Aircraft designPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Ajoy Kumar Kundu
- 出 版 社:Cambridge University Press
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:110742531x
- 页数:606 页
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Overview 1
1.1.1 What Is to Be Learned? 1
1.1.2 Coursework Content 1
1.2 Brief Historical Background 2
1.3 Current Aircraft Design Status 7
1.3.1 Forces and Drivers 8
1.3.2 Current Civil Aircraft Design Trends 9
1.3.3 Current Military Aircraft Design Trends 11
1.4 Future Trends 11
1.4.1 Civil Aircraft Design:Future Trends 12
1.4.2 Military Aircraft Design:Future Trends 14
1.5 Learning Process 15
1.6 Units and Dimensions 17
1.7 Cost Implications 17
2 Methodology to Aircraft Design,Market Survey,and Airworthiness 19
2.1 Overview 19
2.1.1 What Is to Be Learned? 20
2.1.2 Coursework Content 20
2.2 Introduction 20
2.3 Typical Design Process 21
2.3.1 Four Phases of Aircraft Design 23
2.3.2 Typical Resources Deployment 25
2.3.3 Typical Cost Frame 26
2.3.4 Typical Time Frame 26
2.4 Typical Task Breakdown in Each Phase 26
2.4.1 Functional Tasks during the Conceptual Study (Phase 1:Civil Aircraft) 28
2.4.2 Project Activities for Small Aircraft Design 29
2.5 Aircraft Familiarization 31
2.5.1 Civil Aircraft and Its Component Configurations 31
2.5.2 Military Aircraft and Its Component Configurations 33
2.6 Market Survey 33
2.7 Civil Aircraft Market 35
2.7.1 Aircraft Specifications and Requirements for Three Civil Aircraft Case Studies 36
2.8 Military Market 39
2.8.1 Aircraft Specifications/Requirements for Military Aircraft Case Studies 39
2.9 Comparison between Civil and Military Aircraft Design Requirements 40
2.10 Airworthiness Requirements 41
2.11 Coursework Procedures 42
3 Aerodynamic Considerations 43
3.1 Overview 43
3.1.1 What Is to Be Learned? 43
3.1.2 Coursework Content 44
3.2 Introduction 44
3.3 Atmosphere 46
3.4 Fundamental Equations 48
3.5 Airflow Behavior:Laminar and Turbulent 50
3.5.1 Flow Past Aerofoil 55
3.6 Aircraft Motion and Forces 56
3.6.1 Motion 56
3.6.2 Forces 57
3.7 Aerofoil 58
3.7.1 Groupings of Aerofoils and Their Properties 59
3.8 Definitions of Aerodynamic Parameters 62
3.9 Generation of Lift 63
3.10 Types of Stall 65
3.10.1 Gradual Stall 66
3.10.2 Abrupt Stall 66
3.11 Comparison of Three NACA Aerofoils 66
3.12 High-Lift Devices 67
3.13 Transonic Effects - Area Rule 68
3.14 Wing Aerodynamics 70
3.14.1 Induced Drag and Total Aircraft Drag 73
3.15 Aspect Ratio Correction of 2D Aerofoil Characteristics for 3D Finite Wing 73
3.16 Wing Definitions 76
3.16.1 Planform Area,Sw 76
3.16.2 Wing Aspect Ratio 77
3.16.3 Wing Sweep Angle,? 77
3.16.4 Wing Root (croot) and Tip (ctip) Chord 77
3.16.5 Wing Taper Ratio,λ 77
3.16.6 Wing Twist 78
3.16.7 High/Low Wing 78
3.16.8 Dihedral/Anhedral Angles 79
3.17 Mean Aerodynamic Chord 79
3.18 Compressibility Effect:Wing Sweep 80
3.19 Wing Stall Pattern and Wing Twist 82
3.20 Influence of Wing Area and Span on Aerodynamics 83
3.20.1 The Square-Cube Law 84
3.20.2 Aircraft Wetted Area (A w) versus Wing Planform Area (Sw) 85
