论文 1
1 关于CP破坏的研究,中山大学研究生学刊(自然科学版)22(1987)32. 1
2 格点规范理论中的弱作用矩阵元,中山大学硕士学位论文(1987).(被美国斯坦福大学图书馆收集,SLAC Publication-PRINT-94-0162).(论文集摘录其中的摘要、引言、总结和展望). 12
3 格点规范理论中的△I=1/2规则,中国高能物理学会与中国科学院高能物理研究所格点规范理论及其他非微扰理论研讨会文集(1987).高能物理与核物理12(1988)477. 28
4 介子衰变常数的格点计算,中山大学学报(自然科学版)2(1988)98. 35
5 格点强耦合展开的图算法,中山大学学报(自然科学版)3(1988)58. 38
6 格点规范理论中的|△S|=2的弱作用矩阵元,高能物理与核物理12(1988)459. 48
7 Vacuum State of 2+1 Dimensional SU(2)Lattice Gauge Theory with Fermions and Spontaneous Chiral Symmetry Breaking,High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics(Allerton,New York)13(1989)157. 54
8 带费米子2+1维SU(2)群格点规范理论中的真空和手征对称性自发破缺,高能物理与核物理13(1989)328. 67
9 3+1维格点QCD的手征对称性自发破缺,中山大学学报(自然科学版)28(1989)96. 67
10 The Weak Interaction Matrix Elements of |△S|=2 on a Lattice,Chinese Physics(AIP)9(1989)1039. 70
11 △I=1/2 Rule and ε'/ε in Lattice Gauge Theories,ZARC 89-54(P). 76
12 Lattice Calculation of Weak Matrix Elements:Current Status and Future Prospects,in Weak Interactions and CP Violation,弱相互作用和CP破缺研讨会论文集,北京,World Scientific(1990)156. 86
13 Hopping-Parameter Expansion and the Schwinger Model with Wilson Fermions,Z.Phys.C48(1990)283. 93
14 带费米子格点规范理论的研究,中山大学博士学位论文(1990).(被美国斯坦福大学图书馆收集,SLAC Publication-PRINT-94-0068).(论文集摘录其中的摘要、引言、总结和展望).附:Lattice Gauge Theory with Fermions,Ph.D thesis of SYSU(1990). 98
15 Variational Study of Vacuum Structure with Fermions in d+1 Dimensional Hamiltonian Lattice Gauge Theories,Z.Phys.C47(1990)635. 137
16 〈?ψ〉in the Schwinger Model,Journal of Physics G16(1990)1181. 142
17 Variational Approach to Spontaneous Chiral-Symmetry Breaking in(2+1)-Dimensional Lattice QED,University of California at Santa Barbara Preprint,NSF-ITP-90-212. 148
18 Chiral-Symmetry Breaking in the Schwinger Model with Wilson Fermions,Phys.Rev.D42(1990)1293. 161
19 SU(2)群六链Wilson圈平均值的格点计算,高能物理与核物理14(1990)212. 165
20 Chiral-Symmetry Breaking in(1+1)-Dimensional Lattice Gauge Theories,Commun.Theor.Phys.16(1991)505. 173
21 Variational Estimates of Chiral Order Parameter in 1+1 Dimensional Lattice QCD,Z.Phys.C51(1991)423. 177
22 Variational Study of〈?ψ〉in the Schwinger Lattice Model,Chinese Physics(AIP)11(1991)610. 182
23 格点Schwinger模型中〈?ψ〉的变分计算,高能物理与核物理15(1991)23. 188
24 格点Schwinger模型“介子”波函数的变分研究,高能物理与核物理15(1991)518. 194
25 Vacuum Structure and Chiral-Symmetry Breaking in(2+1)-Dimensional Lattice Gauge Theories with Fermions,Phys.Rev.D46(1992)814. 200
26 低维规范理论中的费米子真空凝聚,高能物理与核物理16(1992)685. 210
27 Lattice Calculation of the Vector Mass in the Schwinger Model,Z.Phys.C54(1992)587. 221
28 Fermionic Effective Action and the Phase Structure of Noncompact Quantum Electrodynamics in 2+1 Dimensions,Phys.Lett.B313(1993)180. 229
29 Phase Structure of Three-Dimensional Quantum Chromodynamics with Dynamical Fermions,Phys.Lett.B313(1993)191. 236
