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  • 电子书积分:30 积分如何计算积分?
  • 出版年份:2011
  • ISBN:9004145664
  • 页数:1225 页

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade History(Jackson) 1

Introductory Note GATT 1994 (Feichtner) 25

Preamble GATT (Hestermeyer Grotto) 42

Article Ⅰ GATT, Annexes A, B, C, D, E, F, G GATT,Enabling Clause, Preferential Tariff Treatment for Least-Developed Countries Waiver (Sacerdoti Castren) 53

Article Ⅱ GATT, Understanding on the Interpretation of Article Ⅱ:1(b) of the GATT 1994 (Hahn) 78

Article Ⅲ GATT (Hestermeyer) 116

Article Ⅳ GATT (Ehring) 166

Article Ⅴ GATT (Valles) 183

Article Ⅵ GATT (Adamantopoulos) 195

Article Ⅶ GATT (Trujillo) 217

Article Ⅷ GATT (Hartmann) 234

Article Ⅸ GATT (Ziegler Gratton) 248

Article Ⅹ GATT (BohanesNottage) 261

Article ⅩⅠ GATT (Wolfrum) 281

Article ⅩⅡ GATT (Horlick Dubeck) 296

Article ⅩⅢ GATT (Hestermeyer Weiss) 317

Article ⅩⅣ GATT (Mitchell Sheargold) 342

Article ⅩⅤ GATT (Mitchell Sheargold) 352

Article ⅩⅥ GATT (Baetens Hestermeyer) 365

Article ⅩⅦ GATT, Understanding on the Interpretation of Article ⅩⅦ of the GATT 1994 (Voon) 386

Article ⅩⅧ GATT (Jessen) 401

Article ⅩⅨ GATT (Bourgeois Wagner) 444

Article ⅩⅩ GATT [Introduction](Wolfrum) 455

Article ⅩⅩ GATT Chapeau (Wolfrum) 464

Article ⅩⅩ lit. a GATT (Wenzel) 479

Article ⅩⅩ lit. b GATT (Stoll Strack) 497

Article ⅩⅩ lit. c GATT (Matz-Luck) 524

Article ⅩⅩ lit. d GATT (Reyes-Knoche Arend) 527

Article ⅩⅩ lit. e GATT (Wenzel) 537

Article ⅩⅩ lit. f GATT (Matz-Luck) 540

Article ⅩⅩ lit. g GATT (Matz-Luck Wolfrum) 544

Article ⅩⅩ lit. h GATT (Matz-Luck) 560

Article ⅩⅩ lit. i GATT (Matz-Liick) 564

Article ⅩⅩ lit. j GATT (Matz-Luck) 567

Article ⅩⅩⅠ GATT (Hestermeyer) 569

Article ⅩⅩⅡ GATT (Schorkopf) 594

Article ⅩⅩⅢ GATT (Stoll) 598

Article ⅩⅩⅣ GATT, Understanding on the Interpretation of Article ⅩⅩⅣ of the GATT 1994 (Tevini) 616

Article ⅩⅩⅤ GATT (Forlati) 662

Article ⅩⅩⅥ GATT, Annex H GATT (Fabbricotti) 680

Article ⅩⅩⅦ (Fabbricotti) 689

Article ⅩⅩⅧ GATT, Understanding on the Interpretation of Article ⅩⅩⅧ of the GATT 1994 (Fabbricotti) 692

Article ⅩⅩⅧ bis GATT (Fabbricotti) 716

Article ⅩⅩⅨ GATT (Footer) 735

Article ⅩⅩⅩ GATT (Footer) 741

Article ⅩⅩⅩⅠ GATT (Footer) 746

Article ⅩⅩⅩⅡ GATT (Footer) 750

Article ⅩⅩⅩⅢ GATT (Footer) 753

Article ⅩⅩⅩⅣ GATT (Footer) 760

Article ⅩⅩⅩⅤ GATT (Footer) 762

Introduction to Part Ⅳ GATT (Supachai) 766

Article ⅩⅩⅩⅥ GATT (Zacharias) 788

Article ⅩⅩⅩⅦ GATT (Zacharias) 808

Article ⅩⅩⅩⅧ GATT (Zacharias) 826

Understandings 837

Understanding on the Balance-of-Payments Provisions of the GATT 1994 (Horlick Dubeck) 837

Understanding in Respect of Waivers of Obligations under the GATT 1994 (Feichtner) 846

Agreement on Implementation of Article Ⅶ of the GATT 1994 (Agreement on Customs Valuation) 861

GIC CVA (Liu) 861

Article 1 CVA (Liu) 875

Article 2 CVA (Wolffgang) 903

Article 3 CVA (Wolffgang) 910

Article 4 CVA (Wolffgang) 914

Article 5 CVA (Wolffgang) 916

Article 6 CVA (Wolffgang) 924

Article 7 CVA (Wolffgang) 930

Article 8 CVA (Liu) 935

Article 9 CVA (Liu) 956

Article 10 CVA (Liu) 958

Article 11 CVA (Liu) 961

Article 12 CVA (Liu) 963

Article 13 CVA (Liu) 965

Article 14 CVA (Liu) 967

Article 15 CVA (Liu) 968

Article 16 CVA (Liu) 977

Article 17 CVA (Liu) 978

Article 18 CVA (Liu) 985

Article 19 CVA (Wolffgang) 989

Article 20 CVA (Wolffgang) 992

Article 21 CVA (Wolffgang) 996

Article 22 CVA (Wolffgang) 998

Article 23 CVA (Wolffgang) 1001

Article 24 CVA (Wolffgang) 1003

Annex Ⅰ General Note CVA (Liu) 1005

Annex Ⅱ CVA (Liu) 1008

Annex Ⅲ CVA (Liu) 1020

Agreement on Preshipment Inspection 1031

Preamble PSIA (Malone) 1031

Article 1 PSIA (Malone) 1040

Article 2 PSIA (Malone) 1046

Article 3 PSIA (Malone) 1075

Article 4 PSIA (Malone) 1079

Article 5 PSIA (Malone) 1087

Article 6 PSIA (Malone) 1090

Article 7 PSIA (Malone) 1095

Article 8 PSIA (Malone) 1096

Article 9 PSIA (Malone) 1099

Agreement on Rules of Origin 1101

Preamble RoO (Hirsch) 1101

Article 1 RoO (Hirsch) 1107

Article 2 RoO (Hirsch) 1109

Article 3 RoO (Hirsch) 1120

Article 4 RoO (Hirsch) 1124

Article 5 RoO (Hirsch) 1127

Article 6 RoO (Hirsch) 1130

Article 7 RoO (Hirsch) 1132

Article 8 RoO (Hirsch) 1133

Article 9 RoO (Hirsch) 1134

Annex Ⅰ RoO (Hirsch) 1144

Annex Ⅱ RoO (Hirsch) 1147

Case Index 1155

Index 1165
