- 电子书积分:25 积分如何计算积分?
- 出版年份:2005
- ISBN:1856694518
- 页数:984 页
Introduction 2
Art as Craft 2
Systems of Building 3
Sculptural Techniques and Materials 3
Painting Techniques and Materials 5
Print-making 7
Photography 9
Pictorial Representation 9
Perspective 9
Color 11
Style and Individual Expression 13
Context: Function and Meaning 14
The Power of Images 16
Women Artists 18
The History of Art 20
PART ONE Foundations of Art 24
CHAPTER ONE Before History 24
The Art of the Hunters 25
MAP Prehistoric Europe and West Asia 26
Cave Art 27
Mesolithic Art 33
The Art of Farmers 33
CONTEXT atal Hüyük: A Neolithic Town 34
Neolithic Architecture 37
Stonehenge 38
CHAPTER TWO The Early Civilizations 40
Mesopotamia 41
Sumer 41
MAP Ancient West Asia 43
Akkadian Art 45
Ziggurats 46
Babylon 48
The Indus Valley 49
Ancient Egypt 52
Predynastic 52
MAP Ancient Egypt 53
Early Dynastic 54
Old Kingdom Architecture 55
SOURCES AND DOCUMENTS Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts 58
Old Kingdom Sculpture and Painting 59
Middle Kingdom 63
The Aegean 65
MAP The Ancient Aegean 65
Minoan Crete 66
Mycenae and the Mainland 71
CONTEXTThe Homeric World 74
China 75
Shang Dynasty 75
MAP Ancient China 76
CHAPTER THREE Developments Across the Continents 80
The Hittites 80
The Discovery of Iron 82
MAP Anatolia, Syria and Mesopotamia 83
The New Kingdom in Ancient Egypt 83
SOURCES AND DOCUMENTS Thutmosis Instructs his Vizier 85
IN CONTEXT Hatshepsut: Women in Ancient Egypt 86
New Kingdom Architecture 88
Akhenaten 90
Ramesside Art 93
Assyria and Babylon 95
Narrative Relief 98
Babylon 100
Iran 102
Achaemenid Art 102
Persepolis 104
Zhou China 106
The Americas 109
MAP Ancient Mesoamerica 109
The Olmecs 110
Peru 111
MAP Ancient Peru 112
IN CONTEXT Chavin de Huantar: Religion and Society, in Ancient Peru 113
Africa: Nok Culture 115
CHAPTER FOUR The Greeks and Their Neighbours 116
Archaic Greece 117
MAP Ancient Greece 118
The Male Nude 121
The Polis 125
The Classical Period 126
The Parthenon 126
SOURCES AND DOCUMENTS Pausanias on the Parthenon 128
IN CONTEXT The Delphi Charioteer: Ancient Greek Religion and Athletics 134
Naturalism and Idealization 138
CONCEPTS The Ideal: Idealism, Proportion and the ‘Canon’ 139
Vase Painting 143
Stelae 145
The Late Classical Period 146
Barbarian Alternatives: Scythians and the Animal Style 149
URBAN DEVELOPMENT Organic Growth and Urban Planning from Jericho to Athens 150
Hallstattand LaTene 154
Iberia and Sardinia 156
The Etruscans 157
SOURCES AND DOCUMENTS Pliny on Etruscan Sculpture 161
CHAPTER FIVE Hellenistic and Roman Art 165
MAP Etruscan and Roman Italy 167
The Hellenistic Period 167
Plato, Aristotle and the Arts 169
Allegory 173
Hellenistic Architecture 175
Hellenistic and Roman Painting and Mosaics 178
IN CONTExT Roman Luxury: Silver and Cameo Glass 179
SOURCES AND DOCUMENTS Vitruvius on Roman Painting 183
Roman Architecture 185
Domestic Architecture 186
Temples and Public Works 187
URBAN DEVELOPMENTThe Roman City:From the Republic to the Late Empire 188
The Colosseum and the Invention of Concrete 191
The Pantheon 193
Roman Sculpture 195
Towards a Definition of Roman Art 196
IN CONTExT Family Piety: The Roman Portrait Bust 200
Late Antique Art 207
PART TWO Art and the World Religions 216
CHAPTER SIX Buddhism, Hinduism and the Arts of South and East Asia 216
Buddhist Art in India 219
MAP India 219
IN CONTExTThe Life ofthe Buddha: Scriptures and Images 222
The lmage of Buddha 224
Hindu Art in India 230
CONCEPTS The Divine: From Apollo to Vishnu 233
IN CONTExT Ellora: An Architect-Sculptor’s Summit 237
SOURCES AND DOCUMENTS KonarakTemple Building Accounts 238
Buddhist and Hindu Art in Sri Lanka and Java 244
MAP South-East Asia 244
Buddhist and Hindu Art on the South-East Asian Mainland 249