30 Phase Structure of Compact Lattice QED3 with Massless Fermions,Mod.Phys.Lett.A8(1993)3635. 242
31 (2+1)-Dimensional Compact QED with Dynamical Fermions,Nucl.Phys.B(P.S.)30(1993)741. 249
32 Microcanonical Fermionic Average Method for Monte Carlo Simulations of Lattice Gauge Theories with Dynamical Fermions,Phys.Rev.D48(1993)402. 253
33 Improved Hamiltonians for Lattice Gauge Theory with Fermions,Phys.Rev.D50(1994)501. 268
34 Some Interesting Features of Noncompact QED3,Nuel.Phys.B(P.S.)34(1994)534. 276
35 New Method for Dynamical Fermions and Chiral-Symmetry Breaking,Nucl.Phys.B(P.S.)34(1994)750. 279
36 Efficient Algorithm for Numerical Simulations of the Fermion-Scalar Systems,Phys.Rev.D52(1995)6493. 282
37 Thermodynamical and Chiral Limit in Computer Simulations of Lattice Quantum Field Theories,Commun.Theor.Phys.24(1995)343. 289
38 Spectrum and Scaling in a Strongly Coupled Fermion-Gauge-Scalar Model,Nucl.Phys.B(P.S.)42(1995)609. 299
39 QCD3 Vacuum Wave Function,Phys.Lett.B341(1995)349. 302
40 Glueball Masses in QCD3,Phys.Lett.B348(1995)560. 308
41 Chiral Transition in a Strongly Coupled Fermion-Gauge-Scalar Model,Nucl.Phys.B(P.S.)42(1995)633. 313
42 Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Fermion-Gauge Systems:a Non Standard Approach,Phys.Lett.B354(1995)111. 316
43 Chiral Phase Transition in a Lattice Fermion-Gauge-Scalar Model with U(l)Gauge Symmetry,Nucl.Phys.B453(1995)355. 322
44 Molecular Dynamics for Full QCD Simulations with an Improved Action,Comp.Phys.Commun.94(1996)119. 342
45 New Methods for Computer Simulations of the Scalar Models with Dynamical Fermions,Commun.Theor.Phys.26(1996)439. 351
46 Estimate for the 0++Glueball Mass in QCD,Mod.Phys.Lett.A11(1996)2435. 361
47 New Way for a Quantitative Understanding of Chiral-Symmetry Breaking,in Confinement 95,RCNP Osaka,Japan.World(1996)297. 368
48 Dynamical Chiral Symmetry Breaking in Strongly Coupled Gauge Theories with Scalars,Prog.Theor.Phys.(Suppl.)122(1996)171. 369
49 Spectroscopy and Large Scale Wave Functions,Nucl.Phys.B(P.S.)47(1996)274. 377
50 QCD with Dynamical Wilson Fermions-First Results from SESAM,Nucl.Phys.B(P.S.)47(1996)386. 381
51 Investigation of Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking from a Non Standard Approach,Nucl.Phys.B(P.S.)47(1996)565. 389
52 Truncated Eigenvalue Equation and Long Wavelength Behavior of Lattice Gauge Theory,Nucl.Phys.B(P.S.)47(1996)827. 393
53 Glueball Masses in Quantum Chromodynamics,Nucl.Phys.B(P.S.)53(1997)243. 397
54 Glueball Masses from Hamiltonian Lattice QCD,Commun.Theor.Phys.28(1997)327. 400
55 N?,?N,△? Excitation for the Pion Propagator in Nuclear Mater,Phys.Rev.C56(1997)800. 406
