activated protein(MAP)kinase activation and resumption of meiosis,but exerts on effects after spontaneous germinal vesicle breakdown(GVBD)in mouse oocytes 1
小鼠精子在附睾过程中质膜糖蛋白的变化 102
IGF-I及其受体、IGF结合蛋白-2和LH受体mRNA在卵泡中的表达 108
MSH27抗原在小鼠睾丸中的定位 118
人透明带蛋白1在转基因小鼠卵巢内的表达 122
Antigen changes of monoclonal antiboduy MSH27 in process of post-testicular maturation(in mice) 126
Immunolocation of antisperm monoclonal antibody 6B10 and corrsponding antigen 141
Sperm antigen MSH27 participates in sperm-egg membrane fusion 153
Mitogen-activated protein kinase in human eggs 16
Expression of tissue type and urokinase type plasminogen activators as well as plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 and type-2 in human and rhesus monkey placenta 165
Regulation of activin A in cell proliferation and hormone secretion by human normal trophoblast cells 178
孕酮对人早孕子宫蜕膜细胞活性肾素分泌的调节 186
促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素对人早期胎盘组织绒毛膜促性腺激素释放的调节作用 194
血管紧张素Ⅱ对人子宫蜕膜催乳素分泌的调节 203
Dynamic Changes of Lymphocyte Homing Receptors at Peri-implantation Stage in Mouse 206
Reconstruction of mouse oocytes by germinal vesicle transfer:maturity of host oocyte cytoplasm determines meiosis 21
Expression of MMP-2,-9,TIMP-1,-2,-3,mRNA in Rat Uterus during Estrous Cycle 213
人正常胚胎和葡萄胎绒毛中纤蛋白溶酶原激活与抑制因子及其尿激酶受体的表达 223
人早孕胎盘绒毛组织中整合素异二聚体α链免疫印迹检测 227
人重组y-干扰素抗生育效应及其机理研究 230
外源性细胞因子对早孕蜕膜调节自然杀伤细胞活性的作用 235
正常早孕蜕膜非免疫细胞免疫活性的实验研究 240
纤粘边蛋白对小鼠胚胎体外发育和体外着床的作用 243
Letter to the Editor:culture of skeletal muscle cells from glant panda 250
Identification of essential subelements in the hHSD17B1 enhancer:difference in function of the enhancer and that of the hHSD17BP1analog is due to-480C and -486G 252
The giant panda(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)somatic nucleus can dedifferentiate in rabbit ooplasm and support early development of the reconstructed egg 262
Nuclear transfer using nonquiescent adult fibroblasts from a bovine ear 277
牛耳成纤维细胞的培养 285
一种改进的胚胎吸管 287
人输卵管特异性高分子量糖蛋白周期性分泌特性研究 289
鼠兔异种间的核移植及胚胎发育研究 292
Role of plasminogen activators and inhibitors in reproduction 295
细胞外基质与基质金属蛋白酶 319
白血病抑制因子促进胚泡植入的研究进展 325
整合素及其在胚泡植入中的作用 328
胞质钙信号 330
人胎盘滋养层细胞的功能分化及其调节 332
转基因—从实验动物开始的一种生物工程技术 339
胚胎植入的调控研究进展 345
Regulation of the plasminogen Activator System in the Ovary 352
Expression and regulation of steroidogenic acute regulatory protein in rat corpora lutea 370
Comparative studies on the role of plasminogen activators,inhibitor type 1 in luteal regression in rhesus monkey,rat and mouse 378
Mitogen-activated protein kinase and cell cycle progression during mouse egg activation induced by various stimuli 38
The presence and function of GnRH in human early placenta 384
Development of Female Contraceptive Vaccine Through DNA Inoculation of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Beta Subunit(hCGβ) 389
动物显微受精与克隆研究 400
Expression of tPA,LH receptor and inhibinα,βAsubunits during follicular atresia in rats 48
Cloning of novel temperature-related expressed sequence Tags in rat testis during spermatogenesis 64
MAP kinase activity is downregulated by phorbol ester during mouse oocyte maturation and egg activation in vitro 7
Functionally inactive protein C inhibitor in seminal plasma may be associated with infertility 70
Expression of the steroidogenic acute regulatory protein and luteinzing hormone receptor and their regulation by tumor necrosis fact6or α in rat corpora lutea 77
Follicles in pregnant rat ovary are incapable of steroidogenesis 86
Expression of orphan receptor TR2 mRNA in rhesus monkey(Macaca mulatta)testis 94
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