- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:0521736161
- 页数:360 页
1 Introduction 1
Introduction 1
An introductory textbook on institutional law 2
Critical legal theory 3
Trying to define international organizations 6
The layout of this book 12
2 The rise of international organizations 14
Introduction 14
The rise of modern organizations 16
Classifying international organizations 21
Why co-operate? 25
Legal theory and international organizations 31
Discarding the functional necessity theory 32
Organizations and their members 35
3 The legal position of international organizations 38
Introduction 38
Indicators of ‘subjectivity’ 39
Legal personality under domestic law 44
International legal personality 46
Concluding remarks 51
4 The foundations for the powers of organizations 53
Introduction 53
The doctrine of attributed powers 55
The doctrine of implied powers 59
Reconciling the two doctrines 64
Inherent powers? 66
Implied powers under fire 69
Re-thinking powers? 71
Concluding remarks 72
5 International organizations and the law of treaties 74
Introduction 74
Reservations 76
Revision 79
Withdrawal and termination 84
Interpretation 86
The power to interpret 90
Concluding remarks 91
6 Issues of membership 93
Introduction 93
Membership 94
Other forms of membership? 99
State succession and membership 102
Representation 107
Termination of membership 109
Concluding remarks 113
7 Financing 115
Introduction 115
The politics of procedure 116
Expenditure 117
Problems and crises 118
Sources of income 125
Concluding remarks 129
8 Privileges and immunities 131
Introduction 131
The theoretical basis of privileges and immunities 132
Applicable law 137
Distinguishing rationales 138
The UN Convention 140
Headquarters Agreement 145
Other sources of law 147
Domestic law 149
Concluding remarks 150
9 Institutional structures 153
Introduction 153
Regular organs 154
Some other bodies 160
Comitology 161
Creating organs 163
Limits? The Tadic case 166
Inter-relationship: hierarchy or not? 168
The position of member states 174
Concluding remarks 176
10 Legal instruments 178
Introduction 178
Sketching the problem: the Mandate 180
Categories of instruments 181
Three theories of law-making 184
Non-binding instruments 188
EC instruments 193
Adopting conventions 198
Internal and household matters 200
Applying the law 201
Concluding remarks 203
11 Decision making and judicial review 205
Introduction 205
Adopting legal instruments 206
European Community 212
Validity 213
judicial review in the EC 220
Judicial review of Security Council Acts 221
Hierarchy between acts 224
Concluding remarks 227
12 Dispute settlement 229
Introduction 229
The ICJ’s advisory jurisdiction 231
Other tribunals within the UN system 234
Dispute settlement in the EC 237
Dispute settlement in other organizations 239
The GATT/WTO system 241
Administrative tribunals 243
Alternatives 247
Concluding remarks 249
13 Treaty-making by international organizations 251
Introduction 251
The 1986 Vienna Convention 253
Treaty-making powers 255
The ties that bind 259
Mixed agreements 263
Organizational liaisons 267
Concluding remarks 269
14 Issues of responsibility 271
Introduction 271
Some preliminary issues 273
An illustration: the Tin Council litigation 276
Whose behaviour? 279
The wrongful act 283
Indirect and secondary responsibility 285
Policy arguments 288
Limited liability and legal personality 289
Piercing the corporate veil 291
Concluding remarks 292
15 Dissolution and succession 294
Introduction 294
The modalities of dissolution 295
Dissolution 298
Succession: some basic issues 300
Assets and debts 302
Personnel 303
Functions 304
Concluding remarks 305
16 Concluding remarks: Towards re-appraisal and control 307
Introduction 307
Organizations v.members: a zero-sum game? 308
Transgovernmentalism, civil society and formalism 311
Control 314
Concluding remarks 318
Bibliography 320
Index 350
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