56 Recent Advances in Hamiltonian Lattice Gauge Theory,中国高等科学技术中心胶球的实验与理论研究论文集.CCAST-WL WorkshopSeries 76(1997)127. 410
57 Interplay of Glueballs and Quarks from Lattice QCD,中国高等科学技术中心胶球的实验与理论研究论文集.CCAST-WL Workshop Series 76(1997)139. 422
58 Calculation of Glueball Mass of U(l)Lattice Gauge Theory in 2+1 Dimensions,中国高等科学技术中心胶球的实验与理论研究论文集.CCAST-WL Workshop Series 76(1997)149. 431
59 A New Regularization Method in 3-Dimensional Momentum Space,Nuovo Cimento 110A(1997)1277. 439
60 Equation of Motion in Hybrid Monte Carlo,Commun.Theor.Phys.29(1998)447. 443
61 Method for Extracting the Glueball Wave Function,Nucl.Phys.B(P.S.)63 A-C(1998)257. 449
62 Wavefunction and Glueball Masses in QCD:the Three-Dimensional Case,Commun.Theor.Phys.29(1998)595. 452
63 Simulating the Vacuum Properties of QCD with Dynamical Quarks,Nucl.Phys.B(P.S.)63 A-C(1998)835. 458
64 Improving the Lattice QCD Hamiltonian,Nucl.Phys.B(P.S.)63A-C(1998)931. 461
65 The Dependence of the Pion Dispersion Relation on the Short-Range Correlation,Commun.Theor.Phys.30(1998)313. 464
66 1+1维格点QCD中哈密顿量的改进,全国高能物理会议论文集(1998)228. 468
67 格点规范场论研究进展,国际学术动态88(1998)44. 471
68 格点量子色动力学研究意义重大,国际学术动态98(1998)68. 473
69 Improved Lattice Gauge Field Hamiltonian,Phys.Rev.D59(1999)034503. 475
70 Eigenmodes of the Dirac Operator and Chiral Properties of QCD with Sea Quarks,Nucl.Phys.B(P.S.)73(1999)614. 490
71 Improving QCD with Fermions:the 2 Dimensional Case,Nucl.Phys.B(P.S.)73(1999)942. 493
72 格点QCD的最新进展,会议特邀报告,全国高能物理会议论文集(1998)108.高能物理与核物理23(1999)188. 496
73 Improved Lattice QCD with Quarks:the Two-Dimensional Case,Phys.Rev.D60(1999)014501. 503
74 用改进的哈密顿量计算1+1维格点QCD中矢量介子质量谱,高高能物理与核物理23(1999)644. 510
75 2+1维U(l)格点规范场论中真空态的研究,高能物理与核物理23(1999)774. 516
76 用改进的格点哈密顿量计算2+1维U(l)规范场真空波函数,高能物理与核物理23(1999)1152. 526
77 Monte Carlo Hamiltonian,Phys.Lett.A258(1999)6. 532
78 格点QCD的进展和存在问题,会议特邀报告,第八届全国粒子物理学术会议论文集(1999)140. 541
79 格点量子色动力学成为交叉学科,跨世纪物理学前沿问题高级研讨会报告,国际学术动态99(1999)49. 547
80 Monte Carlo Hamiltonian-from Statistical Physics to Quantum Theory,Physica A281(2000)201. 551
81 Glueball Masses in Improved U(l)Lattice Hamiltonian in 2+1 Dimensions,中国高等科学技术中心胶球和新强子态研讨会论文集.CCAST-WL Workshop Series 117(2000)237. 557
82 Quark Confinement and String Breaking from Lattice QCD,中国高等科学技术中心胶球和新强子态研讨会论文集.CCAST-WL Workshop Series 117(2000)243. 562
83 New Method for Simulating Quantum Theories,中国高等科学技术中心胶球和新强子态研讨会论文集.CCAST-WL Workshop Series 117(2000)249. 567
84 Test of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo in(2+1)-Dimensional Quantum Mechanics,中国高等科学技术中心胶球和新强子态研讨会论文集.CCAST-WL Workshop Series 117(2000)261. 578
85 带夸克的有限密度格点QCD,中国高等科学技术中心胶球和新强子态研讨会论文集.CCAST-WL Workshop Series 117(2000)277. 593
86 Quantum Theory with Many Degrees of Freedom from Monte Carlo Hamiltonian,Nucl.Phys.B(P.S.)83-84(2000)810. 598
