- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王绍民,赵道木编著
- 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7040091585
- 页数:298 页
Part Ⅰ Fundamentals of Matrix Optics 3
Chapter 1 Geometrical Optics 3
1.1 Maxwell's equations and ray equation 3
1.2 Definition of ray transfer matrix 5
1.3 Derived methods for matrix elements 7
1.4 Reference plane moving technique 9
1.5 Ray transfer matrix in reverse propagation 10
1.6 Factoring the matrix 11
1.7 Image for mingmatrix 13
1.8 Conjugate distance equation and magnifications 14
1.9 Relation between matrix and classical expressions 15
Exercises 16
References 17
Chapter 2 Physical Optics 18
2.1 Eikonal function 18
2.2 Fresnel number 19
2.3 Diffraction 23
2.4 Optical transfer function 25
2.5 Fractional Fourier optics 26
2.6 Interference 32
Exercises 34
References 36
Chapter 3 Laser Optics 38
3.1 Gaussian beam and ABCD law 38
3.2 Transformation of Gaussian beam outside and inside cavity 41
3.3 Self-consistence,self-reproducing and optical axis 46
3.4 gfactorand G factor 47
3.5 Single-pass matrix representation of resonators 49
3.6 Multi-element resonators and scaled fractional Fourier transforms 52
3.7 Resonators with complex elements 55
3.8 Confinement,dynamic stability and insensitivity to perturbations 58
3.9 Primary considerations for resonator with apertures 60
3.10 Fresnel number ofGaussian beams 62
3.11 Beam quality factor M2 65
3.12 Arbitrary beams and ABCD law 67
3.13 ABCD matrix for an axial symmetrical beam through Kerr medium 70
3.14 Temporal ABCD law for pulsed laser beams 71
3.15 Temporal ABCD matrix 73
Exercises 75
References 77
Chapter 4 Phase Conjugation 80
4.1 The two transfer matrices for phase conjugation 80
4.2 Phase-conjugate resonators 83
4.3 Pseudo phase-conjugate properties of slab lasers 97
4.4 The fourth retroreflector 103
4.5 Retroreflective properties of the human eye 107
Exercises 107
References 108
Part Ⅱ Progress in Matrix Optics 113
Chapter 5 Misaligned Optical Systems 113
5.1 Augmented 4×4 matrices 113
5.2 Propagation of optical beams through asymmetrically inhomogeneous media 117
5.3 Geometrical variations ofthe optical axis caused by misalignment 122
5.4 Physical optics variations caused by misalignment 131
5.5 Topological structure ofraytransferflow graph 137
5.6 Flow graphical analyses oflaser alignment 145
5.7 Laser safety monitoring considerations for dams 150
Exercises 155
References 158
Chapter 6 Array Optics 160
6.1 Difficulty of classical optics 160
6.2 Matrix treatment for optical arrays 162
6.3 Synthetical aberrations of arrays and αβγδ condition 169
6.4 Arrays as pseudo-conjugators 170
6.5 Arrayswith Det=0 178
6.6 Interferencetheoryfor arrays 180
6.7 A new type retroreflective film formed by laser generating glass beads 184
Exercises 188
References 188
Chapter 7 Asymmetric Spatial-temporal Domain 190
7.1 Expanded 4×4 matrices for typically asymmetric elements 190
7.2 Skew rays for short waveguides 200
7.3 Beam complex curvature tensor and tensor ABCD law 206
7.4 Mutual transformation between nonsymmetric and symmetric beams 220
7.5 Spatial-temporal coupling ofpulsed Gaussian beams 232
7.6 Beam quality factor for pulsed beams 236
Exercises 239
References 241
Chapter 8 Diffractive Optics 244
8.1 Apertured uniform waves 244
8.2 Fresnel zone plate and its astigmatism 251
8.3 Apertured Gaussian beams 256
8.4 Apertured resonators 262
8.5 "Non-diffracting beams" 264
8.6 On the nature of diffraction-πphasejump 271
Exercises 275
References 276
Appendix 1 279
Illustration for Appendix 1 284
Appendix 2 285
Appendix 3 288
Illustration for Appendix 3 292
Appendix4 293
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