百克再开发计划 Byker Redevelopment Project 9
由“百克墙”(周围栋)北面的西方看Raby Gate部分 View from the west of the north side of Byker Wall, Raby Gate section 9
由“百克墙”北面的东方看Raby Gate部分,较远处是Dunn Terrace及纽卡索郡的天空线 View from the east of the north side of Wall, Raby Gate section, with Dunn Terrace and the Newcastle skyline in the distance. 10
Gordon House的西边,座落於“百克墙”的西方端部 West side of Gordon House, which is located at the west end of Byker Wall. 12
由北侧道路看“壁栋”的Shipley Rise部分 The Shipley Rise section of the Wall seen from the road on the north. 14
由“壁栋”内侧Dalton Crescent看Shipley Walk及 Raby Gate部分 View of Shipley Walk and Raby Gate from Dalton Crescent on the inner side of the Wall. 16
连结“壁栋”和内部住宅群的Shipley Walk及天桥 Shipley Walk and the bridge linking the Wall block and the inner residential blocks. 17
Dalton Crescent部分入口平台及阳台的交互配置 Access deck and balconies in the alternate position, Dalton Crescent. 18
“壁栋”内侧的低层住宅群,Carville区的Kendal St.部分 Low- rise housing inside the Wall on the south. Carville, Kendal Street. 20
在Dalton Crescent部分南面的绿地 Green zone on the south side of Dalton Crescent. 22
用半月形的弯曲造型来减低建筑物尺度上的压迫感,在半月形区域内部则为一小花园广场 Use of a crescent form reduces the oppressiveness of the building scale.Inside the crescent are a small garden and plaza. 24
Raby St.的低层连栋住宅(三层六人用住宅) Low-rise, terrace houses on Raby Street.The three-story houses are designed to accommodate six persons each. 25
Raby Crescent,木制格栅和墙遮,具有特色又富变化性 Raby Crescent.Wooden latticing and wall covering provide accent and variety. 26
Gordon Rd.(戈登路)变化多端的木制阳台框架设计 Gordon Road.Variations are worked in the basic design of the wooden balcony frames. 27
Gordon Rd.(戈登路)低层住宅群,有波浪状屋顶及前院 Low-rise housing on Gordon Road.The houses,which are roofed with corrugated sheets, have front gardens. 28
Gordon Rd.(戈登路)的人行步道 Pedestrian walk on Gordon Road. 29
“壁栋”北面的Shipley Walk部分,有一穿建筑而过的入口大门 North side of the Wall at Shipley Walk. An entrance gate is cut through the building. 30
在Byker Crescent部分穿过“壁栋”大门北面,由此门可望见圣.劳伦斯古教堂 North side of the gate cut through the Wall at Byker Crescent. Old Saint Lowrence Church is visible through the gate. 31
由Gordon House西侧之阳台上见Dunn Terrace部分 Dunn Terrace seen from a balcony on the west side of Gordon House. 32
位於Dunn Terrace端点部分的Tom Collins House西面 West side of Tom Collins House at the Dunn Terrace point block. 34
由Tom Collins House的入口平台看Wolsley House Wolsley House ssen from the access deck of Tom Collins House. 35
“壁栋”西端部Low Fold和Salisbury House间之路 Road between Low Fold and Salisbury House,at the west end of the Wall. 36
Salisbury House的南面 South side of Salisbury House. 38
“壁栋”中Dunn Terrace部分的南面 South side of the Dunn Terrace section of the Wall. 39
由邻近低层集合住宅庭园中的木围栏上方看Tom Collins House Tom Collins House seen across the top of a wooden fence in the garden of the neighboring low-rise housing settlement. 40
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