87 Monte Carlo Hamiltonian,Nucl.Phys.B(P.S.)83-84(2000)953. 601
88 蒙特卡罗等效哈密顿量的1+1维检验,高能物理与核物理24(2000)478. 604
89 Antiparticle Excitation Effect in the Relativistic Spin-Isospin-Dependent Response Function ofNucleus,Commun.Theor.Phys.34(2000)101. 610
90 Calculation of Vacuum Wavefunction and Mass Gap from Improved(2+1)-Dimensional SU(2)Lattice Gauge Field Hamiltonian,Commun.Theor.Phys.34(2000)301. 616
91 Hamiltonian Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics at Finite Chemical Potential,Phys.Rev.D62(2000)054508. 622
92 Why Use a Hamilton Approach in QCD?,Nucl.Phys.B(P.S.)90(2000)195. 630
93 Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Application to(2+1)-Dimensional Quantum Mechanics,Commun.Theor.Phys.34(2000)723. 634
94 Parallel Computing for QCD on a Pentium Cluster,hep-lat/001 1090(2000). 640
95 Closed Path Integrals and the Quantum Action,Phys.Rev.Lett.86(2001)187. 642
96 Quantum Instantons and Quantum Chaos,Phys.Lett.A281(2001)1. 647
97 Monte Carlo Hamiltonian:Generalization to Quantum Field Theory,in Proceedings of International Workshop on Non-perturbative Methods and Lattice QCD,Guangzhou,China,格点量子色动力学和非微扰方法国际会议论文集,广州,Editors X.Q.Luo,E.Gregory.Zhongshan University,China.World Scientific,(2001)100. 655
98 QCD at Finite Density,in Proceedings ofInternational Workshop on Nonperturbative Methods and Lattice QCD,Guangzhou,China,格点量子色动力学和非微扰方法国际会议论文集,广州,Editors X.Q.Luo,E.Gregory.Zhongshan University,China.WorldScientific,(2001)138. 667
99 High Performance Parallel Computer from Commodity PC Components,in Proceedings of International Workshop on Nonperturbative Methods and Lattice QCD,Guangzhou,China,格点量子色动力学和非微扰方法国际会议论文集,广州,Editors X.Q.Luo,E.Gregory.Zhongshan University,China.World Scientifc,(2001)223. 679
100 Renormalisation in Quantum Mechanics,Quantum Instantons and Quantum Chaos,Nonlinear Analysis 47(2001)5501. 686
101 (3+1)-Dimensional Quantum Mechanics from Monte Carlo Hamiltonian:Harmonic Oscillator,Commun.Theor.Phys.36(2001)7. 698
102 Algorithm for Computing Excited States in Quantum Theory,Proceedings of Ⅶ International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research,Batavia,USA,第七届物理研究中先进的计算和分析技术国际会议论文集.AIP(2001)217. 702
103 Parallel Computing on a PC Cluster,Proceedings of Ⅶ International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research,Batavia,USA,第七届物理研究中先进的计算和分析技术国际会议论文集.AIP(2001)270. 705
104 Thermodynamical Quantities of Lattice Full QCD from an Efficient Method,Mod.Phys.Lett.A16(2001)1615. 708
105 Quantum Chaos at Finite Temperature,Phys.Lett.A288(2001)145. 721
106 Hamiltonian Lattice QCD with Wilson Fermions at Strong Coupling,Int.J.Mod.Phys.A16(2001)4499. 730
