Organization and Program 3
Faculty 4
Opening Remarks--Dr.David L.Yeung Dr.Liming Lee 9
Contents of Articles Presented 13
1.Population and its Problems in China&Wang Guoqiang 13
2.Changes in the Utilization and Cost of Health Services for Chinese Residents in Recent 8 Years&Chen Yude 20
3.Nutrition in Transition&Barry M.Popkin 36
4.The Change of Dietary Pattern of Chinese Populations&Keyou Ge 56
5.Trace Elements in Maternal and Infant Nutrition&Kazuo Nomiyama 67
6.Major Issues in Maternal and Child Nutrition and the National Plans of Action&Liu Dongsheng Chen Junshi 77
7.Future Expectation for Agricultural Development in China&Mei Fangquan 86
8.Prominent Nutritional Problem in Chinese Children and the Policy&Yin Shian 97
9.The Role of Food Industry in Nutrition Transition&G.Harvey Anderson 111
10.Effects of City-Modernization on Nutrition,Food Hygiene and Health&Liu Yi 122
11.Development in China as Reflected in Child Well-being Information From Chinese Nutritional Surveillance&Chang Ying 124
12.Obesity,a Serious Problem on the Children's Health&Ye Guangjun Feng Ningping 131
13.The Analysis of Children Growth Trend Based on theInvestigation of the Development of Children Build&Liu Lanxiang 136
14.Dietary Practice of Pregnent and Lactating Women Past and Present&Pang Wenzhen 141
15.Early Breast Development and Nutriment&Zheng Deyuan 152
16.Improving China's Diet and Health:Some Thoughts about Nutrition Education in China&Georgia Guldan Li Ying 156
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