The Surgical Treatment of Facial Injuries Second EditionPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:28 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:
- 出 版 社:The Williams & Wilkins Company.
- 出版年份:1959
- 页数:1110 页
1.The Face 1
2.Healing of Wounds 33
3.General Principles of Operating Technique 57
4.Early Treatment of Facial Injuries 77
5.Introduction to Fractures of the Facial Bones 112
6.Fractures of the Mandible 116
7.Fractures of the Maxilla 191
8.Fractures of the Bones and Cartilages of the Nose 221
9.Fractures of the Zygoma 245
10.Fractures of the Bones of the Fronto-Ethmoidal Region.Traumatic Cerebrospinal Rhinorrhea 270
11.Complex Fractures of the Facial Skeleton 284
12.Facial Injuries in Children 299
13.Roentgen Examination of the Facial Bones 316
14.Introduction to Reconstructive Surgery of the Face 338
15.The Transplantation of Tissues 350
16.Scars of the Face 374
17.Skin Flaps 393
18.Grafts of Skin and Mucosa 431
19.Grafts of Dermis,Fat,Fascia,Cartilage and Bone 457
20.Deformities of the Upper Portion of the Face and of the Scalp 484
21.Deformities of the Eyelids,Orbital and Zygomatic Regions 513
22.Deformities of the Nose 596
23.Deformities of the Soft Tissues of the Face 750
24.Deformities of the Jaws 830
25.Reconstructive Surgery of the Oral Cavity and Pharynx 913
26.Traumatic Disturbances of the Temporomandibular Joint 936
27.Facial Paralysis 945
28.Deformities of the External Ear 980
29.Burns of the Face 1016
30.Principles of Maxillo Facial Prosthetics 1041
INDEX 1097
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