- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 出版年份:2008
- ISBN:9881740312
- 页数:278 页
第一章 前言 4
概述 4
什么是仲裁 4
为什么要仲裁 4
优势 6
潜在的缺点 12
为什么在香港仲裁 12
香港仲裁的机构支持 16
香港国际仲裁中心 16
特许仲裁员协会(东亚分会) 18
香港仲裁司学会 18
第二章 香港国际仲裁中心 22
历史和组织结构 22
香港国际仲裁中心提供的服务 24
香港国际仲裁中心指定仲裁员的法律授权 26
由香港国际仲裁中心管理仲裁程序 26
简易形式仲裁、小额索偿和书面仲裁 28
简易形式仲裁 28
小额索偿程序 28
香港国际仲裁中心书面仲裁程序 30
香港国际仲裁中心《电子交易仲裁规则》 32
域名争议 32
香港海事仲裁组 34
香港调解会 34
香港国际仲裁中心案件统计 34
第三章 法律结构 44
前言 44
香港仲裁历史 46
加入《纽约公约》(1 977年) 48
1982年修订案 48
香港国际仲裁中心的成立(1985年) 48
采用《示范法》(1 990年) 50
采用《示范法》的理由 50
“示范”法 52
《示范法》适用于国际仲裁 52
“国际”仲裁协议与“本地”仲裁协议 52
选择适用或放弃适用 54
1996年修订案 56
香港和内地相互执行仲裁裁决安排(1997年至2000年) 58
进一步改革(2000年) 60
法律结构中的其它元素 60
判例法 60
高等法院规则 60
执业指引 62
第四章 仲裁协议 66
概述 66
仲裁协议的意义 66
仲裁协议的定义 68
“书面协议”要求 70
因提述而并入的仲裁协议 76
对仲裁协议的内容的正式要求 76
香港仲裁示范条款 80
临时仲裁 80
适用《香港国际仲裁中心机构仲裁规则》的仲裁 82
本地仲裁 82
“放弃适用《示范法》”和“免除协议”条款 84
适用《伦敦国际仲裁院仲裁规则》的仲裁 84
适用《国际商会仲裁规则》的仲裁 84
第五章 仲裁程序 90
前言 90
若干初步事项 94
仲裁地 94
法院的角色 94
仲裁语言 96
代表 98
实体法 98
保密性 98
开始仲裁 100
搁置诉讼 102
国际仲裁 102
本地仲裁 104
仲裁庭 106
仲裁员人数 106
指定仲裁员 106
仲裁员的资格和独立性 110
对仲裁员的异议和撤换仲裁员 110
仲裁员的义务和权力 112
仲裁员报酬 116
仲裁员的豁免权 118
程序会议 118
中期(初步)申请 120
书面陈述:诉辩文件和案件陈述 124
书面陈述的性质 124
典型的陈述 124
国际仲裁: 《示范法》的规定 128
本地仲裁 128
文件披露和审查 128
仲裁费用的保证 132
仲裁员费用的保证 132
当事人费用的担保 132
中间措施 136
概述 136
共享的权力 138
针对境外仲裁程序,香港法院能否判给中间措施 138
证据 140
证据的种类 140
证据规则 140
仲裁庭关于证据的权力 142
仲裁庭主动取证 142
证人作证 144
事实证人 144
专家证人 146
开庭 146
国际仲裁 146
本地仲裁 148
开庭程序 148
调解(或调停) 150
裁决 152
裁决的种类 152
救济的性质 154
作出决定 154
格式和形式 154
时限 154
改正、解释裁决和作出追加裁决 156
裁决的本地效力 156
和解协议 156
利息 156
费用 158
第六章 质疑、撤销和执行仲裁裁决 164
前言 164
质疑或撤销香港裁决 164
撤销国际裁决的理由 166
质疑本地裁决的理由 168
在香港执行香港仲裁裁决 170
承认和执行外国仲裁裁决 172
执行《纽约公约》裁决 172
执行非公约裁决 178
第七章 香港和内地相互执行仲裁裁决 182
前言 182
在香港执行内地裁决 184
在内地执行香港裁决 186
《安排》的执行情况 186
第八章 香港投资条约仲裁 192
前言 192
双边条约的作用 194
依据香港双边条约开始仲裁 196
香港双边条约中的实体规定 198
公平和平等待遇 198
国民待遇和最惠国待遇 200
对征收的补偿 202
汇回投资 204
裁决的执行 204
第九章 发展方向 208
前言 208
拟订的新仲裁条例的框架 210
保密 212
当事人的义务 212
书面形式 212
中间措施 214
“缴存法院”制度 214
指定仲裁员或公断人 214
多名当事人 216
对仲裁员的异议 216
管辖权 216
仲裁费用保证 218
费用和收费 218
执行 218
“选择适用”的规定 220
进展 220
第十章 香港仲裁一百问 224
基础知识 224
在香港仲裁 228
程序法和程序规则 232
仲裁协议 234
争议的准据法 238
开始仲裁 240
组成仲裁庭 240
仲裁程序 242
裁决 250
执行裁决和对裁决提出异议 252
索引 260
案例索引 260
法例索引 266
国际条约索引 268
索引 275
Chapter 1 Introduction 5
General 5
What is arbitration? 5
Why arbitration? 5
Advantages 7
Potential disadvantages 13
Why Hong Kong? 13
Institutional support for arbitration in Hong Kong 17
The Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre 17
The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (East Asia Branch) 19
The Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators 19
Chapter 2 The Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre 23
History and organisation 23
Services provided by the HKIAC 25
Statutory powers of the HKIAC in relation to arbitrators 27
Administered arbitration proceedings 27
Short Form, Small Claims and Documents Only Proceedings 29
Short Form Rules 29
Small Claims Procedure 29
The HKIAC Documents Only Procedure 31
The HKIAC Electronic Transactions Arbitration Rules 33
Domain name dispute resolution 33
The Hong Kong Maritime Arbitration Group 35
The Hong Kong Mediation Council 35
HKIAC case load 35
Chapter 3 The Legal Framework 45
Introduction 45
The history ofarbitration in Hong Kong 47
Incorporating the New York Convention(1977) 49
The 1982 amendments 49
The establishment of the HKIAC(1985) 49
Adoption ofthe Model Law(1990) 51
Rationale for implementing the Model Law 51
The“Model”Law 53
The Model Law'S application to international arbitrations 53
“International”V“domestic”arbitration agreements 53
Opt in/opt out provisions 55
The 1996 amendments 57
Reciprocal enforcement between the Mainland and the Hong Kong SAR(1997-2000) 59
Further reform(2000) 61
Further elements ofthe legal framework 61
Case law 61
Rules ofthe High Court 61
Practice Directions 63
Chapter 4 The Arbitration Agreement 67
General 67
The significance of the arbitration agreement 67
Arbitration agreement defined 69
Requirement for“agreement in writing” 71
Incorporation by reference 77
Formal requirements regarding the content of arbitration agreements 77
Model clause for arbitration in Hong Kong 81