Confucian, Daoistand Buddhist Art in China 255
Han Dynasty 255
IN CONTEXT Confucius: Han ReliefCarving 258
Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties 265
Song Dynasty 268
Landscape Painting 272
Shinto and Buddhist Art in Japan 277
SOURCES AND DOCUMENTS The Nihongi on the First Buddhist images in Japan 279
The Heian, Fujiwara and Kamakura Periods (794-1333) 282
SOURCES AND DOCUMENTS Lady Murasaki on Calligraphy 285
CHAPTER SEVEN Early Christian and Byzantine Art 288
The Beginnings of Christian Art 289
IN CONTEXT The Catacombs: Early Christian Art 292
From Domus Ecclesiae to the Christian Basilica 294
The Image of Christ 297
SOURCES AND DOCUMENTS Agnellus on S Apollinare Nuovo 300
Ravenna 303
Byzantine Art 306
Ecclesiastical Architecture 306
MAP The Byzantine World 307
Hagia Sophia 307
URBAN DEVELOPMENT Constantinople: The Creation ofa Christian Imperial Capital City 308
The Classical Tradition 313
Icons and Iconoclasts 315
The Triumph of Orthodoxy 316
IN CONTExTThe Virgin: The First Images 318
Christian Art in Northern Europe 320
Interlace and Illumination 322
Christian Art in Western Europe 324
The Carolingian Renovatio 326
SOURCES AND DOCUMENTS Einhard on the Palatine Chapel 327
CONTEXT Monasticism: East and West 328
Developments in Christian Imagery 329
CHAPTER EIGHT Early Islamic Art 333
MAP The Islamic World 334
Umayyad Art and Architecture 336
SOURCES AND DOCUMENTS The Byzantine Ambassadors Visit Baghdad 341
Abbasid Art and Architecture 342
Islamic Spain 345
Samanid and SeljukArchitecture 348
Islamic Decoration 349
IN CONTEXT The Madrasa: Architecture for Education 350
PART THREE Sacred and Secular Art 356
CHAPTER NINE Medieval Christendom 356
MAP Western Europe in the Middle Ages 358
Ottonian Art 359
Romanesque Architecture in Italy 362
Romanesque Art and Architecture in Northern Europe 366
Innovations in Romanesque Architecture 373
Gothic Art and Architecture 375
SOURCES AND DOCUMENTS Abbot Suger Finds Columns and Beams for St-Denis 376
IN CONTEXT The Gothic Cathedral: The New Jerusalem 378
High Gothic 380
Stained Glass and Flying Buttresses 381
URBAN DEVELOPMENT Medieval Towns:Commercial Prosperity and Civic Pride 382
Economics and Theology 387
SOURCES AND DOCUMENTS Abbot Haymo and the ‘Cult ofthe Carts’ at Chartres 387
Sculpture and Painting 388
English and German Gothic 391
SOURCES AND DOCUMENTS Piers Plowman on Stained Glass and Opus Angcanum 392
Italian Gothic 393
IN CONTEXT St Francis and St Clare 396
Giotto 403
SOURCES AND DOCUMENTS The Monks in Padua Complain about the Scrovegni Chapel 405
Secular and International Gothic 408
CHAPTER TEN The Fifteenth Century in Europe 416
The Beginnings of the Italian Renaissance 417
MAP Renaissance Italy 418
Brunelleschi 418
Masaccio 420
‘Progress’ in Sculpture 421
A New Style in Flanders 424
Van Eyck and van der Weyden 424
IN CONTEXTThe Ghent Altarpiece: Jan van Eyck and his Patrons 426
SOURCES AND DOCUMENTS Bartolommeo Fazio on Jan van Eyck 430
Architecture in Italy 430
Alberti 431
Sculpture in Italy 433
Donatello 433
New Departures 434
Italian Painting and the Church 438
Fra Angelico, Uccello and Piero della Francesca 439
SOURCES AND DOCUMENTS Filippino Lippi and Filippo Strozzi: Financial and other Problems over the Strozzi Chapel 441
Secular Painting 443
Botticelli 445
The Venetian Synthesis 449
Mantegna and Bellini 449
International Humanism 453
Dürer 453
IN CONTEXT Bellini and Carpaccio: Corporate Patronage in Renaissance Venice 454
CHAPTER ELEVEN The Sixteenth Century in Europe 457
Reform and Early Sixteenth-Century Art in the North 458
Hieronymus Bosch 460
Grünewald 461
Protestant Art 463
The High Renaissance in Italy 466
Leonardo da Vinci 466
Harmony, Unity and Raphael 469
IN CONTEXT Bramante’s Tempietto: Alberti,Leonardo and the Ideal Renaissance Church 472
