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The Criminal Responsibility of Senior Political and Military Leaders as Principals to International
The Criminal Responsibility of Senior Political and Military Leaders as Principals to International

The Criminal Responsibility of Senior Political and Military Leaders as Principals to International PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:Olasolo
  • 出 版 社:Hart Publishing Limited;International Specialized Book Services [Distributor]
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9781849460903;1849460906
  • 页数:354 页
《The Criminal Responsibility of Senior Political and Military Leaders as Principals to International 》目录

1 First Approach to the Criminal Liability of Political and Military Leaders for International Crimes 1

2 Perpetration of a Crime and Participation in a Crime Committed by a Third Person: Principal versus Accessorial Liability 13

Ⅰ Introduction 13

Ⅱ First Approach to the Problem: Principal versus Accessorial Liability in National Law 14

Ⅲ Principal versus Accessorial Liability in International Criminal Law 20

Ⅳ Differences between the ICC and the Ad hoc Tribunals with regard to the Notion of Accessorial Liability 27

Ⅴ Different Approaches to the Distinction between Principal and Accessorial Liability 30

Ⅵ First Approach to the Notion of Joint Criminal Enterprise as Elaborated by the Case Law of the Ad hoc Tribunals and to the Notion of Control of the Crime 33

Ⅶ Are the Notions of Joint Criminal Enterprise and Control of the Crime Part of Customary International Law? 38

3 Direct Perpetration and Indirect Perpetration 69

Ⅰ Direct Perpetration 69

Ⅱ Principal Liability of Senior Political and Military Leaders for Commission by Omission 82

Ⅲ Indirect Perpetration 109

4 Co-perpetration Based on Joint Criminal Enterprise 153

Ⅰ Joint Criminal Enterprise and Joint Control as Two Competing Definitional Criteria of the Concept of Co-perpetration 153

Ⅱ Three Forms of Co-perpetration Based on Joint Criminal Enterprise 155

Ⅲ Elements of Co-perpetration Based on Joint Criminal Enterprise 157

Ⅳ Traditional Notion of Joint Criminal Enterprise 182

Ⅴ The Notion of Joint Criminal Enterprise at the Leadership Level 202

Ⅵ Pleading Co-perpetration Based on Joint Criminal Enterprise 231

Ⅶ Distinguishing between the Notion of Co-perpetration Based on Joint Criminal Enterprise and Aiding and Abetting as a Form of Accessorial Liability 252

Ⅷ Final Remarks on the Relationship between the Notions of Co-Perpetration Based on Joint Criminal Enterprise, Aiding and Abetting and Superior Responsibility 261

5 Co-perpetration Based on Joint Control of the Crime 265

Ⅰ The Notion of Joint Control of the Crime 265

Ⅱ The Treatment of the Notions of Joint Control of the Crime and Joint Criminal Enterprise in the Rome Statute 267

Ⅲ Elements of the Notion of Joint Control of the Crime 273

Ⅳ Cases of Co-perpetration Based on Joint Control of the Crime versus Cases of Indirect Perpetration 285

Ⅴ Applications of the Notion of Co-perpetration Based on Joint Control 291

Ⅵ Joint Application of the Notions of OSP and Joint Control: Indirect Co-perpetration 302

Epilogue 331

Bibliography 337

Index 347
