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英语  第4册  口腔分册
英语  第4册  口腔分册

英语 第4册 口腔分册PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:上海第二医学院主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:人民卫生出版社
  • 出版年份:1985
  • ISBN:140483842
  • 页数:188 页
《英语 第4册 口腔分册》目录

1.乳牙和恒牙 1

2.牙冠和牙根 3

3.牙齿的面和切嵴 6

4.牙齿的其他标志 8

5.口腔和面部的组织学 12

6.牙的结构 15

7.龋齿 19

8.唾液腺 21

9.龋齿的探查 24

10.急性化脓性牙髓炎 28

11.根尖囊肿(1) 31

12.根尖囊肿(2) 34

13.牙周检查 37

14.牙周脓肿 42

15.牙龈切除术常规 46

16.超声波洁治 49

17.单纯疱疹 53

18.口腔粘膜念珠菌病 55

19.麻醉 57

20.口腔颌面手术针麻 64

21.拔牙 68

22.牙齿周围的急性感染和炎症过程 74

23.涎腺疾病 81

24.下颌骨骨折 86

25.颞颌关节疾病 92

26.口腔及颌骨肿瘤 98

27.骨粘连(下沉)乳磨牙 103

28.正畸学和预防牙科学 105

29.口腔与颌面缺损的修复 107

30.有关托牙的口腔外科 113

31.托牙的治疗方案 120

32.理想的桥基牙 124

33.局部托牙的组成部分 130

34.预成托牙修复 135

35.覆盖托牙 138

附录 143

Ⅰ.Language of Dentistry 143

Ⅱ.Case Reports 146

1.Endodontic-orthodontic Management of Fractured Anterior Teeth 146

2.Surgical Treatment of Submucosal Tumours of the Hard Palate(1) 148

3.Surgical Treatment of Submucosal Tumours of the Hard Palate(2) 150

4.Preoperative and Operative Considerations in Malignant Hyperpyrexia 153

5.Hypertensive Emergencies 156

6.Metastasis of Adenoid Carcinoma of the Mandible to the Gasserian Ganglion 157

7.Clubbed Fingers:Indication of Serious Disease 160

8.Intra-oral Surgical Management of Cystic Hygroma 161

9.Periosteal Benign Osteoblastoma of the Mandible 162

10.Haemangiopericytoma of the Floor of the Mouth 163

11.Atrophy of the Mandible 165

12.Myxofibroma of the Jaws 166

13.Bone Cavities in Fibro-Osseous Lesions 170

14.Malignant Lymphoma of the Tongue 172

15.Cystic Lymphangioma in the Maxillary Sinus 175

16.Bilateral Mandibular Condylysis and Morphanalytic Diagnosis 177

17.Acute Hepatic Failure and Henoch-Schonlein Syndrome Appearing in a Patient with Severe Cranio-Facial Injuries 180

18.Oral Swelling in Sj?gren's Syndrome 184