3.20.3 Additional Vortex Lift 87
3.20.4 Additional Surfaces on Wing 87
3.21 Finalizing Wing Design Parameters 89
3.22 Empennage 90
3.22.1 H-Tail 90
3.22.2 V-Tail 91
3.22.3 Tail Volume Coefficients 91
3.23 Fuselage 93
3.23.1 Fuselage Axis/Zero-Reference Plane 93
3.23.2 Fuselage Length,Lfus 94
3.23.3 Fineness Ratio,FR 94
3.23.4 Fuselage Upsweep Angle 94
3.23.5 Fuselage Closure Angle 94
3.23.6 Front Fuselage Closure Length,Lf 94
3.23.7 Aft Fuselage Closure Length,La 95
3.23.8 Midfuselage Constant Cross-Section Length,Lm 95
3.23.9 Fuselage Height,H 95
3.23.10 Fuselage Width,W 95
3.23.11 Average Diameter,Dave 95
3.23.12 Cabin Height,Hcab 96
3.23.13 Cabin Width,Wcab 96
3.23.14 Pilot Cockpit/Flight Deck 96
3.24 Undercarriage 96
3.25 Nacelle and Intake 96
3.26 Speed Brakes and Dive Brakes 96
4 Aircraft Classification,Statistics,and Choices for Configuration 98
4.1 Overview 98
4.1.1 What Is to Be Learned? 99
4.1.2 Coursework Content 99
4.2 Introduction 99
4.3 Aircraft Evolution 100
4.3.1 Aircraft Classification and Their Operational Environment 101
4.4 Civil Aircraft Mission (Payload-Range) 104
4.5 Civil Subsonic Jet Aircraft Statistics (Sizing Parameters and Regression Analysis) 105
4.5.1 Maximum Takeoff Mass versus Number of Passengers 106
4.5.2 Maximum Takeoff Mass versus Operational Empty Mass 107
4.5.3 Maximum Takeoff Mass versus Fuel Load 108
4.5.4 Maximum Takeoff Mass versus Wing Area 109
4.5.5 Maximum Takeoff Mass versus Engine Power 111
4.5.6 Empennage Area versus Wing Area 112
4.5.7 Wing Loading versus Aircraft Span 113
4.6 Civil Aircraft Component Geometries 113
4.7 Fuselage Group 114
4.7.1 Fuselage Width 114
4.7.2 Fuselage Length 117
4.7.3 Front (Nose Cone) and Aft-End Closure 117
4.7.4 Flight Crew (Flight Deck) Compartment Layout 121
4.7.5 Cabin Crew and Passenger Facilities 121
4.7.6 Seat Arrangement,Pitch,and Posture (95th Percentile) Facilities 122
4.7.7 Passenger Facilities 123
4.7.8 Cargo Container Sizes 124
4.7.9 Doors - Emergency Exits 125
4.8 Wing Group 126
4.9 Empennage Group (Civil Aircraft) 128
4.10 Nacelle Group 130
4.11 Summary of Civil Aircraft Design Choices 133
4.12 Military Aircraft:Detailed Classification,Evolutionary Pattern,and Mission Profile 134
4.13 Military Aircraft Mission 134
4.14 Military Aircraft Statistics (Sizing Parameters - Regression Analysis) 135
4.14.1 Military Aircraft Maximum Take-off Mass (MTOM) versus Payload 135
4.14.2 Military MTOM versus OEM 135
4.14.3 Military MTOM versus Fuel Load Mf 135
4.14.4 MTOM versus Wing Area (Military) 135
4.14.5 MTOM versus Engine Thrust (Military) 135
4.14.6 Empennage Area versus Wing Area (Military) 136
4.14.7 Aircraft Wetted Area versus Wing Area (Military) 136
4.15 Military Aircraft Component Geometries 136
4.16 Fuselage Group (Military) 136
4.17 Wing Group (Military) 136
4.17.1 Generic Wing Planform Shapes 136
4.18 Empennage Group (Military) 136
4.19 Intake/Nacelle Group (Military) 137
4.20 Undercarriage Group 137
4.21 Miscellaneous Comments 137
4.22 Summary of Military Aircraft Design Choices 137
5Aircraft Load 138
