![DIGITAL FUNDAMENTALS SIXTH EDITION](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/91/s6b9081e.jpg)
![DIGITAL FUNDAMENTALS SIXTH EDITION](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/91/s6b9081e.jpg)
- 电子书积分:21 积分如何计算积分?
- 出版年份:1997
- 页数:778 页
1Introductory Digital Concepts 1
1-1Digital and Analog Quantities 2
1-2Binary Digits,Logic Levels,and Digital Waveforms 4
1-3Basic Logic Operations 11
1-4Basic Logic Functions 13
1-5Digital Integrated Circuits 18
1-6Testing and Troubleshooting Instruments 21
1-7Digital System Application 28
2Number Systems,Operations,and Codes 36
2-1Decimal Numbers 38
2-2Binary Numbers 39
2-3Decimal-to-Binary Conversion 42
2-4Binary Arithmetic 45
2-51's and 2's Complements of Binary Numbers 49
2-6Signed Numbers 50
2-7Arithmetic Operations with Signed Numbers 54
2-8Hexadecimal Numbers 61
2-9Octal Numbers 66
2-10Binary Coded Decimal(BCD) 69
2-11Digital Codes 71
2-12Digital System Application 82
3Logic Gates 94
3-1The Inverter 96
3-2The AND Gate 99
3-3The OR Gate 105
3-4The NAND Gate 110
3-5The NOR Gate 115
3-6The Exclusive-OR and Exclusive-NOR Gates 119
3-7Integrated Circuit Logic Families 123
3-8Troubleshooting 132
3-9Digital System Application 138
4Boolean Algebra and Logic Simplification 154
4-1Boolean Operations and Expressions 156
4-2Laws and Rules of Boolean Algebra 157
4-3DeMorgan's Theorems 162
4-4Boolean Analysis of Logic Circuits 165
4-5Simplification Using Boolean Algebra 167
4-6Standard Forms of Boolean Expressions 170
4-7Boolean Expressions and Truth Tables 176
4-8The Karnaugh Map 179
4-9Karnaugh Map SOP Minimization 181
4-10 Karnaugh Map POS Minimization 190
4-11 Five-Variable Karnaugh Maps 195
4-12 Digital System Application 197
5Combinational Logic 212
5-1Special Combinational Logic Circuits 214
5-2Implementing Combinational Logic 219
5-3The Universal Property of NAND and NOR Gates 225
5-4Combinational Logic Using NAND and NOR Gates 227
5-5Operation with Pulse Waveforms 232
5-6Troubleshooting 236
5-7Digital System Application 242
6Functions of Combinational Logic 256
6-1Basic Adders 258
6-2Parallel Binary Adders 262
6-3Ripple Carry Versus Look-Ahead Carry Adders 269
6-4Comparators 273
6-5Decoders 278
6-6Encoders 287
6-7Code Converters 293
6-8Multiplexers(Data Selectors) 298
6-9Demultiplexers 307
6-10Parity Generators/Checkers 309
6-11Troubleshooting 314
6-12Digital System Application 316
7Introduction to Programmable Logic Devices 336
7-1PLD Arrays and Classifications 338
7-2Programmable Array Logic(PAL) 340
7-3Generic Array Logic(GAL) 346
7-4The GAL22V 10349
7-5The GAL16V 8356
7-6PLD Programming 359
7-7PLD Software 362
7-8Digital System Application 371
8Flip-Flops and Related Devices 382
8-1Latches 384
8-2Edge-Triggered Flip-Flops 390
8-3Master-Slave Flip-Flops 400
8-4Flip-Flop Operating Characteristics 404
8-5Flip-Flop Applications 407
8-6One-Shots 411
8-7The 555 Timer 416
8-8Troubleshooting 422
8-9Digital System Application 424
9Counters 440
9-1Asynchronous Counter Operation 442
9-2Synchronous Counter Operation 449
9-3Up/Down Synchronous Counters 457
9-4Design of Synchronous Counters 461
9-5Cascaded Counters 470
9-6Counter Decoding 474
9-7Counter Applications 478
9-8Troubleshooting 482
9-9Logic Symbols with Dependency Notation 486
9-10 Digital System Application 488
10Shift Registers 506
10-1Basic Shift Register Functions 508
10-2Serial In/Serial Out Shift Registers 509
10-3Serial In/Parallel Out Shift Registers 513
10-4Parallel In/Serial Out Shift Registers 515
10-5Parallel In/Parallel Out Shift Registers 519
10-6Bidirectional Shift Registers 520
10-7Shift Register Counters 523
10-8Shift Register Applications 527
10-9Troubleshooting 533
10-10Logic Symbols with Dependency Notation 535
10-11Digital System Application 536
11Sequential Logic Applications of PLDs 550
11-1The Complete OLMC 552
11-2OLMC Mode Selection 555
11-3Implementing Shift Registers with PLDs 559
11-4Implementing Counters with PLDs 563
11-5PLD System Implementation 570
11-6Digital System Application 579
12Memories 588
12-1Basics of Semiconductor Memories 590
12-2Read-Only Memories(ROMs) 593
12-3Programmable ROMs(PROMs and EPROMs) 601
12-4Read/Write Random-Access Memories(RAMS) 604
12-5Flash Memories 617
12-6Memory Expansion 618
12-7Special Types of Memories 623
12-8Magnetic and Optical Memories 628
12-9Testing and Troubleshooting 634
12-10Digital System Application 638
13Interfacing 652
13-1Interfacing the Digital and Analog Worlds 654
13-2Digital-to-Analog(D/A)Conversion 657
13-3Analog-to-Digital (A/D)Conversion 663
13-4Troubleshooting DACs and ADCs 672
13-5Internal System Interfacing 677
13-6Digital Equipment Interfacing 681
13-7Digital System Application 688
14Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcomputers 702
14-1The Microprocessor and Microcomputer 704
14-2Microprocessor Families 707
14-3The 8086/8088 Microprocessor 710
14-4Microprocessor Programming 714
14-5The Central Processing Unit(CPU) 717
14-6The Memory 721
14-7The Input/Output(I/O)Port 724
14-8I/O Interrupts 727
14-9Direct Memory Access(DMA) 729
15Integrated Circuit Technologies 734
15-1Basic Operational Characteristics and Parameters 736
15-2TTL Circuits 743
15-3Practical Considerations in the Use of TTL 751
15-4CMOS Circuits 758
15-5Comparison of CMOS and TTL Characteristics 763
15-6Interfacing Logic Families 764
15-7ECL Circuits 767
15-8PMOS,NMOS,and E2CMOS 769
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