Michelangelo 474
SOURCES AND DOCUMENTS Michelangelo’s David:Contract and Installation 475
The Venetian High Renaissance 485
URBAN DEVELOPMENT Renaissance Urbanism:The Rome of Sixtus V 486
Giorgione 488
Titian 489
Tintoretto and Veronese 492
Sansovino, Palladio and the Laws of Harmony 493
SOURCES AND DOCUMENTS Veronese’s Interroga-tion by the Inquisition 494
Mannerism and Mannerisms 497
Correggio and Mannerist ‘Licence’ 497
Pieter Bruegel the Elder 502
El Greco 503
IN CONTEXT Pieter Bruegel’s Months: Patronagein Flanders 504
CHAPTER TWELVE The Americas, Africa and Asia 507
Mesoamerica and Peru 508
MAP Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica 509
The Maya, Toltecs and Mixtecs 510
The Aztecs 513
The Incas 516
SOURCES AND DOCUMENTS Cortés and Dürer on Mexico and Montezuma’sTreasure 517
Africa 519
MAP Africa 519
The Islamic World 524
Ottoman Architecture 528
Safavid Art and Architecture 529
URBAN DEVELOPMENT Isfahan and Samarkand:Islamic Urban Design 534
Mughal Art and Architecture 536
CONTEXT Nur-Jahan and Jahangir: Art at the Mughal Court 540
SOURCES AND DOCUMENTS Domingo Paes on Vijayanagar 544
China 545
The Yuan Dynas 545
The Ming Dynas 549
SOURCES AND DOCUMENTS Dong Qichang on Painting: The Study of Nature and Old Masters 555
Japan-Kamakura to Edo 556
MAPJapan 557
The Influence of Zen Buddhism 558
CONTEXT Namban Screens: The Japanese Encounter with Europeans 562
CHAPTER THIRTEEN The Seventeenth Century in Europe 567
New Beginnings in Rome 568
CONCEPTS Nature, Imitation and Invention: The Formation ofAcademicTheory 570
Baroque Art and Architecture 571
Rubens and van Dyck 572
IN CONTEXT The Jesuit Missions: Evangelization and Colonization 576
The Easel Painting in Italy 578
Bernini 580
Borromini 583
Poussin and Claude 585
Velázquez 588
SOURCES AND DOCUMENTS Pacheco on Art in the Service of Religion 590
Dutch Painting 591
Hals 591
Rembrandt 592
Landscape 595
IN CONTEXT Rembrandt’s‘Hundred-Guilder Print’: The Development of Graphic Processes 596
Still Life and Genre 600
Vermeer 602
England and France 603
CHAPTER FOURTEEN Enlightenment and Liberty 607
French Rococo Art 608
Watteau, de Troy and the Rococo Interior 609
Boucher, Chardin and Fragonard 612
SOURCES AND DOCUMENTS Diderot on Boucher,Greuze and Chardin 612
IN CONTEXT Fragonard and Greuze: Sex Objects and Virtuous Mothers 614
The Rococo in Germany and Italy 616
Tiepolo, Guardi and Canaletto 619
English Sense and Sensibility 622
Hogarth and Gainsborough 622
Landscape and Classicism 623
Neoclassicism, or the ‘True Style’ 627
SOURCES AND DOCUMENTS Washington and Jefferson: Antique versus Modern Dress 629
Canova and David 630
PART FOUR The Making of the Modern World 636
CHAPTER FIFTEEN Romanticism to Realism 636
URBAN DEVELOPMENT Factories and Public Parks:OWen, Nash and Olmsted 638
Romanticism 640
The Heirs of David 642
Goya 644
Géricault 646
Ingres 647
Delacroix 648
SOURCES AND DOCUMENTS Heine on Delacroix’s Liberty Leading the People 651
Romanticism and Philosophy 651
Friedrich 651
Blake 652
Romantic Landscape Painting 653
Constable 653
Turner 654
IN CONTEXT Turner’s Slave Ship: Images of Slavery 656
Corot and the Etude 658
Photography 659
In which Style should we Build? 662
SOURCES AND DOCUMENTS Pugin on thePrinciples ofChristian Architecture 664
Historicism and Realism 665
The Pre-Raphaelites 666
Courbet 666
CONCEPTS Art forArt’s Sake: Aestheticism versus Realism 668
Millet 669
Manet 670
SOURCES AND DOCUMENTS Baudelaire: ‘What is the good ofcriticism?’ 670
The USA 674
IN CONTEXT Caleb Bingham’s Fur Traders: Art and the Frontier 678
Photography Comes of Age 681
CHAPTER SIXTEEN Eastern Traditions 686
Qing-dynasty China 687
IN CONTEXT Wang Hui and Others, Portrait of An Qi: Painters and Patrons under the Qing Dynasty 689
