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  • 电子书积分:20 积分如何计算积分?
  • 出 版 社:OREGON
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:0 页

Part Ⅰ:States 1

1.Power as a Regulator of International Relations 3

2.On American'Hegemony' 28

3.The United Kingdom:A Comeback after the Decline? 68

4.Imperialism and International Law in Europe and the United States 75

5.The State between Fragmentation and Globalisation 93

6.'Failed States':More Problems than Solutions 109

Part Ⅱ:The International Legal System 123

7.Utopia and the International Legal System 125

8.Some Observations on International Legal Norms 139

9.Acts,Norms and Law in 1500 Words or Less 161

10.International Custom:Its Life,Its Craft 165

11.Interpretation in Public International Law 178

12.Changing Fashions in International Law 189

Part Ⅲ:International Security 209

A.Systems and Doctrines 209

13.Classic Security Systems 211

14.Collective Security 237

15.Weapons of Mass Destruction and International Security 250

16.The UN Charter and International Security:Present and Future 256

B.The UN Security Council 279

17.The UN Security Council:Blockage,Renewal,Future 281

18.In Praise of the Security Council 294

19.Security Council Resolution 1441 and the Iraq Case:A Missed Opportunity 307

20.Security Council Resolution 1540:The Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction,Terrorism and Non-State Actors 313

21.Post-September 11 UN Security Council Counter-Terrorism Measures 335

C.Arms Control,Limitation of Armaments and Disarmament 351

22.Disarmament and International Law 353

23.On the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty:The United States between Unilateralism and Multilateralism 374

24.At Risk:Disarmament within the New International Security Context 385

25.Non-Proliferation Initiatives and the Non-Proliferation Treaty Review:An Introduction 405

D.Unilateral Uses of Armed Force 415

26.The Legality of Armed Conflict in International Law 417

27.Legal Aspects of the Intervention of NATO Member States in Kosovo 429

28.The Kosovo Affair and International Law:Points and Counterpoints 444

29.About the Preventive War Doctrine 458

Part Ⅳ:International Humanitarian Law and International Criminal Justice 467

30.Towards an International Criminal Court:The Rome Statute,NGOs and the UN Security Council 469

31.International Criminal Law:Between the State and International Society 486

32.The Responsibility to Protect and the Crisis of Humanitarian Law 505

Index 511
