- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:康志峰著
- 出 版 社:北京:国防工业出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787118083354
- 页数:290 页
Chapter One Introduction 1
1.1 Statement of the Problem 6
1.2 Context of the Study 10
1.2.1 Interpretation Studies in the West 10
1.2.2 Interpretation Studies in China 12
1.2.3 The Development of Cognitive Psychology 17
1.3 Methodology and Rationale of the Study 18
1.4 The Main Issues to Be Researched 20
1.5 Significance and Feasibility of the Study 22
1.5.1 The Theoretical Significance of the Study 22
1.5.2 The Realistic Significance of the Study 23
1.5.3 Feasibility of the Study 24
1.6 Dissertation Chapter Organization 26
Chapter Two Literature Review 29
2.1 General Anxiety Research 29
2.1.1 The Classification of General Anxiety 30
2.1.2 Distinctions of General Anxiety 30
2.1.3 Effects of General Anxiety Theory on This Study 32
2.2 Interpretation Memory Research 34
2.2.1 Memory Processing Research 34
2.2.2 Memory Mechanism in Interpretation 40
2.2.3 Summary 42
2.3 AP Research 42
2.3.1 Auditory Physiology Research 42
2.3.2 Auditory Attention Research 44
2.3.3 Listening and Interpreting Research 47
2.3.4 The Design of AA Mode 55
2.4 IA Research 56
2.4.1 Difficulty of SL 56
2.4.2 Syntactic Differences between SL and TL 57
2.4.3 The Relevance of Cognitive Psychology to Interpreting 58
2.4.4 Anxiety and Interpreting Aptitude 61
2.4.5 Enlightenment of the Newest Studies 63
2.4.6 Summary 65
2.4.7 The Design of IA Mode 66
Chapter Three Theoretical Exploration of AA Mode 68
3.1 Initiative AA Mode Research 68
3.2 The Purpose of AA Mode Study 69
3.3 Definition of AA Mode 69
3.4 The Sources,the Scope and the Severity of AA 70
3.4.1 The Sources of AA 70
3.4.2 The Scope of AA mode 75
3.4.3 The Severity of AA 76
3.5 The Impacts of AA on Interpretation 76
3.5.1 AA Impacts on Input 78
3.5.2 AA Impacts on IP 81
3.5.3 AA Impacts on Interpreting Output 85
3.6 Summary 88
Chapter Four Theoretical Exploration of IA Mode 90
4.1 The Purpose of IA Mode Study 90
4.2 Definition of IA Mode and Relationship between IA Mode and Interpreting 91
4.3 The Sources of IA 91
4.3.1 Illocutionary Stressors of IA 92
4.3.2 Locutionary Stressors of IA 98
4.4 The Psychological Analyses of IA Mode 101
4.4.1 Fear of Public Interpreting 102
4.4.2 Standing in Evaluation of Others 102
4.4.3 Lack of Self-Confidence and Insecurity 103
4.4.4 Feelings of Threat 104
4.5 The Manifestations of IA 105
4.6 Scale of Students'IA 106
4.6.1 Scale of Traditional Interpreting Anxiety 106
4.6.2 Theoretical Bases of IAS 108
4.6.3 Scope of Students'IA 110
4.7 Severity of Students'IA 110
4.7.1 Severity of HA 111
4.7.2 Severity of LA 112
4.8 IA Impacts on Interpreting 113
4.8.1 HA Impacts 113
4.8.2 LA Impacts 113
4.8.3 Effects of MA 115
4.8.4 IA Impacts on Deixis 116
4.8.5 IA Impacts on Memory of Interpreting 117
4.8.6 IA Impacts on Expressivity 119
Chapter Five Empirical Studies of AA Mode 120
5.1 The Survey of Empirical Studies 120
5.2 The Initiation of AA Mode Empirical Studies 123
5.3 The Purpose of AA Mode Empirical Studies and Questions Revisited 124
5.4 Empirical Studies on the Sources,the Scope and the Severity of AA 125
5.4.1 Evidences for the Sources of AA 125
5.4.2 Evidences for the Scope of AA Mode 140
5.4.3 Evidences for the Severity of AA 158
5.5 Evidences for the Impacts of AA on Interpretation 161
5.5.1 Evidences for AA Impacts on Input of Interpretation 161
5.5.2 Evidences for AA Impacts on IP of Interpretation 163
5.5.3 Evidences for AA Impacts on Output of Interpretation 165
5.6 Coping Strategies 170
5.6.1 “A?+E?”Strategy 170
5.6.2 Medium Arousal Strategy 171
5.6.3 RL-Mode Strategy 174
5.6.4 Five Classroom Strategies 175
5.7 Summary 182
Chapter Six Empirical Studies of IA Mode 184
6.1 The Purpose of IA Empirical Studies 184
6.2 Methodologies of IA Empirical Studies 185
6.3 Empirical Studies on Question One 186
6.3.1 Evidences for Sources of IA 186
6.3.2 Evidences for the Scale of IA 192
6.3.3 Evidences for the Severity of IA 201
6.3.4 Evidences for IA Impacts on Interpreting 205
6.4 Empirical Studies on Question Two 212
6.4.1 Preparation of the Survey Research 212
6.4.2 The Survey of Students 212
6.4.3 Comparative Studies of the Surveys 216
6.5 Empirical Studies on Question Three 220
6.5.1 Definition of"A?+E?"Strategy 221
6.5.2 Deconstruction of"A?+E?"Strategy 221
6.5.3 A? Strategy in the Domain of AS 223
6.5.4 Medium Arousal Strategy 225
6.5.5 EM and"E?"Strategy 226
6.5.6 Individual Mood Adjustment Strategy 229
6.6 Summary 231
Chapter Seven Correlations between AA Mode and IA Mode 233
7.1 Differences between AA Mode and IA Mode 233
7.2 Similarities between AA Mode and IA Mode 234
7.3 The Correlation between AAS and IAS 235
7.4 The HA Correlation between AA Mode and IA Mode 239
7.5 The Result Correlation between AA Mode and IA Mode 241
7.6 The Prominence of AA 242
7.7 Summary 243
Chapter Eight Concluding Remarks 245
8.1 Achievements of This Study 245
8.1.1 Theoretical Construction of AA and IA 245
8.1.2 AA and IA Findings through Empirical Studies 248
8.1.3 AA and IA Strategy Use 253
8.2 Implications of This Study 254
8.2.1 Theoretical Implications 254
8.2.2 Instructional Implications 255
8.3 Limitations of the Study 256
8.4 Suggestions for Future Studies 258
8.5 Conclusion 259
Appendix A CTAS 261
Appendix B Questionnaire Ⅰ 263
Appendix C Questionnaire Ⅱ 265
Appendix D Questionnaire Ⅲ 266
Appendix E Questionnaire Ⅳ 268
Appendix F Questionnaire Ⅴ 269
Appendix G Questionnaire Ⅵ 270
Appendix H Questionnaire Ⅶ 272
References 275
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