

- 电子书积分:20 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:JOHN
- 出版年份:2222
- 页数:0 页
Chapter 1.The Policies Underlying International Economic Relations 1
1.1 Interdependence, Globalization, and the Changing Fundamen-tals of the Bretton Woods System 1
1.2 Overview, Purpose and Structure of the Book: Regulatory Approach 2
1.3 Growth and Importance of International Trade 4
1.4 Challenges and Policy Tensions of Changing Fundamentals of International Law and Economic Relations 7
Chapter 2.An Introduction to the Economics of Interna-tional Trade 15
2.1 Comparative Advantage and Gains From Trade 15
2.2 Interference With Free Trade 21
2.3 The Political Economy of Trade Policy 48
2.4 Foreign Policy Goals and International Trade Policy 56
Chapter 3.The United States Constitution and Regulation of International Economic Affairs 60
3.1 Introduction to Chapters 3 and 4 60
3.2 The United States Constitution and International Economic Relations 65
3.3 Trade Legislation in the United States: President and Con-gress Accommodate 76
3.4 International Agreements and U.S.Law 95
3.5 The Courts and Foreign Relations 112
3.6 Federal.State Relations and International Economic Regula-tion 123
Chapter 4.International Economic Regulation in the European Union 144
4.1 Introduction 144
4.2 Introduction to the European Union 145
4.3 The Force of EU Law in the Member States 151
4.4 The Union's Power in External Commercial Relations 155
4.5 The Future Economic and Political Integration of Europe 167
Chapter 5.International Law and International Economic Relations 171
5.1 Introduction: What Is international Law and Why Do Nations Utilize It? 171
5.2 Certain Fundamentals of International Law 180
5.3 International Economic Law 202
5.4 The Bretton Woods System and World Economic Relations 208
Chapter 6.The Legal Structure of the WTO/GATT System 214
6.1 Introduction: The New World Trading System 214
6.2 GATT and Its Troubled History 217
6.3 The World Trade Organization 224
6.4 Decision.Making in GATT and the WTO 230
6.5 Trade Negotiating Rounds 234
6.6 Accession and Membership 239
6.7 Effect of the WTO/GATT Agreements on Domestic Law 246
Chapter 7.Dispute Settlement 255
7.1 Introduction 255
7.2 Dispute Settlement in the GATT System 266
7.3 The WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding 267
7.4 Critical Issues in WTO Dispute Settlement 285
7.5 Implementation and Retaliation Procedures and Remedies 348
Chapter 8.Border Measures Ⅰ: Tariffs and Customs Rules 373
8.1 Introduction 373
8.2 GATT Tariff Commitments: The Bindings 376
8.3 Customs Law 390
Chapter 9.Border Measures Ⅱ: Quotas, Non-Tariff Barri-ers and Transparency 423
9.1 Introduction 423
9.2 Article XI 423
9.3 Exceptions to Article Ⅵ 433
9.4 State Trading 444
9.5 Transparency and Proper Administration 456
Chapter 10.Nondiscrimination and the Most-Favored-Na-tion Clause 467
10.1 Introduction 467
10.2 The Most Favored Nation Obligation in GATT 475
10.3 The Most Favored Nation Obligation in United States Law 492
Chapter 11.Free Trade Areas and Customs Unions 497
11.1 Introduction 497
11.2 The Article ⅩⅩⅣ Exception 503
11.3 Overlapping Obligations in WTO and PTA Law 516
11.4 U.S.Participation in Regional Arrangements 525
Chapter 12.The National Treatment Clause 537
12.1 Introduction 537
12.2 The National Treatment Obligation: The Basic Rule 540
12.3 Discriminatory Taxes: Article Ⅲ:2 551
12.4 Discriminatory Regulations: Article Ⅲ:4 565
12.5 Government Purchases 586
Chapter 13.Article ⅩⅩ: The General Exceptions 591
13.1 Introduction 591
13.2 Article ⅩⅩ(B)—Health Measures 593
13.3 Article ⅩⅩ(D)—Enforcement Measures 600
13.4 Article ⅩⅩ(G)—Conservation Measures 605
13.5 The Chapeau to Article ⅩⅩ 614
13.6 Should Article ⅩⅩ Be Expanded to Cover Environmental Measures Generally? 637
Chapter 14.Technical Barriers to Trade: The SPS and TBT Agreements 647
14.1 Introduction 647
14.2 The SPS Agreement 653
14.3 The TBT Agreement 669
Chapter 15.Safeguard Measures (the “Escape Clause”) and Adjustment Policies 691
15.1 Introduction 691
15.2 Rules and Procedures for Safeguards Cases 694
15.3 Critical Issues in Safeguards Cases 700
15.4 Adjustment Assistance 747
Chapter 16.The Regulation of Dumping 752
16.1 Introduction 752
16.2 Antidumping Laws: The Underlying Policy Issues 756
16.3 United States Antidumping Law 763
16.4 The WTO Rules on Dumping 786
Chapter 17.Injury Analysis in Antidumping and Counter-vailing Duty Cases 813
17.1 Introduction 813
17.2 Industry Definition 817
17.3 Material Injury or Threat by Reason of Unfairly Traded Imports 823
Chapter 18.Subsidies and Countervailing Duties 848
18.1 Introduction 848
18.2 WTO Rules 857
18.3 United States Countervailing Duty Law 921
Chapter 19.International Trade in Services 928
19.1 Introduction 928
19.2 Structure and Documents of the GATS System for Services 939
19.3 Overview of WTO Case Law on Services 959
19.4 U.S.Gambling 972
Chapter 20.Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights 993
20.1 Introduction 993
20.2 TRIPS and WTO Developments 999
20.3 Infringing Imports 1039
Chapter 21.Linkages Between International Trade Policy and Human Rights, Labor Standards and National Security 1058
21.1 Introduction 1058
21.2 Human Rights and International Trade Policy: Tension of Conflicting Goals 1060
21.3 Labor Standards and International Trade Policy 1067
21.4 Trade Controls for National Security and Political Purposes 1079
Chapter 22.Monetary Affairs and Trade Policy 1088
22.1 Introduction 1088
22.2 The Trade/Exchange Rate Relationship Under International Law 1095
22.3 Trade Measures for Balance of Payments Reasons 1098
Chapter 23.Trade and Investment 1110
23.1 Introduction 1110
23.2 WTO and TRIMs 1112
23.3 Investor Rights Under NAFTA 1121
Chapter 24.Developing Countries and the WTO System 1144
24.1 Introduction 1144
24.2 The Evolution of WTO/GATT Rules for Developing Countries 1149
24.3 The Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) 1158
24.4 The New International Economic Order and the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States 1172
Chapter 25.Perspectives and Conclusions: A Challenging Future 1174
25.1 Introduction 1174
25.2 Legal Rules or Government Discretion? Which Is Best? 1175
25.3 The WTO's “Constitution” and Its Weaknesses 1181
25.4 Reflections on the Future of the Trading System 1188
INDEX 1195
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