虚拟现实与增强现实技术及其工业应用 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:马登哲等编著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9787313064264
- 页数:200 页
Design and VR/AR-based Testing of Advanced Mechatronic Systems&Jürgen Gausemeier, Jan Berssenbrugge, Michael Grafe, Sascha Kahl and Helene Wassmann 1
From Space to the Forest and to Construction Sites: Virtual Testbeds Pave the Way for New Technologies&Jurgen Roβmann 39
Collaborative Virtual Assembly Operation Simulation and Its Application&Dengzhe Ma, Xijin Zhen, Yong Hu, Dianliang Wu, Xiumin Fan and Hongmin Zhu 55
Integration of Realtime Ray Tracing into Interactive Virtual Reality Systems&Hilko Hoffmann, Dmitri Rubinstein, Alexander Loffler, Michael Repplinger and Philipp Slusallek 83
Instantreality - A Framework for Industrial Augmented and Virtual Reality Applications&Johannes Behr, Ulrich Bockholt and Dieter Fellner 91
Interactive Simulation Data Exploration in Virtual Environments&Marc Wolter, Thomas Beer, Philippe Cerfontaine, Bernd Hentschel and Torsten Kuhlen 101
Digital Olympic Museum and Sports Simulation&Zhigeng Pan, Ruwei Yun 121
Research on Key Technologies of Full Mission Navigation Simulation System&Yong Yin, Yicheng Jin, Hongxiang Ren, Xiufeng Zhang, Xiuwen Liu and Junsheng Ren 133
Virtual Assembly Environment for Product Design Evaluation and Workplace Planning&Xiumin Fan, Rundang Yang, Dianliang Wu and Dengzhe Ma 147
Numerically Controlled Virtual Models for Commissioning, Testing and Training&Marco Schumann, Michael Schenk and Eberhard Bluemel 163
Virtual Reality Boosting Automotive Development&Mangqin Jiang 171
Potentials of Innovative Technologies within the Scope of Complex Products and Services&Frank Thielemann 181
From Immersive Engineering to Selling and Teaching&Martin Zimmermann, Andreas Wierse 191
Index 199
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