- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 出 版 社:CRC PRESS
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:1420086979
- 页数:225 页
1 Introduction of Crime Analysis 3
Introduction 3
Conclusion 7
2 Understanding Criminal Behavior 9
Introduction 9
Rational Choice 9
Research Findings 11
Routine Activities Theory 13
Research Findings 15
Crime Pattern Theory 16
Research Findings 18
Opportunity Makes the Thief 19
Conclusion 23
3 Behavioral Geography 25
Introduction to Behavioral Geography 25
Spatial Behavior 27
Mental Maps and Awareness Space 27
Research on Mental Maps and Awareness Space 29
Journey-to-Crime 32
Journey-to-Crime Research 33
Thinking Criminal 35
4 Exploring Crime Types 45
Introduction 45
Homicide 45
Robbery 47
Burglary 49
Auto Theft 51
Sexual Assault 54
Conclusion 55
5 Linking Crime 57
Introduction 57
Linkage Blindness 58
Jane Smith 58
Sheriff Joe 59
Who, What, Where, When, How and Why 60
The Dresser Drawers Theory 60
The Investigative Mindset: Fact and Inference 62
Process Models: The IZE Method 64
Process Models: Inductive Versus Deductive 68
Process Models: Quantitative Identification 70
Data Mining 71
Data Mining: Regular Expressions 72
Data Mining: Concepts 74
Conclusion 75
6 Temporal Analysis 77
Introduction 77
Definitions 77
Basic Assumptions 78
Primary Time of Occurrence 79
Multiple Times of Occurrence 79
Aoristic Analysis 80
Temporal Analysis Units 81
T Coordinates 82
Temporal Study Area (Range) 82
Temporal Distribution 83
Tempo 86
Velocity 87
Temporal Cycles 87
Time Series Analysis 88
7 Geographic Profiling 91
Introduction 91
Background of Geographic Profiling 91
Geographic Profiling Schools of Thought 92
Criminal Geographic Targeting (CGT) 93
Personalities and History 93
Application 93
Investigative Psychology (I-?) 95
Personalities and History 95
Application 96
CrimeStat 97
Personalities and History 97
Application 97
Empirically Calibrated Decay Functions 100
Wedge Theory 100
Personalities and History 101
Application 101
Geoforensic Analysis 101
Personalities and History 101
Application 102
Philosophical Foundations 102
Individual Methods 103
Research on the Accuracy of Geographic Profiling Systems 105
Glossary of Terms 107
8 Forecasting and Prediction 109
Overview 109
Why Forecasts Work 110
Why Forecasts Don't Work 110
The Utility of Forecasts 111
Temporal Forecasting 111
Spatial Forecasting 112
Why Predictions Work 112
Decision Models 113
Why Predictions Don't Work 117
Methods 120
Percent Change 121
Correlation 123
Autocorrelation 123
Linear Trend Estimation (Regression) 125
9 Intervention 127
Introduction 127
Objectives 128
Intervention Strategies 132
Opportunity Cost 135
Tactics 135
The Action Plan—A Combined Approach 136
10 Getting Started 141
Goals of This Section: 141
Introduction 141
Accessing the Textbook Web page 141
Online Resources 141
Obtaining the Software 142
Open and Evaluate Data using ATAC 142
Lesson 1: Open the Sample Database in ATAC 142