5.1Overview 138
5.1.1 What Is to Be Learned? 138
5.1.2 Coursework Content 139
5.2Introduction 139
5.2.1 Buffet 140
5.2.2 Flutter 140
5.3Flight Maneuvers 140
5.3.1 Pitch Plane (X-Z) Maneuver (Elevator/Canard-Induced) 140
5.3.2 Roll Plane (Y-Z) Maneuver (Aileron-Induced) 141
5.3.3 Yaw Plane (Z-X) Maneuver (Rudder-Induced) 141
5.4Aircraft Loads 141
5.4.1 On the Ground 141
5.4.2 In Flight 141
5.5heory and Definitions 141
5.5.1 Load Factor,n 142
5.6Limits - Load and Speeds 143
5.6.1 Maximum Limit of Load Factor 144
5.6.2 Speed Limits 144
5.7V-n Diagram 145
5.7.1 Low-Speed Limit 145
5.7.2 High-Speed Limit 146
5.7.3 Extreme Points of a V-n Diagram 146
5.8Gust Envelope 147
6Configuring Aircraft 149
6.1Overview 149
6.1.1 What Is to Be Learned? 150
6.1.2 Coursework Content 150
6.2Introduction 150
6.3Shaping and Layout of a Civil Aircraft Configuration 152
6.3.1 Considerations in Configuring the Fuselage 154
6.3.2 Considerations in Configuring the Wing 157
6.3.3 Considerations in Configuring the Empennage 158
6.3.4 Considerations in Configuring the Nacelle 159
6.4 Civil Aircraft Fuselage:Typical Shaping and Layout 160
6.4.1 Narrow-Body,Single-Aisle Aircraft 163
6.4.2 Wide-Body,Double-Aisle Aircraft 167
6.4.3 Worked-Out Example:Civil Aircraft Fuselage Layout 171
6.5 Configuring a Civil Aircraft Wing:Positioning and Layout 174
6.5.1 Aerofoil Selection 174
6.5.2 Wing Design 175
6.5.3 Wing-Mounted Control-Surface Layout 176
6.5.4 Positioning of the Wing Relative to the Fuselage 177
6.5.5 Worked-Out Example:Configuring the Wing in Civil Aircraft 177
6.6 Configuring a Civil Aircraft Empennage:Positioning and Layout 180
6.6.1 Horizontal Tail 181
6.6.2 Vertical Tail 181
6.6.3 Worked-Out Example:Configuring the Empennage in Civil Aircraft 182
6.7 Configuring a Civil Aircraft Nacelle:Positioning and Layout of an Engine 184
6.7.1 Worked-Out Example:Configuring and Positioning the Engine and Nacelle in Civil Aircraft 185
6.8 Undercarriage Positioning 187
6.9 Worked-Out Example:Finalizing the Preliminary Civil Aircraft Configuration 187
6.10 Miscellaneous Considerations in Civil Aircraft 189
6.11 Configuring Military Aircraft - Shaping and Laying Out 189
6.12 Worked-Out Example - Configuring Military Advanced Jet Trainer 189
6.12.1 Use of Statistics in the Class of Military Trainer Aircraft 190
6.12.2 Worked-Out Example - Advanced Jet Trainer Aircraft (AJT) - Fuselage 190
6.12.3 Miscellaneous Considerations - Military Design 190
6.13 Variant CAS Design 190
6.13.1 Summary of the Worked-Out Military Aircraft Preliminary Details 190
7 Undercarriage 191
7.1 Overview 191
7.1.1 What Is to Be Learned? 192
7.1.2 Coursework Content 192
7.2 Introduction 193
7.3 Types of Undercarriage 194
7.4 Undercarriage Layout,Nomenclature,and Definitions 195
7.5 Undercarriage Retraction and Stowage 197
7.5.1 Stowage Space Clearances 199
7.6 Undercarriage Design Drivers and Considerations 199
7.7 Turning of an Aircraft 201
7.8 Wheels 202
7.9 Loads on Wheels and Shock Absorbers 202
7.9.1 Load on Wheels 203
7.9.2 Energy Absorbed 205
7.9.3 Deflection under Load 206
