![THE CONCEPT OF GROUP RIGHTS IN INTERNATIONAL LAW](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/91/s62dfa0e.jpg)
![THE CONCEPT OF GROUP RIGHTS IN INTERNATIONAL LAW](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/91/s62dfa0e.jpg)
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9004228705
- 页数:243 页
Introduction 1
1. Group Rights: Rights, Subjects and Legal Personality 7
1.1. Rights and Groups as Their Bearers 7
1.1.1. Defining and Delimiting Group Rights 7
1.1.2. Group Rights and the Concept of Rights 12
1.1.3. The Third-Party Beneficiary and the Criminal Law Problem 20
1.1.4. Rights as Rules and Principles 22
1.1.5. Rights and the Problem of Coercion in International Law 23
1.1.6.'Group Rights' as a Legal Category-A Paradox? 26
1.2. The Subjects 28
1.3. The Concept of Legal Personality 33
2.'Group Rights' in Contemporary International Law 43
2.1. Groups and International Law 44
2.2. Groups and the Concept of Self-Determination 45
2.2.1. Some Main Features 46
2.2.2. The Legal Right 51
2.2.3. The Subject 61
2.3. Groups and the Concept of Equality and Non-Discrimination in International Law 66
2.3.1. Some Main Features 67
2.3.2. The Legal Right 68
2.3.3. The Subject 70
2.4. Some Concrete Group Rights in International Law 77
2.4.1. Humanitarian Law and the Creation of States 78
2.4.2. International Criminal Law 85
2.4.3. Obligation to Prevent Genocide 104
2.4.4. Rights of Minorities' 107
2.4.5. Rights of Indigenous Peoples 120
2.4.6. Protection of Family 125
3. Features of Existing Group Rights and Discussions on Group Rights 127
3.1. Observations Regarding Rights, Subjects and Legal Personality 127
3.2. Group Rights in Philosophical Debates 132
3.2.1. Romanticism/Nationalism versus Liberalism 134
3.2.2. Collectivism versus Individualism 143
3.2.3. Group Rights versus Individual Rights 149
3.2.4. Group Rights, Fundamental Rights and Human Rights 153
3.3. Concluding Remarks 157
4. Reappraising the Concept of Group Rights in International Law 159
4.1. Some Key Issues 161
4.1.1. The Inadequacy of A Priori Approaches 161
4.1.2. Exclusive Nationalism 163
4.1.3. Group Rights and the Public-Private Distinction 165
4.1.4. The Need for Locally-Designed Solutions: Political versus Legal Sphere 169
4.1.5. The Limits of Norms on Group Governance in International Law 176
4.2. Rights: Elements of a Principled Approach of International Law 178
4.2.1. Principles on Substate Groups 179
4.2.2. Equality and Self-Determination as Principles 182
4.2.3. A Substantive Distinction of Claims 191
4.2.4. The Lack of International Enforcement Mechanisms 195
4.3. Subjects 198
4.3.1. Categorising Groups or Claims? 198
4.3.2. Claimant's Attributes Strengthening Its Claims 200
4.3.3. Definition Requirements: Projected Groups and Identity Groups 201
4.4. Legal Personality as Recognition 203
4.5. Some Remarks on the Implications 206
4.5.1.Implications for States and Groups 207
4.5.2.Implications for the Legal Concept Itself 209
Conclusions 211
Bibliography 215
Index 241
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