Practice on Your Own: Evaluate Crime Data Using ATAC 142
ATAC and Microsoft Access 143
Lesson 2: Open a Microsoft Access Database in ATAC 143
Practice on Your Own: Evaluate Call for Service Data 144
ATAC and Microsoft Excel 144
Lesson 3: Open a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet in ATAC 145
Lesson 4: Open the Sample Database in Excel 145
Practice on Your Own: Evaluate Data Using Microsoft Excel 145
Lesson 5: Import Data from Access into Excel 145
Practice On Your Own: Import Data into Excel 147
Review Exercise: Open Other Data 147
Review Questions 147
11 Identify Patterns Using the IZE Method (Process Models) 149
Goals of This Section: 149
Introduction 149
Layouts in ATAC 150
Lesson 6: Organizing a Layout Using ATAC 150
Lesson 7: Saving a Layout in ATAC 151
Layouts in Excel 152
Lesson 8: Organizing a Layout Using Excel 152
Practice On Your Own: Create a Robbery Layout Using Microsoft Excel 152
Sorting Data 153
Lesson 9: Organizing Data by Sorting in ATAC 153
Lesson 10: Organizing Data by Sorting in Excel 154
Review Exercise: Create Sorts for Three Crime Types 154
Review Questions 154
12 Minimize and Maximize—IZE method 155
Goals of This Section: 155
Introduction 155
Structured Query Language 155
Lesson 11: Minimize Using the Visual Query Module in ATAC 156
Lesson 12: Minimize Using the Filter Bar in ATAC 157
Lesson 13: Minimize Using the Filter Bar in Excel 158
Practice on Your Own: Minimize Data Using Excel 159
Practice on Your Own: Find the Twins 159
Practice on Your Own: Identify a Crime Series 160
Regular Expressions 160
Lesson 14: Create and Run a Regular Expression 160
Lesson 15: Create and Run a Proximity Search RegularExpression 161
Lesson 16: Create a Concept 162
Lesson 17: Create and Run a Proximity Search Concept 163
Review Exercise: Using RegEx to Perform the Inductive Method 164
Review Questions 165
13 The Behavioral Dimension: Describing the Problem 167
Goals of This Section: 167
Introduction 167
Archetypes 168
Lesson 18: Creating an Archetype from ATAC 168
Movement Logs 168
Lesson 19: Develop a Movement Log 169
Review Exercise: Creating an Archetype 170
Review Questions 170
14 The Temporal Dimension 171
Goals of This Section: 171
Introduction 171
Activity Schedules 172
Lesson 20: Creating an Activity Schedule 172
Lesson 21: Create a Temporal Topology Using Excel 173
Lesson 22: Create a Temporal Topology Using ATAC 174
Practice On Your Own: Evaluate Time of Day and Day of Week for Various Crimes 175
Dynamic Temporal Analysis 177
Temporal Distribution 177
Tempo 178
Lesson 23: Create a Tempogram in ATAC 178
Lesson 24: Create a Tempogram in Excel 179
Lesson 25: Create a Mean Interval Forecast with Excel 180
Practice on Your Own: Calculate Mean Interval for Various Other Crimes 181
Variograms 181
Lesson 26: Create a Variogram Using Excel 181
Lesson 27: Create a Variogram Using ATAC 182
Practice on Your Own: Calculate Lag Variograms against Various Other Crimes 183
Lesson 28: Study of Correlation Using Excel 184