7.10 Runway Pavement Classification 206
7.10.1 Load Classification Number Method 207
7.10.2 Aircraft Classification Number and Pavement Classification Number Method 208
7.11 Tires 209
7.12 Tire Friction with Ground:Rolling and Braking Friction Coefficient 212
7.13 Undercarriage Layout Methodology 213
7.14 Worked-Out Examples 215
7.14.1 Civil Aircraft:Bizjet 215
7.14.2 Military Aircraft:AJT 219
7.15 Miscellaneous Considerations 221
7.16 Undercarriage and Tire Data 222
8 Aircraft Weight and Center of Gravity Estimation 223
8.1 Overview 223
8.1.1 What Is to Be Learned? 224
8.1.2 Coursework Content 224
8.2 Introduction 225
8.3 The Weight Drivers 227
8.4 Aircraft Mass (Weight) Breakdown 228
8.5 Desirable CG Position 228
8.6 Aircraft Component Groups 230
8.6.1 Civil Aircraft 231
8.6.2 Military Aircraft (Combat Category) 232
8.7 Aircraft Component Mass Estimation 233
8.8 Rapid Mass Estimation Method:Civil Aircraft 234
8.9 Graphical Method for Predicting Aircraft Component Weight:Civil Aircraft 234
8.10 Semi-empirical Equation Method (Statistical) 238
8.10.1 Fuselage Group - Civil Aircraft 238
8.10.2 Wing Group - Civil Aircraft 241
8.10.3 Empennage Group - Civil Aircraft 242
8.10.4 Nacelle Group - Civil Aircraft 243
8.10.5 Undercarriage Group - Civil Aircraft 243
8.10.6 Miscellaneous Group - Civil Aircraft 244
8.10.7 Power Plant Group - Civil Aircraft 244
8.10.8 Systems Group - Civil Aircraft 246
8.10.9 Furnishing Group - Civil Aircraft 246
8.10.10 Contingency and Miscellaneous - Civil Aircraft 246
8.10.11 Crew - Civil Aircraft 246
8.10.12 Payload - Civil Aircraft 246
8.10.13 Fuel - Civil Aircraft 247
8.11 Worked-Out Example - Civil Aircraft 247
8.11.1 Fuselage Group Mass 247
8.11.2 Wing Group Mass 249
8.11.3 Empennage Group Mass 250
8.11.4 Nacelle Group Mass 250
8.11.5 Undercarriage Group Mass 250
8.11.6 Miscellaneous Group Mass 250
8.11.7 Power Plant Group Mass 250
8.11.8 Systems Group Mass 251
8.11.9 Furnishing Group Mass 251
8.11.10 Contingency Group Mass 251
8.11.11 Crew Mass 251
8.11.12 Payload Mass 251
8.11.13 Fuel Mass 251
8.11.14 Weight Summary 251
8.12 Center of Gravity Determination 252
8.12.1 Bizjet Aircraft CG Location Example 253
8.12.2 First Iteration to Fine Tune CG Position Relative to Aircraft and Components 254
8.13 Rapid Mass Estimation Method - Military Aircraft 254
8.14 Graphical Method to Predict Aircraft Component Weight -Military Aircraft 255
8.15 Semi-empirical Equation Methods (Statistical) - Military Aircraft 255
8.15.1 Military Aircraft Fuselage Group (SI System) 255
8.15.2 Military Aircraft Wing Mass (SI System) 255
8.15.3 Military Aircraft Empennage 255
8.15.4 Nacelle Mass Example - Military Aircraft 255
8.15.5 Power Plant Group Mass Example - Military Aircraft 255
8.15.6 Undercarriage Mass Example - Military Aircraft 255
8.15.7 System Mass - Military Aircraft 255
8.15.8 Aircraft Furnishing - Military Aircraft 255
8.15.9 Miscellaneous Group (MMISC) - Military Aircraft 255
8.15.10 Contingency (MCONT) - Military Aircraft 255
8.15.11 Crew Mass 255
8.15.12 Fuel (MFUEL) 256