107 From Quantum Action to Quantum Chaos,in Frontiers of Fundamental Physics 4.Kluwer/Plenum Publ.,India(2001)129. 742
108 Thermodynamics from Monte Carlo Hamiltonian,Quantum Monte Carlo:Recent Advances and Common Problems in Condensed Matter and Field Theory,Trento,Italy,EDIZIONIETS,(2001)94. 757
109 High Performance Beowulf Computer for Lattice QCD,Nucl.Phys.B(P.S.)106(2002)1046. 768
110 Improving the Effective Hamiltonian,中山大学学报(自然科学版)41(2002)22. 771
111 Light Hadron Masses in Quantum Chromodynamics with Valence Wilson Quarks at β=6.25 from a Parallel PC Cluster,Chin.Phys.Lett.中国物理快报,19(2002)636. 774
112 Monte Carlo Hamiltonian from Stochastic Basis,Phys.Lett.A299(2002)483. 778
113 Recent Progress of Lattice QCD in China,第三届全球华人物理学大会论文集,香港.Proceedings of the Third Joint Meeting of Chinese Physicists Worldwide,Hong Kong,World Scientific,(2002)200. 789
114 Renormalisation in Quantum Mechanics,Phys.Lett.A303(2002)299. 792
115 Monte Carlo Hamiltonian:Linear Potentials,Commun.Theor.Phys.38(2002)561. 800
116 Quantum Chaos at Finite Temperature-a New Approach via the Quantum Action,Proceedings of International Conference on Squeezed States and Universality Relations,Boston.关于压缩态和普遍联系的国际会议论文集.quantph/0106159.(2002). 805
117 Thermodynamical Observables in a Finite Temperature Window from the Monte Carlo Hamiltonian,Math.Comp.Simul.62(2003)337. 815
118 Nonlinear Dynamics in Quantum Physics-the Study of Quantum Chaos,Dynamics of Continuous,Discrete and Impulsive Systems B10(2003)441. 822
119 Hybrid Mesons from Anisotropic Lattice QCD with the Clover and Improved Gauge Actions,Nucl.Phys.B(P.S.)119(2003)263. 836
120 New Way to Compute Excited States and Thermodynamics:Monte Carlo Hamiltonian,Nucl.Phys.B(P.S.)119(2003)508. 839
121 Parallel Supercomputing PC Cluster and Some Physical Results in Lattice QCD,Commun.Theor.Phys.40(2003)319. 842
122 Exotic Mesons from Quantum Chromodynamics with Improved Gluon and Quark Actions on the Anisotropic Lattice,Int.J.Mod.Phys.A18(2003)5713. 852
123 格点量子色动力学对强作用非微扰性质的研究,会议特邀报告,中国物理学会2003年学术会议论文摘要文集,CPS 2003 Fall Meeting,(2003)1. 864
124 带化学势的格点QCD,全国高能物理会议论文集(2003). 865
125 格点QCD对混杂态和胶球的研究,全国高能物理会议论文集(2003). 875
126 格点量子色动力学的研究—获国家杰出青年科学基金资助以来的科研工作进展.国家杰出青年科学基金第二次工作报告会文集(2003)174. 886
127 The Use of the Monte Carlo Hamiltonian,Contributed to 5th International Symposium on Frontiers of Fundamental Physics.Hyderabad,Andhra Pradesh,India.第五届基础物理前沿国际会议论文集hep-lat/0301012(2003). 894
128 Ising模型的并行计算,高能物理与核物理28(2004)122. 904
129 Monte Carlo Hamiltonian:Inverse Potential,Commun.Theor.Phys.41(2004)509. 911
130 Quantum Chaos and Regularity in φ4 Theory,Nucl.Phys.B(P.S.)129(2004)895. 915
131 Large Scale Simulations of Lattice Gauge Theory:Key NSF Project of China and Recent Developments,Nucl.Phys.B(P.S.)129(2004)913. 918