Ad hoc arbitration clause 81
Arbitration under the HKIAC Administered Arbitration Rules 83
Domestic arbitration clause 83
“Opting out of Model Law”and exclusion agreement clauses 85
Arbitration under the London Court of International Arbitration Rules 85
Arbitration under the ICC Rules of Arbitration 85
Chapter 5 Arbitration Procedure 91
IntrOduction 91
Some preliminary matters 95
The place of arbitration 95
The role of the courts 95
The language of the arbitration 97
Representation 99
The applicable substantive law 99
Confidentiality 99
Commencement of the arbitration 101
Stay of court proceedings 103
International arbitrations 103
Domestic arbitrations 105
The arbitral tribunal 107
Number of arbitrators 107
Appointment of arbitrators 107
Qualifications and independence of arbitrators 111
Challenge,removal and replacement of arbitrators 111
Duties and powers ofarbitrators 113
Remuneration of arbitrators 117
Immunity of arbitrators 119
The preliminary meeting(case conference) 119
Interlocutory(preliminary) applications 121
Written submissions:pleadings and statements of case 125
Nature of written submissions 125
Typical submissions 125
International arbitrations: Model Law provisions 129
Domestic arbitrations 129
Discovery and inspection 129
Security for costs 133
Security for the arbitrator's fees and expenses 133
Security for the parties' costs 133
Interim measures of protection 137
Generally 137
Concurrent powers 139
Can a Hong Kong court grant interim measures of protection in relation to foreign arbitral proceedings? 139
Evidence 141
Types of evidence 141
Rules of evidence 141
Powers of tribunal in relation to evidence 143
Evidence obtained by the tribunal on its own 143
Witness testimony 145
Witnesses of fact 145
Expert witnesses 147
Hearings 147
International arbitrations 147
Domestic arbitrations 149
The order of proceedings 149
Conciliation (or mediation) 151
The award 153
Types of awards 153
Nature of relief 155
Decision-making 155
Form and formalities 155
Time limits 155
Powers to correct, interpretation of awards and additional awards 157
Effect of awards locally 157
Settlement agreements 157
Interest 157
Costs 159
Chapter 6 Challenging, Setting Aside and Enforcing Arbitral Awards Introduction 165
Challenging and setting aside arbitral awards made in Hong Kong 165
Grounds for setting aside international awards 167
Grounds for challenging domestic awards 169
Enforcement in Hong Kong of arbitral awards made in Hong Kong 171
Recognition and enforcement of foreign awards 173
Enforcement of New York Convention awards 173
Enforcement of non-Convention awards 179
Chapter 7 Reciprocal Enforcement of Hong Kong and Mainland Arbitral Awards Introduction 183
Enforcement of Mainland awards in Hong Kong 185
Enforcement of Hong Kong awards in Mainland China 187
The arrangement in practice 187
Chapter 8 Investment Treaty Arbitration in Hong Kong 193
Introduction 193
Functions of a BIT 195
Commencement of arbitrations under Hong Kong's BITs 197
Substantive protections under Hong Kong's BIT? 199
Fair and equitable treatment 199
National treatment and most favoured nation treatment ("MFN") 201
Compensation for expropriation 203
Repatriation of investment 205
Enforcement of awards 205
Chapter 9 Future Directions 209
Introduction 209
Structure of proposed new Arbitration Ordinance 211
Confidentiality 213
Duties of parties 213
Writing 213
Interim measures 215
Payment into court 215
Appointment of arbitrators and umpires 215
Multiple parties 217
Challenge of arbitrators 217
Jurisdiction 217
Security for costs 219
Costs and fees 219
Enforcement 219
Opting in provisions 221
Progress 221
Chapter 10 Hong Kong Arbitration: 100 Questions&Answers Background 225
Arbitration in Hong Kong 229
Procedural laws and rules 233
The arbitration agreement 235
The governing law of the dispute 239
Commencing an arbitration 241
Appointing a tribunal 241
Arbitration procedure 243
The award 251
Enforcing and challenging awards 253
Finding Aids 261
Table of Cases 261
Table of Statutes 267
Table of International Conventions 269
Index 270
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