8.15.13 Payload (MPL) 256
8.16 Classroom Example of Military AJT/CAS Aircraft Weight Estimation 256
8.16.1 AJT Fuselage Example (Based on CAS Variant) 256
8.16.2 AJT Wing Example (Based on CAS Variant) 256
8.16.3 AJT Empennage Example (Based on CAS Variant) 256
8.16.4 AJT Nacelle Mass Example (Based on CAS Variant) 256
8.16.5 AJT Power Plant Group Mass Example (Based on AJT Variant) 256
8.16.6 AJT Undercarriage Mass Example (Based on CAS Variant) 256
8.16.7 AJT Systems Group Mass Example (Based on AJT Variant) 256
8.16.8 AJT Furnishing Group Mass Example (Based on AJT Variant) 256
8.16.9 AJT Contingency Group Mass Example 256
8.16.10 AJT Crew Mass Example 256
8.16.11 Fuel (MfUEL) 256
8.16.12 Payload (MPL) 256
8.16.13 Weights Summary - Military Aircraft 256
8.17 CG Position Determination - Military Aircraft 256
8.17.1 Classroom Worked-Out Military AJT CG Location Example 257
8.17.2 First Iteration to Fine Tune CG Position and Components Masses 257
9 Aircraft Drag 258
9.1 Overview 258
9.1.1 What Is to Be Learned? 259
9.1.2 Coursework Content 259
9.2 Introduction 259
9.3 Parasite Drag Definition 261
9.4 Aircraft Drag Breakdown (Subsonic) 262
9.5 Aircraft Drag Formulation 263
9.6 Aircraft Drag Estimation Methodology (Subsonic) 265
9.7 Minimum Parasite Drag Estimation Methodology 265
9.7.1 Geometric Parameters,Reynolds Number,and Basic CF Determination 266
9.7.2 Computation of Wetted Areas 267
9.7.3 Stepwise Approach to Compute Minimum Parasite Drag 268
9.8 Semi-empirical Relations to Estimate Aircraft Component Parasite Drag 268
9.8.1 Fuselage 268
9.8.2 Wing,Empennage,Pylons,and Winglets 271
9.8.3 Nacelle Drag 273
9.8.4 Excrescence Drag 277
9.8.5 Miscellaneous Parasite Drags 278
9.9 Notes on Excrescence Drag Resulting from Surface Imperfections 279
9.10 Minimum Parasite Drag 280
9.11 △CDp Estimation 280
9.12 Subsonic Wave Drag 281
9.13 Total Aircraft Drag 282
9.14 Low-Speed Aircraft Drag at Takeoff and Landing 282
9.14.1 High-Lift Device Drag 282
9.14.2 Dive Brakes and Spoilers Drag 286
9.14.3 Undercarriage Drag 286
9.14.4 One-Engine Inoperative Drag 288
9.15 Propeller-Driven Aircraft Drag 288
9.16 Military Aircraft Drag 289
9.17 Supersonic Drag 290
9.18 Coursework Example:Civil Bizjet Aircraft 292
9.18.1 Geometric and Performance Data 292
9.18.2 Computation of Wetted Areas,Re,and Basic CF 293
9.18.3 Computation of 3D and Other Effects to Estimate Component CDpmin 295
9.18.4 Summary of Parasite Drag 299
9.18.5 △CDp Estimation 299
9.18.6 Induced Drag 299
9.18.7 Total Aircraft Drag at LRC 299
9.19 Coursework Example:Subsonic Military Aircraft 299
9.19.1 Geometric and Performance Data of a Vigilante RA-C5 Aircraft 300
9.19.2 Computation of Wetted Areas,Re,and Basic CF 302
9.19.3 Computation of 3D and Other Effects to Estimate Component CDpmin 303
9.19.4 Summary of Parasite Drag 305
9.19.5 △ CDp Estimation 306
9.19.6 Induced Drag 306
9.19.7 Supersonic Drag Estimation 306
9.19.8 Total Aircraft Drag 310
9.20 Concluding Remarks 310
10 Aircraft Power Plant and Integration 314
10.1 Overview 314
10.1.1 What Is to Be Learned? 314
