人际投射小句与主体间性的语篇建构 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:辛志英著
- 出 版 社:厦门:厦门大学出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787561544488
- 页数:368 页
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the Study and Definition of IPC 2
1.2 Rationale for the Study 10
1.3 Objectives of the Study 14
1.4 Data and Methodology 15
1.5 Organization of the Book 18
Chapter 2 Literature Review 20
2.1 Traditional Descriptive Approaches 21
2.1.1 Jespersen(1933) 21
2.1.2 Quirk et al.(1972;1985)and Quirk & Greenbaum(1973) 22
2.2 Phraseological Approaches 25
2.2.1 Hunston & Francis(1999)and Charles(2006a) 26
2.2.2 Siepmann(2005) 30
2.3 Frequency-Driven Register-Oriented Approaches 33
2.3.1 Biber et al.(1998) 33
2.3.2 Biber et al.(1999) 35
2.4 Cognitive Linguistic Approaches 39
2.4.1 Langacker(1991/2004) 39
2.4.2 Diessel & Tomasello(2001),Thompson(2002)and Verhagen(2005) 41
2.5 Rhetoric and Stylistic Approaches 48
2.5.1 Simpson(1993) 49
2.5.2 Werth(1999b)and Gavins(2007) 52
2.6 Pragmatic Approaches 54
2.6.1 Prince et al.(1982),Holmes(1984),Myers(1989)and Skelton (1997) 55
2.6.2 Stubbs(1986),Meyers(1997),Namsaraev(1997)and Givón(1995) 59
2.6.3 Vande Kopple(1985),Crismore et al.(1993)and Hyland(2005a) 62
2.7 Structural-Functional Linguistic Approaches 64
2.7.1 Dik(1997) 64
2.7.2 Nuyts(2000) 66
2.8 SFL Studies 69
2.8.1 Hudson(1972) 69
2.8.2 Halliday & Matthiessen(2004) 71
2.9 Approaches to ABR 75
2.9.1 Hyland(2000)and Tse & Hyland (2006) 76
2.9.2 Belcher(1995)and Motta-Roth(1998) 78
2.10 Comments on Previous Studies 81
2.11 Summary 87
Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework 89
3.1 The Framework for IPC Analysis 89
3.1.1 IPC as an Intersubiectivity Booster 90
3.1.2 Categories of IPC and the Analysis Framework 95
3.2 Metafunctions and Metafunctional Complementarity 98
3.2.1 Metafunctions of Language 98
3.2.2 Metafunctional Complementarity 113
3.3 Projection Manifestation Across Metafunctions 118
3.3.1 Ideational Projection 118
3.3.2 Interpersonal Projection 127
3.4 Genre 138
3.4.1 Genre,Register,and Metafunctions 139
3.4.2 The GSP of a Genre 142
3.4.3 Genre of Academic Discourse 146
3.5 Intersubjectivity 149
3.5.1 From Subjectivity to Intersubjectivity 150
3.5.2 Intersubjectivity in ABR 153
3.6 Summary 156
Chapter 4 Genre of ELBR 160
4.1 Genre of ABR 161
4.1.1 Significance of ABR 161
4.1.2 Functions of ABR 163
4.1.3 Generic Identities of ABR 164
4.1.4 Identities of the ABR Writer 169
4.2 The GSP of ELBR 173
4.2.1 Requirement/Criteria for ABR Writing 173
4.2.2 The GSP of ELBR 177
4.3 Genres of ELBR and ELJE:A Comparison 185
4.3.1 Rationale for Comparing ELBR and ELJE 185
4.3.2 Definition of ELJE 187
4.3.3 Generic Identities of ELJE 188
4.3.4 The GSP of ELJE 191
4.4 Summary 194
Chapter 5 I-IPCs and we-IPCs in ELBR 196
5.1 I-IPCs 197
5.1.1 The Social-Interactional Approach to I 197
5.1.2 Metafunctional Features of I-IPCs 199
5.1.3 A Cross-Genre Analysis of I-IPCs 208
5.1.4 I-IPCs as Intersubjectivity Boosters 217
5.2 We-IPCs 230
5.2.1 The Concept of Generality 230
5.2.2 Metafunctional Features of we-IPCs 232
5.2.3 A Cross-Genre Analysis of we-IPCs 240
5.2.4 We-IPCs as Intersubjectivity Boosters 247
5.3 Summary 255
Chapter 6 No-interactant and Non-interactant IPCs in ELBR 258
6.1 No-interactant IPCs 259
6.1.1 Justification and Classification of No-interactant IPCs 259
6.1.2 Metafunctional Features of No-interactant IPCs 263
6.1.3 A Cross-Genre Analysis of No-interactant IPCs 272
6.1.4 No-interactant IPCs as Intersubjectivity Boosters 282
6.2 Non-interactant IPCs 296
6.2.1 Justification of Non-interactant IPCs 296
6.2.2 Metafunctional Features of Non-interactant IPCs 299
6.2.3 A Cross-Genre Analysis of Non-interactant IPCs 305
6.2.4 Non-interactant IPCs as Intersubjectivity Boosters 313
6.3 Summary 321
Chapter 7 Conclusion 323
7.1 Overview of the Current Study 323
7.2 Main Findings of the Current Study 325
7.3 Significance of the Current Study 328
7.4 Limitations and Remaining Issues for Further Research 329
Bibliography 332
Appendix 1 Data sources 359
Appendix 2 Data samples 361
Appendix 3 A list of some IPCs in ELBR and ELJE 364
Appendix 4 Concordance of IPCs(part)in ELBR and ELJE 367
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