132 Chiral Condensate of Lattice QCD with Massless Quarks from the Probability Distribution Function Method,Phys.Rev.D69(2004)076012. 921
133 Hamiltonian Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics at Finite Density with Wilson Fermions,Phys.Rev.D69(2004)114501. 927
134 Tricritical Point of Lattice QCD with Wilson Quarks at Finite Temperature and Density,Phys.Rev.D70(2004)091504(Rapid Communications). 938
135 格点规范理论的大规模数值模拟研究—国家自然科学基金重点项目中期汇报(2005会议汇报). 943
附:Lattice QCD at Finite Density,国际会议论文集Quark Matter(2004)219. 943
136 QCD at Finite Temperature and Density with Staggered and Wilson Quarks,Nucl.Phys.B(P.S.)140(2005)511. 975
137 Measure of the Path Integral in Lattice Gauge Theory,Phys.Rev.D71(2005)077502. 978
138 Phase Diagram of QCD at Finite Temperature and Chemical Potential from Lattice Simulations with Dynamical Wilson Quarks,Phys.Rev.D72(2005)034504. 982
139 用蒙特卡罗哈密顿量方法研究非S态,高能物理与核物理29(2005)717. 991
140 蒙特卡罗哈密顿新方法及其检验,高能物理与核物理29(2005)928. 995
141 Phase Structure of Lattice QCD with Wilson and Neuberger Quarks at Finite Temperature and Density,ⅩⅩⅢrd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory,Dublin,Ireland.第23届格点量子场论国际会议论文集.Proceedings of Science(LAT2005)151. 1000
142 汤川势的束缚态和临界行为,中国科学G35(2005)631. 1006
143 Bound States and Critical Behavior of the Yukawa Potential,Science in China G49(2006)60. 1018
144 Estimate of the Charmed O--Hybrid Meson Spectrum from Quenched Lattice QCD,Phys.Rev.D73(2006)054510. 1030
145 Lattice QCD at Non-Zero Temperature and Density with Wilson and Neuberger Quarks,Int.J.Mod.Phys.A21(2006)869. 1034
146 Monte Carlo Study of Glueball Masses in the Hamiltonian Limit of SU(3)Lattice Gauge Theory,Int.J.Mod.Phys.A21(2006)2905. 1038
147 Gluonic Excitation of Nonexotic Hybrid Charmonium from Lattice QCD,Phys.Rev.D74(2006)034502. 1070
148 Hybrid Charmonium from Lattice QCD,ⅩⅩⅣth International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory,Arizona,USA.第24届格点量子场论国际会议论文集.Proceedings of Science(LAT2006)186. 1076
149 带动力学夸克的格点量子色动力学中手征对称性自发破缺研究,中国科学G36(2006)1. 1083
150 Spontaneous Chiral-Symmetry Breaking of Lattice QCD with Massless Dynamical Quarks,Sciencein China G50(2007)6. 1092
151 Phase Structure of Lattice QCD with Two Flavors of Wilson Quarks at Finite Temperature and Chemical Potential,Phys.Rev.D76(2007)034505. 1101
152 Investigation of Spontaneous Chiral-Symmetry Breaking from Lattice QCD with Massless Quarks,Proceedings of the International Conference on Non-Perturbative Quantum Theory:Lattice and Beyond.Guangzhou,China.格点和其它非微扰场论国际会议论文集,广州,Editors X.Q.Luo,Z.B.Li,D.Y.Soh.Zhongshan University,China.Mod.Phys.Lett.A22(2007 Special Issue)491. 1111