Lesson 29: Study of Correlation Using ATAC 186
Review Exercise: Evaluate Other Crime Series Using Correlation 187
Review Questions 188
15 The Spatial Dimension 189
Goals of This Section: 189
Introduction 189
Preparing for Spatial Analysis 190
Lesson 30: Launching ArcGIS and Exploring the Interface 190
Lesson 31: Add the Gotham City Crime Series Using ArcGIS 191
ArcGIS and the Spatial Analyst Extension 191
Lesson 32: Loading Spatial Analyst 192
ArcGIS and SPACE (Spatial Predictive Analysis of Crime Extension) 192
Lesson 33: Loading the SPACE Tools in ArcGIS 193
Preparing for Spatial Analysis Using Google Earth 193
Lesson 34: Load Points in Google Earth 193
Lesson 35: Export to Google Earth 194
Preparing for Spatial Analysis Using ATAC 194
Lesson 36: Loading Points in ATAC 195
Point Distributions 196
Frame of Reference 196
Lesson 37: Frame of Reference 196
Identify Point Distribution 196
Mean Nearest Neighbor 198
Lesson 38: Calculating Nearest Neighbor Statistics 198
Density Fields 198
Lesson 39: Density Fields Using ArcGIS 199
Lesson 40: Calculating Density Analysis in ATAC 200
Minimum Convex Polygon 201
Lesson 41: Minimum Convex Polygon 202
Standard Deviation Ellipse 202
Lesson 42: Standard Deviation Ellipse 202
Spider Analysis 202
Lesson 43: Spider Analysis 203
Lesson 44: Establishing Offender Activity Space Using Spider Lines and Density Fields 205
Space-Time Analysis 206
Sequence Lines 206
Lesson 45: Sequence Lines 208
Geographic Profiling 208
Lesson 46: Calculate the Great Circle against the Beltway Sniper Series 208
Practice On Your Own: Are you a Marauder or Commuter? 209
Lesson 47: Create a Newton-Swoope Geoforensic Profile of the Beltway Sniper Series 210
Review Exercise: Using the Great Circle and Geographic Profiling 211
Review Questions 212
Bibliography 213
Index 219
- 《大图景 论生命的起源、意义和宇宙本身》(美)肖恩·卡罗尔(Sean Carroll)著 2019
- 《想像力教育 跟你想像的教育不一样!》SEAN BLENKINSOP主编;林如茹译 2013
- 《怎样编制开放与远距离学习的教材 教师和培训人员行动指南》(英)德里克·隆特利(Derek Rowntree)著;鄂鹤年,蔡枢译 1998
- 《坎特伯雷故事》(英)Geoffrey Chaucer著;(美)Derek Sellen改写 2009
- 《断口形貌学 观察、测量和分析断口表面形貌的科学》(英)Derek Hull著 2009
- 《Office 97宝典》(美)(E.琼斯)Edward Jones,(美)(D.萨顿)Derek Sutton著;徐津平等译 1998
- 《实用技术 SQL Server 7.0系统管理》(美)(S.贝尔德)Sean Baird,(美)(C.米勒)Chris Miller著;张智雄等译 2000
- 《新版交换式以太网和快速型以太网 第2版》(美)(R.布雷耶)Robert Breyer,(美)(S.赖利)Sean Riley著;肖文贵等译 1997
- 《现代冰雕技法 宴会冰雕 节庆冰雕 竞赛冰雕》(美)罗伯特·加罗夫(Robert Garlough),(美)兰迪·芬奇(Randy Finch),(美)德里克·马科斯菲尔德(Derek Maxfield)著;郑蕴,葛莉,刘旸菲译 2006
- 《印刷企业管理实务 原书第2版》(英)德里克·波特(Derek Porter)著;杨枝,秦国强译 2006
- 《竞争战略 全译珍藏版》(美)迈克尔·波特(Michael E. Porter)著 2012
- 《网络互联技术手册 第2版》(美)(K.唐斯)Kevin Downes等著;包晓露等译 1999
- 《新版交换式以太网和快速型以太网 第2版》(美)(R.布雷耶)Robert Breyer,(美)(S.赖利)Sean Riley著;肖文贵等译 1997
- 《摄影100关键词》(英)克拉克著 2011
- 《守望百年 中英文对照爱情长诗》蔡丽双著;张智中译 2014
- 《环境政策概要》(英)卡罗琳·斯奈尔(Carolyn Snell)著;宋伟译 2017
- 《驼铃 中-英-波兰文对照诗集》蔡丽双著;张智中,(波兰)博古米娜·雅尼卡译 2015
- 《爱海情帆 中-英-罗马尼亚文对照爱情长诗》蔡丽双著;张智中,德拉戈斯·巴尔布译 2016
- 《准备,开始,哎哟》(美)弗兰·马努斯肯著;(美)黛安娜·帕尔米西若绘;魏亚西译 2014
- 《埋藏在后院》(美)盖尔·赫尔曼著;(美)杰里·斯马斯绘;筱舟译 2014