![Principles of the conflict of laws national and international](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/91/s627f13c.jpg)
![Principles of the conflict of laws national and international](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/91/s627f13c.jpg)
Principles of the conflict of laws national and internationalPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:by K. Lipstein.
- 出 版 社:M. Nijhoff ;Distributors for the U.S. Kluwer Boston
- 出版年份:1981
- ISBN:9024725445
- 页数:143 页
Part Ⅰ. The nature and function of Private International Law 1
Section 1. Introduction 1
Section 2. Rome and beyond 3
Section 3. The period after the division of the Roman Empire—personality of laws 3
Section 4. Feudalism and the revival of Roman Law 4
Section 5. Feudalism 4
Section 6. Italy—the Legists 5
Section 7. The doctrine of the Statutists 7
Section 8. The French school in the 16th Century—Dumoulin and D'Argentre 12
Section 9. The Dutch school—Comity 13
Section 10. The subsequent development of the doctrine of Huber—England 17
Section 11. The United States 19
Section 12. Modern Private International Law—Wachter, Savigny 20
Section 13. Modern doctrines of territoriality or pseudo-territoriality—acquired rights 23
Section 14. Sociological neo-statutists 28
Section15. Wachter redivivus—Ehrenzweig 30
Section16. Conflict of laws and the American Constitution 32
Section 17. Governmental interests as conflict resolving factors—Currie—Neo-statutists 36
Section18. "Result selecting" principles—Cavers 39
Section19. The international use of the new doctrines 41
Section 20. Conclusions 44
Notes to part Ⅰ 46
Part Ⅱ. The relationship between Public and Private International Law 63
Section 21. The influence of Public International Law upon domestic Private International Law 63
Section 22. Private International Law as part of Public International Law—choice of law before international tribunals 67
Section 23. Recognition and the application of foreign law 74
Section 24. Scrutiny of, and refusal to apply, the law and to respect the executive acts of a foreign recognized government 77
Section 25. Conclusions 80
Notes to part Ⅱ 81
Part Ⅲ. The structure and interpretation of rules of Private International Law 93
Section 26. Structure 93
Section 27. Interpretation 94
Section 28. Spatially conditioned internal rules 99
Section 29. Transposition, substitution and adaptation 102
Section 30. Renvoi 104
Section 31. Preliminary question 107
Section 32. Conflict of laws in time 113
Notes to part Ⅲ 115
Part Ⅳ. Conclusions 125
Bibliography 127
Table of cases 129
Index 139
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