- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Shapiro
- 出 版 社:Limited [Distributor]
- 出版年份:2010
- 页数:472 页
1 What Is Law (and Why Should We Care)? 1
2 Crazy Little Thing Called “Law” 35
3 Austin’s Sanction Theory 51
4 Hart and the Rule of Recognition 79
5 How to Do Things with Plans 118
6 The Making of a Legal System 154
7 What Law Is 193
8 Legal Reasoning and Judicial Decision Making 234
9 Hard Cases 259
10 Theoretical Disagreements 282
11 Dworkin and Distrust 307
12 The Economy of Trust 331
13 The Interpretation of Plans 353
14 The Value of Legality 388
Notes 403
Acknowledgments 449
Index 455
- 《与女人交心 深化中年女性之间的友谊》(美)派翠西亚·戈特里布·夏普洛(Patricia Gottlieb Shapiro)著主编;林雨蒨译 2004
- 《Windows Server 2008宝典》(美)JEFFERYR.SHAPIRO著 2009
- 《水浒传》(元)施耐庵,罗贯中著;( )夏皮罗(Shapiro,S.)译;金诗伯改写 1991
- 《超短光脉冲 皮秒技术及应用》(美)夏皮罗(Shapiro,S.L.)主编;朱世靖等译 1987
- 《形与流 漫谈阻力流体动力学》(美)夏皮罗(A.H.Shapiro)著;谈镐生等译 1979
- 《男人“怀孕”时 即将做父亲人须知》(美)杰罗尔德·李·夏皮罗(Jerrold Lee Shapiro)著;夏力宁,张兵一译 1999
- 《找回自我 女人如何摆脱错误的选择》(美)Susan Shapiro Barash著;肖飞等译 2003
- 《跨国财务管理基础 英文版》(美)艾伦·C.夏皮罗(Alan C.Shapiro)著 2002
- 《女儿与母亲的亲密对话》(美)茱迪丝·夏布洛(Judith Shapiro)编;许琼莹译 1999
- 《Visual Basic .NET完全手册》(美)Jeffrey R.Shapiro著;袁泉等译 2003