- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:段志坚,田广才主编;曹鹏举,刘治宏,李益桂,张勇明副主编;郝振洁,冯晓梅,杨甫勤等参编;邵立康主审
- 出 版 社:北京:机械工业出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787111363835
- 页数:317 页
绪论(Introduction) 1
0.1工程制图的性质和内容(Character and content of engineering drawings) 1
0.2工程制图的教学目的(Teaching aims of engineering drawings) 2
0.3工程制图的学习方法(Study methods of engineering drawings) 2
0.4我国工程制图的发展概况(Development general situation of engineering drawings in China) 2
第1章 工程制图基本知识与技能(Fundamental knowledge and technical ability of engineering drawings) 4
1.1工程制图基本规范及规则(Fundamental standards and rules of engineering drawings) 4
1.2平面图形的绘制(Construction of planar figures) 24
1.3绘图技能(Technical ability for drawing) 33
第2章 投影法、三视图和轴测图(Projection methods , three views and axonometric projections) 40
2.1概述(Summarization) 40
2.2投影法的基本知识(Fundamental knowledge of projection methods) 40
2.3三视图及其画法(Three views and plotting methods) 44
2.4轴测图及其画法(Axonometric projection and plotting methods) 48
第3章 基本几何元素和基本立体的投影(Projections of basic geometric elements and basic objects) 56
3.1点的投影(Projection of point) 56
3.2直线的投影(Projections of lines) 60
3.3平面的投影(Projections of planes) 65
3.4平面立体的投影(Projections of planar objects) 70
3.5曲面立体的投影(Projections of curve surfaced objects) 73
3.6基本立体的尺寸注法(Dimensioning the basic objects) 79
第4章 基本立体的截交与相贯(Truncation and intersection of basic solids) 81
4.1截交线的性质与求法(Drawing methods and characters of plane-intersections) 81
4.2相贯线的性质与求法(Drawing methods and characters of space-intersections) 94
4.3过渡线(Transition lines) 104
4.4相贯线的简化画法(Simplified drawing method of space-intersections) 104
4.5截断体和相贯体的尺寸注法(Dimensioning of the intersected and truncated basic solids) 105
第5章 组合体(Composite Solids) 107
5.1组合体的组合形式(Formation styles of composite solids) 107
5.2组合体表面连接关系(Surface connection of composite solids) 108
5.3绘制组合体视图(Making drawings of composite solids) 110
5.4组合体读图(Reading drawings of composite solids) 117
5.5组合体的尺寸注法(Dimensioning of composite solids) 125
第6章 图样的基本表示法(Basic representation of drawings) 129
6.1视图(Views) 129
6.2剖视图(Sectional views) 134
6.3断面图(Cross-sections) 149
6.4特殊表示法与简化画法(Simplified and especial representations) 152
6.5第三角投影画法(Third angle projection) 158
6.6表示法举例(Examples of methods of representations) 161
第7章 零件图(Detail drawings) 166
7.1零件图的概述(Summary description of detail drawings) 166
7.2零件图的画法(Representations of detail drawings) 167
7.3标准件和常用件及其表示法(Standard parts and common parts and its' representation) 169
7.4零件图的尺寸标注(Dimensioning on detail drawings) 183
7.5零件图的技术要求(Technique requirements of detail drawings) 193
7.6读零件图(Reading of detail drawings) 201
7.7零件测绘(Measuring and drawing a part) 203
第8章 装配图(Assembly drawings) 206
8.1装配图的作用和内容(Functions and contents of assembly drawings) 206
8.2装配图的表达方法(Representation of assembly drawings) 208
8.3螺纹紧固件联接的装配图画法(Representation of assembly drawings of threaded fasteners joints) 213
8.4装配图中的尺寸与技术要求(Dimensions and technical requirements in assembly drawings) 216
8.5装配图中的零部件序号和明细栏(Item numbers and item lists in assembly drawings) 217
8.6装配工艺结构(Features of assembly processes) 219
8.7装配图的画法(Drawing method of assembly drawings) 223
8.8读装配图(Reading assembly drawings) 237
第9章SolidWorks绘图(SolidWorks drawing) 242
9.1 SolidWorks绘图简介(SolidWorks drawing overview) 242
9.2线型和图层(Linetype and layer) 243
9.3图纸格式(Paper format) 245
9.4工程图文件(Drawings file) 248
9.5工程视图(Engineering views) 250
9.6尺寸标注(Dimensions) 257
9.7注释(Notes) 258
9.8打印工程图(Print Drawings) 261
9.9三维模型建立(Three-dimensional modeling) 264
9.10工程图实例1 (Drawings Example 1) 268
9.11工程图实例2 (Drawings Example 2) 271
第10章 国际标准简介(International standard introduction) 274
10.1图纸幅面及格式(Sizes and layout of drawing sheets) 274
10.2比例(Scales) 275
10.3图线(Lines) 275
10.4剖面符号(Section symbols) 276
10.5图样画法(Representation of drawings) 277
10.6尺寸注法(Dimensioning) 282
附录 285
附录A零件上的功能结构和标准工艺结构 285
附录B常用标准件 295
附录C极限与配合 309
附录D几何公差 314
附录E常用金属材料及热处理方法 315
参考文献 317
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- 《工程静力学》王科盛主编 2019
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- 《化学反应工程》许志美主编 2019
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- 《软件工程》齐治昌,谭庆平,宁洪编著 2019
- 《化学工程与工艺专业实验指导》郭跃萍主编 2019
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- 《化工制图》赵惠清,杨静,蔡纪宁主编 2019
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