10.1.2 Coursework Content 315
10.2 Background 315
10.3 Definitions 319
10.4 Introduction:Air-Breathing Aircraft Engine Types 320
10.4.1 Simple Straight-Through Turbojet 320
10.4.2 Turbofan:Bypass Engine 321
10.4.3 Afterburner Engine 322
10.4.4 Turboprop Engine 323
10.4.5 Piston Engine 323
10.5 Simplified Representation of the Gas Turbine Cycle 324
10.6 Formulation and Theory:Isentropic Case 325
10.6.1 Simple Straight-Through Turbojet Engine:Formulation 325
10.6.2 Bypass Turbofan Engine:Formulation 327
10.6.3 Afterburner Engine:Formulation 329
10.6.4 Turboprop Engine:Formulation 330
10.7 Engine Integration with an Aircraft:Installation Effects 331
10.7.1 Subsonic Civil Aircraft Nacelle and Engine Installation 332
10.7.2 Turboprop Integration to Aircraft 335
10.7.3 Combat Aircraft Engine Installation 336
10.8 Intake and Nozzle Design 338
10.8.1 Civil Aircraft Intake Design:Inlet Sizing 338
10.8.2 Military Aircraft Intake Design 341
10.9Exhaust Nozzle and Thrust Reverser 341
10.9.1 Civil Aircraft Thrust Reverser Application 342
10.9.2 Civil Aircraft Exhaust Nozzles 343
10.9.3 Coursework Example of Civil Aircraft Nacelle Design 344
10.9.4 Military Aircraft Thrust Reverser Application and Exhaust Nozzles 345
10.10 Propeller 345
10.10.1 Propeller-Related Definitions 348
10.10.2 Propeller Theory 349
10.10.3 Propeller Performance:Practical Engineering Applications 355
10.10.4 Propeller Performance:Blade Numbers 3 ≤ N ≥ 4 357
10.10.5 Propeller Performance at STD Day:Worked-Out Example 358
10.11 Engine-Performance Data 359
10.11.1 Piston Engine 361
10.11.2 Turboprop Engine (Up to 100 Passengers Class) 363
10.11.3 Turbofan Engine:Civil Aircraft 365
10.11.4 Turbofan Engine:Military Aircraft 370
11 Aircraft Sizing,Engine Matching,and Variant Derivative 371
11.1 Overview 371
11.1.1 What Is to Be Learned? 371
11.1.2 Coursework Content 372
11.2 Introduction 372
11.3 Theory 373
11.3.1 Sizing for Takeoff Field Length 374
11.3.2 Sizing for the Initial Rate of Climb 377
11.3.3 Sizing to Meet Initial Cruise 378
11.3.4 Sizing for Landing Distance 378
11.4 Coursework Exercises:Civil Aircraft Design (Bizjet) 379
11.4.1 Takeoff 379
11.4.2 Initial Climb 380
11.4.3 Cruise 380
11.4.4 Landing 381
11.5 Coursework Exercises:Military Aircraft Design (AJT) 381
11.5.1 Takeoff - Military Aircraft 381
11.5.2 Initial Climb - Military Aircraft 381
11.5.3 Cruise - Military Aircraft 381
11.5.4 Landing - Military Aircraft 381
11.6 Sizing Analysis:Civil Aircraft (Bizjet) 381
11.6.1 Variants in the Family of Aircraft Design 382
11.6.2 Example:Civil Aircraft 383
11.7 Sizing Analysis:Military Aircraft 384
11.7.1 Single-Seat Variant in the Family of Aircraft Design 384
11.8 Sensitivity Study 384
11.9 Future Growth Potential 385
12 Stability Considerations Affecting Aircraft Configuration 387
12.1 Overview 387
12.1.1 What Is to Be Learned? 388
12.1.2 Coursework Content 388
12.2 Introduction 388
12.3 Static and Dynamic Stability 389
12.3.1 Longitudinal Stability:Pitch Plane (Pitch Moment,M) 392
12.3.2 Directional Stability:Yaw Plane (Yaw Moment,N) 393
