- 电子书积分:21 积分如何计算积分?
- 出 版 社:CRC PRESS
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:1420064932
- 页数:757 页
Chapter 1: Here We Stand: What a Forensic Scientist Does&Jon J. Nordby 1
SECTION Ⅰ: Forensic Pathology and Related Specialties 13
Chapter 2: The Role of the Forensic Pathologist&Ronald K. Wright 13
Chapter 3: Forensic Nursing Janet S. Barber Duval, Catherine M. Dougherty, and Mary K.Sullivan 25
Chapter 4: Investigation of Traumatic Deaths&Ronald K. Wright 43
Chapter 5: Forensic Toxicology&John Joseph Fenton 61
Chapter 6: Forensic Odontology&R. Tom Glass 81
Chapter 7: Forensic Anthropology&Marcella H. Sorg and William D. Haglund 101
Chapter 8: Forensic Taphonomy&William D. Haglund and Marcella H. Sorg 121
Chapter 9: Forensic Entomology&Gail S. Anderson 137
SECTION Ⅱ: Evaluation of the Crime Scene 167
Chapter 10: Crime Scene Investigation&Marilyn T. Miller, Ed.D. 167
Chapter 11: Forensic Digital Photo Imaging&Patrick Jones 193
Chapter 12: Recognition of Bloodstain Patterns&Stuart H. James, Paul E. Kish, and T. Paulette Sutton 211
SECTION Ⅲ: Forensic Science in the Laboratory 243
Chapter 13: The Forensic Laboratory&Linda R. Netzel 243
Chapter 14: The Identification and Characterization of Blood and Bloodstains&Robert P. Spalding 261
Chapter 15: Identification of Biological Fluids and Stains&Andrew Greenfield and Monica M. Sloan 285
Chapter 16: Forensic DNA: Technology, Applications,and the Law&Susan Herrero 303
Chapter 17: Microanalysis and Examination of Trace Evidence&Thomas A. Kubic and Nicholas Petraco 327
Chapter 18: Fingerprints&R. E. Gaensslen 355
Chapter 19: Forensic Footwear Evidence&William J. Bodziak 377
Chapter 20: Forensic Tire Tread and Tire Track Evidence&William J. Bodziak 393
Chapter 21: Firearm and Tool Mark Examinations&Walter F. Rowe 407
Chapter 22: Questioned Documents&Howard Seiden and Frank H. Norwitch 439
Chapter 23: Analysis of Controlled Substances&Donnell R. Christian, Jr. 457
SECTION Ⅳ: Forensic Engineering 489
Chapter 24: Structural Failures&Randall K. Noon 489
Chapter 25: Basic Fire and Explosion Investigation&David R. Redsicker 507
Chapter 26: Vehicular Accident Reconstruction&Randall K. Noon 527
SECTION Ⅴ: Cybertechnology and Forensic Science 551
Chapter 27: Informatics in Forensic Science&Zeno Geradts 551
Chapter 28: Computer Crime and the Electronic Crime Scene&Thomas A. Johnson 569
SECTION Ⅵ: Forensic Application of the Social Sciences 585
Chapter 29: Forensic Psychology&Louis B. Schlesinger 585
Chapter 30: Forensic Psychiatry&Robert L. Sadoff 605
Chapter 31: Serial Offenders: Linking Cases by Modus Operandi and Signature&Robert D. Keppel 617
Chapter 32: Criminal Personality Profiling&Michael R. Napier and Kenneth P. Baker 627
SECTION Ⅶ: Legal and Ethical Issues in Forensic Science 649
Chapter 33: Forensic Evidence&Terrence F. Kiely 649
Chapter 34: Countering Chaos: Logic, Ethics, and the Criminal Justice System&Jon J. Nordby 667
Appendix A: Biohazard Safety Precautions 679
Appendix B: Forensic Web Sites 685
Appendix C: Trigonometric Tables: Sine and Tangent Functions 691
Appendix D: Metric Measurements and Equivalents 693
Glossary 697
Contributors 727
Index 741
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