简明中国近现代史 1840-1949PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:秦珊编著
- 出 版 社:广州:暨南大学出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787811353549
- 页数:191 页
Part Ⅰ The Opium Wars and the Characteristics Changing of China Society 1
1.The Situation of China before the First Opium War 1
2.The British Opium Smuggling and the Anti-opium Campaign in China 5
3.The First Opium War 8
4.The Consequences of the First Opium War to China Society 10
5.The Second Opium War 14
6.The Appearance of the New Ideological 19
Part Ⅱ Self-Strengthening in the Age of Accelerated Foreign Imperialism 22
1.The Domestic Situation of China during the Opium Wars 22
2.The Self-Strengthening Movement 23
3.Foreign Affairs during the Self-Strengthening Movement 41
4.The Sino-French War 45
5.The First Sino-Japanese War 48
Part Ⅲ Reform under the Menace of Partition 52
1.The Menace of Partition 52
2.The Reform Movement and Hundred Days Reform 53
3.The Boxer Movement 64
4.Late-Qing Reforms and the Constitutional Movement 73
Part Ⅳ Revolution and Republic 85
1.The Situation of China at the Turn of the 20th Century 85
2.The Rise of the Bourgeoisie Revolutionary Groups 86
3.The Further Unstable of the Qing Dynasty and the Xinhai Revolution 91
4.The Founding of the Republic of China 97
5.The Protection of the Republic(1912-1920) 99
Part Ⅴ Ideological Awakening and the National Revolution 111
1.The Intellectual Revolution 111
2.The May Fourth Movement,1919 121
3.The Expansion of the New Culture Movement and the Founding of the Chinese Communist Party 126
4.The Nationalist Party Reorganization and the First United Front 131
5.The Rise of the Nationalist Movement 135
Part Ⅵ The Struggling of the Nanjing Government from 1927 to 1937 138
1.The Politic Power Struggle 138
2.The Struggle for National Reconstruction 140
3.The Chinese Communist Party's Struggle 145
Part Ⅶ The War of Resistance against Japan(1937-1945) 153
1.The Japanese Invasion Activities to China before 1937 153
2.Japanese Full-Scale Attack to China 157
3.Chinese Resistance Strategy before the Entrance of Western Allies 162
4.Foreign Supports to China 167
5.Relationship between the Nationalists and Communists during the War 174
Part Ⅷ The Civil War in China(1945-1949)and the Establishment of the People's Republic of China 177
1.The Situation of China after the End of the War of Resistance against Japanese 177
2.Chongqing Negotiation 181
3.The Full-scale Civil War 184
4.The Establishment of the People's Republic of China 188
References Books 190
Acknowledgments 191
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