元基因组学 方法和步骤 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(德)施泰特,(德)丹尼尔著
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787030338587
- 页数:341 页
1 Molecular Methods to Study Complex Microbial Communities&José M. Vieites,María-Eugenia Guazzaroni,Ana Beloqui,Peter N. Golyshin,and Manuel Ferrer 1
2 Construction of Small-Insert and Large-Insert Metagenomic Libraries&Carola Simon and Rolf Daniel 39
3 Construction and Screening of Marine Metagenomic Libraries&Nancy Weiland,Carolin L?scher,Rebekka Metzger,and Ruth Schmitz 51
4 Metagenomic Analysis of Isotopically Enriched DNA&Yin Chen,Josh D. Neufeld,Marc G. Dumont,Michael W. Friedrich,and J. Colin Murrell 67
5 Wide Host-Range Cloning for Functional Metagenomics&Margaret Wexler and Andrew W.B. Johnston 77
6 Cloning and Expression Vectors for a Gram-Positive Host,Streptomyces lividans&Kristof Vrancken,Lieve Van Mellaert,and Jozef Anné 97
7 Heterologcus Gene Expression in the Hyperthermophilic Archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus&Angel Angelov and Wolfgang Liebl 109
8 Novel Tools for the Functional Expression of Metagenomic DNA&Sonja Christina Troeschel,Thomas Drepper,Christian Leggewie,Wolfgang R. Streit,and Karl-Erich Jaeger 117
9 Screening ofFunctional Promoter from Metagenomic DNA for Practical Use in Expression Systems&So-Youn Park and Geun-Joong Kim 141
10 Substrate-Induced Gene Expression Screening:A Method for High-Throughput Screening of Metagenome Libraries&Taku Uchiyama and Kentaro Miyazaki 153
11 Screens for Active and Stereoselective Hydrolytic Enzymes&Dominique B?ttcher,Marlen Schmidt,and Uwe T. Bornscheuer 169
12 Screening for Cellulase-Encoding Clones in Metagenomic Libraries&Nele Ilmberger and Wolfgang R. Streit 177
13 Screening Metagenomic Libraries for Laccase Activities&Manuel Ferrer,Ana Beloqui,and Peter N. Golyshin 189
14 Screening for N-AHSL-Based-Signaling Interfering Enzymes&Phil M. Oger and Stéphane Uroz 203
15 Identification of Molecular Markers to Follow Up the Bioremediation of Sites Contaminated with Chlorinated Compounds&Massimo Marzorati,Annalisa Balloi, Francesca De Ferra,and Daniele Daffonchio 219
16 Methods for the Isolation of Genes Encoding Novel PHB Cycle Enzymes from Complex Microbial Communities&Ricardo F. Nordeste,Maria A. Trainer,and Trevor C. Charles 235
17 Metagenomic Approaches to Identify and Isolate Bioactive Natural Products from Microbiota of Marine Sponges&Cristian Gurgui and J?rn Piel 247
18 Screening for Novel Antibiotic Resistance Genes&Mindy G. Brown, Elizabeth H. Mitchell, and David L. Balkwill 265
19 Novel Metal Resistance Genes from Microorganisms:A Functional Metagenomic Approach&José E. González-Pastor and Salvador Mirete 273
20 Retrieval of Full-Length Functional Genes Using Subtractive Hybridization Magnetic Bead Capture&Tracy Meiring, Inonge Mulako, Marla I. Tuffin,Quinton Meyer, and Donald A. Cowan 287
21 Detection and Isolation of Selected Genes of Interest from Metagenomic Libraries by a DNA Microarray Approach&Gopal P. Pathak and Wolfgang G?rtner 299
22 Application of DNA Microarray for Screening Metagenome Library Clones&Soo-Je Park,Jong-Chan Chae,and Sung-Keun Rhee 313
23 Meta Genome Threader. A Software Tool for Predicting Genes in DNA-Sequences of Metagenome Projects&David J. Schmitz-Hübsch and Stefan Kurtz 325
Index 339
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