153 Monte Carlo Study of Lattice QCD with Wilson Fermions at Finite Temperature and Chemical Potential,Proceedings of the International Conference on Non-Perturbative Quantum Theory:Lattice and Beyond.Guangzhou,China.格点和其它非微扰场论国际会议论文集,广州,Editors X.Q.Luo,Z.B.Li,D.Y.Soh.Zhongshan University,China.Mod.Phys.Lett.A22(2007 Special Issue)529. 1119
154 Phase Structures of Strong Coupling Lattice QCD with Overlap Fermions at Finite Temperature and Chemical Potential,Proceedings of the International Conference on Non-Perturbative Quantum Theory:Lattice and Beyond.Guangzhou,China.格点和其它非微扰场论国际会议论文集,广州,Editors X.Q.Luo,Z.B.Li,D.Y.Soh.Zhongshan University,China.Mod.Phys.Lett.A22(2007 Special Issue)537. 1127
155 Overlap Fermions in the Strong Coupling Limit,Proceedings of the International Conference on Non-Perturbative Quantum Theory:Lattice and Beyond.Guangzhou,China.格点和其它非微扰场论国际会议论文集,广州,Editors X.Q.Luo,Z.B.Li,D.Y.Soh.Zhongshan University,China.Mod.Phys.Lett.A22(2007 Special Issue)547. 1137
156 Monte Carlo Hamiltonian of Lattice Gauge Theory,Proceedings of the International Conference on Non-Perturbative Quantum Theory:Lattice and Beyond.Guangzhou,China.格点和其它非微扰场论国际会议论文集,广州,Editors X.Q.Luo,Z.B.Li,D.Y.Soh.Zhongshan University,China.Mod.Phys.Lett.A22(2007 Special Issue)565. 1145
157 Gluonic Excitation of Exotic Hybrid Charmonium from Lattice QCD,Proceedings of the International Conference on Non-Perturbative Quantum Theory:Lattice and Beyond.Guangzhou,China.格点和其它非微扰场论国际会议论文集,广州,Editors X.Q.Luo,Z.B.Li,D.Y.Soh.Zhongshan University,China.Mod.Phys.Lett.A22(2007 Special Issue)573. 1152
158 H-Dibaryon from Lattice QCD with Improved Anisotropic Actions,Proceedings of the International Conference on Non-Perturbative Quantum Theory:Lattice and Beyond Guangzhou,China.格点和其它非微扰场论国际会议论文集,广州,Editors X.Q.Luo,Z.B.Li,D.Y.Soh.Zhongshan University,China.Mod.Phys.Lett.A22(2007 Special Issue)591. 1162
159 Calculations of Glueball Wavefunction in Lattice QCD,Proceedings of the International Conference on Non-Perturbative Quantum Theory:Lattice and Beyond.Guangzhou,China.格点和其它非微扰场论国际会议论文集,广州,Editors X.Q.Luo,Z.B.Li,D.Y.Soh.Zhongshan University,China.Mod.Phys.Lett.A22(2007 Special Issue)599. 1169
160 Transition Temperature of Two-Degenerate-Flavour QCD in the Chiral Limit,Chin.Phys.Lett.24(2007)2769. 1176
附录 1180
永远的向前—亲人的追思 1180
中国高能物理学会的信 1185
罗问前教授生平简介,现代物理知识6(2006)67 1186
题献给罗向前—ⅩⅩⅣth International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory,Arizona,USA.第24届格点量子场论国际会议论文集 1187
对罗向前博士的评介—加拿大Laval大学物理组负责人Kr?ger教授 1190
纪念罗向前教授—北京大学理论物理研究所副所长刘川教授 1197
中山大学逸仙时空论坛纪念罗向前老师的短文选 1198
本书中文目录 1203
- 《王蒙文集 新版 35 评点《红楼梦》 上》王蒙著 2020
- 《现代水泥技术发展与应用论文集》天津水泥工业设计研究院有限公司编 2019
- 《李公朴文集》方仲伯编 1987
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