12.3.3 Lateral Stability:Roll Plane (Roll Moment,L) 393
12.3.4 Summary of Forces,Moments,and Their Sign Conventions 396
12.4 Theory 396
12.4.1 Pitch Plane 396
12.4.2 Yaw Plane 400
12.4.3 Roll Plane 401
12.5 Current Statistical Trends for H- and V-Tail Coefficients 402
12.6 Inherent Aircraft Motions as Characteristics of Design 403
12.6.1 Short-Period Oscillation and Phugoid Motion 404
12.6.2 Directional and Lateral Modes of Motion 406
12.7 Spinning 408
12.8 Design Considerations for Stability:Civil Aircraft 409
12.9 Military Aircraft:Nonlinear Effects 413
12.10 Active Control Technology:Fly-by-Wire 413
13 Aircraft Performance 417
13.1 Overview 417
13.1.1 What Is to Be Learned? 417
13.1.2 Coursework Content 418
13.2 Introduction 418
13.2.1 Aircraft Speed 419
13.3 Establish Engine Performance Data 420
13.3.1 Turbofan Engine (BPR < 4) 420
13.3.2 Turbofan Engine (BPR > 4) 422
13.3.3 Military Turbofan (Advanced Jet Trainer/CAS Role -Very Low BPR) - STD Day 422
13.3.4 Turboprop Engine Performance 423
13.4 Derivation of Pertinent Aircraft Performance Equations 425
13.4.1 Takeoff 425
13.4.2 Landing Performance 429
13.4.3 Climb and Descent Performance 430
13.4.4 Initial Maximum Cruise Speed 435
13.4.5 Payload Range Capability 435
13.5 Aircraft Performance Substantiation:Worked-Out Examples(Bizjet) 437
13.5.1 Takeoff Field Length (Bizjet) 437
13.5.2 Landing Field Length (Bizjet) 442
13.5.3 Climb Performance Requirements (Bizjet) 443
13.5.4 Integrated Climb Performance (Bizjet) 444
13.5.5 Initial High-Speed Cruise (Bizjet) 446
13.5.6 Specific Range (Bizjet) 446
13.5.7 Descent Performance (Bizjet) 447
13.5.8 Payload Range Capability 448
13.6 Aircraft Performance Substantiation:Military Aircraft (AJT) 451
13.6.1 Mission Profile 451
13.6.2 Takeoff Field Length (AJT) 452
13.6.3 Landing Field Length (AJT) 456
13.6.4 Climb Performance Requirements (AJT) 457
13.6.5 Maximum Speed Requirements (AJT) 458
13.6.6 Fuel Requirements (AJT) 458
13.7 Summary 459
13.7.1 The Bizjet 461
13.7.2 The AJT 462
14 Computational Fluid Dynamics 464
14.1 Overview 464
14.1.1 What Is to Be Learned? 465
14.1.2 Coursework Content 465
14.2 Introduction 465
14.3 Current Status 466
14.4 Approach to CFD Analyses 468
14.4.1 In the Preprocessor (Menu-Driven) 470
14.4.2 In the Flow Solver (Menu-Driven) 470
14.4.3 In the Postprocessor (Menu-Driven) 470
14.5 Case Studies 471
14.6 Hierarchy of CFD Simulation Methods 472
14.6.1 DNS Simulation Technique 473
14.6.2 Large Eddy Simulation (LES) Technique 473
14.6.3 Detached Eddy Simulation (DES) Technique 473
14.6.4 RANS Equation Technique 473
14.6.5 Euler Method Technique 473
14.6.6 Full-Potential Flow Equations 474
14.6.7 Panel Method 474
14.7 Summary 475
15 Miscellaneous Design Considerations 476
15.1 Overview 476
15.1.1 What Is to Be Learned? 477
15.1.2 Coursework Content 477
15.2 Introduction 477
15.2.1 Environmental Issues 478
15.2.2 Materials and Structures 478
15.2.3 Safety Issues 478
15.2.4 Human Interface 478
15.2.5 Systems Architecture 478
15.2.6 Military Aircraft Survivability Issues 479