Architecture and the Decorative Arts 690
Japan in the Edo Period 693
Hokusai and Hiroshige 695
SOURCES AND DOCUMENTS Hokusai and Frank Lloyd Wright on the japanese Print 698
CHAPTER SEVENTEEN Impressionism to Post-Impressionism 700
Impressionism 701
Monet 704
SOURCES AND DOCUMENTS Laforgue on Impressionism 705
Morisot, Renoir and Manet 705
IN CONTEXT Degas and Manet: City Lights and the Exploitation ofWomen 708
Degas 710
Japonisme 712
Neo-Impressionism 715
Seurat, Divisionism and Socialism 715
Symbolism 717
Gaugin and van Gogh 718
Allegories of Modern Life: Munch and Rodin 720
Art Nouveau and the New Architecture 723
Sullivan and the Skyscraper 725
IN CONTEXT The Crystal Palace and the Statue of Liberty: Metal and New Building Methods 726
Domestic Architecture 728
Cézanne 729
SOURCES AND DOCUMENTS Cézanne to Emile Bernard 730
CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Indigenous Arts of Africa, the Americas,Australia and Oceania 734
Oceania 736
MAP Oceania 736
Polynesia 736
SOURCES AND DOCUMENTS Captain Cook and the Arts ofthe Pacific 739
Melanesia and Micronesia 742
Australia 744
The North American North-West Coast 746
IN CONTEXT A Shaman’s Mask: Art and the Supernatural 748
The Plains and the Arid Lands of North America 750
Africa 752
IN CONTEXT A Complex Legacy: The European Presence in African Art 756
PART FIVE Twentieth-Century Art and Beyond 768
CHAPTER NINETEEN Art from 1900 to 1919 768
New Ways of Looking 769
IN CONTEXT Picasso’s Demoiselles: Anarchism,Colonialism and Art as Exorcism 772
The Fauves and Expressionism 774
Matisse 775
The German Expressionists 776
Kandinsky 779
SOURCES AND DOCUMENTS Kandinsky on Color 780
Marc 781
Cubism 782
Picasso and Braque: Analytical and Synthetic Cubism 782
SOURCES AND DOCUMENTS Braque and Picasso on Cubism 785
Orphic Cubism 789
Futurism 790
Abstract or Non-Objective Art 793
Suprematism and the Founding of De Stijl 793
Architecture 795
Frank Lloyd Wright 795
CHAPTER TWENTY Between the Two World Wars 798
Dada and Surrealism 799
Duchamp 800
America and the Precisionist View 803
Diego Rivera and the Mexican Muralists 805
IN CONTExr Orozco, Rivera and Siqueiros:Art and Politics 806
Breton, de Chirico and Ernst 808
SOURCES AND DOCUMENTS Louis Aragon, Max Ernst and Others Issue a Surrealist Declaration 809
Dali, Magritte and Miró 810
Welded Metal: A Revolution in Sculpture 813
Photography and Modern Movements 815
SOURCES AND DOCUMENTS Walter Benjamin on Photography 815
Constructivism, De Stijl and the Interna-tional Style 819
Art and Revolution 819
The Bauhaus 821
SOURCES AND DOCUMENTS Walter Gropius on the Bauhaus 821
Mondrian 823
Le Corbusier and Mies van der Rohe 825
URBAN DEVELOPMENT Cities ofthe Future: Le Corbusier and Frank Lloyd Wright 826
Brancusi and Moore 828
Art Deco 830
CHAPTER TWENTY ONE Post-War to Post-Modern 832
Abstract Expressionism 833
Pollock and de Kooning 835
Still, Rothko and Neuman 837
European Survivors 840
Post-Painterly Abstraction 841
JasperJohns and Robert Rauschenberg 843
CONCEPTS Modernism and Formalism 844
Pop Art 845
Photographic Imagery 848
Minimal Art 851
Conceptual Art 853
Arte Povera 855
Body Art and Process Art 857
Earth and Land Art 858
Photo-Realism and New Image Painting 861
Modernism and Post-Modernism 865
CHAPTER TWENTY TWO Into the Third Millennium 870
Questioning Modernism 872
Neo-Expressionism 877
Art as Identity 883
Post-Modern Multiculturalism 888
Video and the Post-Medium Condition 895
Photography and the Construction of Reality 899
Abjection 904
Function and Value 907
The New Museums of Art 908
URBAN DEVELOPMENT Berlin and its International Building Exhibitions 912
Art after Post-Modernism 914
Globalization, Sensation and Spectacle 921
The Turn ofthe Millennium 928
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