15.2.7 Emerging Scenarios 479
15.3 Noise Emissions 479
15.3.1 Summary 485
15.4 Engine Exhaust Emissions 487
15.5 Aircraft Materials 487
15.5.1 Material Properties 489
15.5.2 Material Selection 491
15.5.3 Coursework Overview 493
15.6 Aircraft Structural Considerations 494
15.7 Doors:Emergency Egress 495
15.8 Aircraft Flight Deck (Cockpit) Layout 497
15.8.1 Multifunctional Display and Electronic Flight Information System 498
15.8.2 Combat Aircraft Flight Deck 499
15.8.3 Civil Aircraft Flight Deck 500
15.8.4 Head-Up Display 500
15.8.5 Helmet-Mounted Display 501
15.8.6 Hands-On Throttle and Stick 502
15.8.7 Voice-Operated Control 502
15.9 Aircraft Systems 502
15.9.1 Aircraft Control Subsystem 503
15.9.2 Engine and Fuel Control Subsystems 505
15.9.3 Emergency Power Supply 508
15.9.4 Avionics Subsystems 509
15.9.5 Electrical Subsystem 510
15.9.6 Hydraulic Subsystem 511
15.9.7 Pneumatic System 513
15.9.8 Utility Subsystem 517
15.9.9 End-of-Life Disposal 518
15.10 Military Aircraft Survivability 521
15.10.1 Military Emergency Escape 521
15.10.2 Military Aircraft Stealth Consideration 521
15.10.3 Low Observable (LO) Aircraft Configuration 521
15.11 Emerging Scenarios 522
16 Aircraft Cost Considerations 523
16.1 Overview 523
16.1.1 What Is to Be Learned? 526
16.1.2 Coursework Content 526
16.2 Introduction 526
16.3 Aircraft Cost and Operational Cost 528
16.4 Aircraft Costing Methodology:Rapid-Cost Model 531
16.4.1 Nacelle Cost Drivers 533
16.4.2 Nose Cowl Parts and Subassemblies 536
16.4.3 Methodology (Nose Cowl Only) 536
16.4.4 Cost Formulas and Results 540
16.5 Aircraft Direct Operating Cost 544
16.5.1 Formulation to Estimate DOC 546
16.5.2 Worked-Out Example of DOC:Bizjet 548
17 Aircraft Manufacturing Considerations 551
17.1 Overview 551
17.1.1 What Is to Be Learned? 553
17.1.2 Coursework Content 553
17.2 Introduction 553
17.3 Design for Manufacture and Assembly 554
17.4 Manufacturing Practices 555
17.5 Six Sigma Concept 557
17.6 Tolerance Relaxation at the Wetted Surface 559
17.6.1 Sources of Aircraft Surface Degeneration 560
17.6.2 Cost-versus-Tolerance Relationship 560
17.7 Reliability and Maintainability 561
17.8 Design Considerations 562
17.8.1 Category Ⅰ:Technology-Driven Design Considerations 563
17.8.2 Category Ⅱ:Manufacture-Driven Design Considerations 564
17.8.3 Category Ⅲ:Management-Driven Design Considerations 564
17.8.4 Category Ⅳ:Operator-Driven Design Considerations 565
17.9 “Design for Customer” 565
17.9.1 Index for “Design for Customer” 566
17.9.2 Worked-Out Example 567
17.10 Digital Manufacturing Process Management 568
17.10.1 Product,Process,and Resource Hub 570
17.10.2 Integration of CAD/CAM,Manufacturing,Operations,and In-Service Domains 571
17.10.3 Shop-Floor Interface 572
17.10.4 Design for Maintainability and 3D-Based Technical Publication Generation 573
Appendix A Conversion 575
Appendix B International Standard Atmosphere 577
Appendix C Aerofoils 579
Appendix D Case Studies 580
Appendix E Tire Data 590
References 591
Index 600
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