The Dynamics of Constitutionalism in the Age of GlobalisationPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Frishman
- 出 版 社:T.M.C. Asser Press;Cambridge University Press [Distributor]
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9067043021;9067043028
- 页数:205 页
Introduction&Morly Frishman and Sam Muller 1
1.Constitutionalism in a Global Age 1
2.Overview by Ramcharan 3
3.International Law, Development and Conflict: Comparative Perspectives on Cultures of Constitutionalism 4
4.Constitutional Protection, the Internationalisation of Law and Transnational Constitutional Principles 7
5.The Dynamics of Constitutionalism in the European Union (EU) 9
6.Constitutionalism in Public International Law 11
7.Concluding Remarks 13
Constitutionalism in an Age of Globalisation and Global Threats&Bertrand G.Ramcharan 15
1.Introduction 15
2.Globalisation, Human Rights and Human Dignity 16
3.The Concept of Constitutionalism 18
4.The Principle of Democratic Legitimacy 19
5.Constitutionalism in an Age of Globalisation 24
5.1 National Constitutionalism 25
5.2 Regional Constitutionalism 25
5.3 International Constitutionalism 25
6.The Relationship between International Legal Obligations and Domestic Law: From Dualism, Monism and Coordination to Responsibility 26
7.The Basis of Obligation in International Law 27
8.The Law of State Responsibility 30
9.Obligations under the UN Charter 30
10.International Norms of Jus Cogens 32
11.Norms of International Customary Law 34
12.Mandatory Decisions of the UN Security Council 35
13.Obligations under International Human Rights Conventions 40
14.The Doctrine of the Responsibility to Prevent and to Protect 46
15.Conclusion 46
Cultures of Constitutionalism: An Introduction&Karin Arts and Jeff Handmaker 49
1.Overview 49
2.Significant Events of 1948 51
3.Constitutionalism and Legal Pluralism 54
Soul of a Nation? The Inception, Interpretation and Influence of South Africa’s 1996 Constitution&Barbara Oomen 57
1.Introduction 57
2.The Inception of South Africa’s 1996 Constitution 60
3.Interpretation: The Role of the Constitutional Court 65
4.The Influence of South Africa’s 1996 Constitution 68
5.Conclusion 70
Post-Conflict Constitutional Settlement in Nepal and the Role of the United Nations&Surya P.Subedi 71
1.Introduction 71
2.The Current Context: Historical Change 72
3.Historical and Current Political Scenarios 73
4.The Role of the Judiciary 77
5.The Peace Agreement 78
6.Drawbacks of the Interim Constitution 79
7.The Election of an Inclusive Constituent Assembly 80
8.The Role of the United Nations 81
9.A Unique Peace Process 82
10.The United Nations Could Have Been Bolder 84
11.Conclusion 86
Do Constitutions Make a Difference as regards the Protection of Fundamental Human Rights? Comparing the United States and Israel&Susan Akram 89
1.Introduction 89
2.The Constitutional Framework of the US 90
3.The Non-Constitutional Framework of Israel 99
4.Conclusion 108
The Impact of Internationalisation on Constitutional Law: Some Reflections&Philipp Kiiver 111
1.Introduction 111
2.Constitutional v.International Law 112
3.Institutional and Competence Standards 113
4.Democracy and Accountability Standards 116
5.Individual Rights Protection 117
6.Outlook 120
Fit for All Practical Purposes? Constitutionalism as a Legitimising Strategy for the European Union&Ton van den Brink 125
1.Introduction 125
2.Constitutionalism and Public Perceptions 126
3.The EU Constitution as a Constitutional Moment in the History of the European Union 127
4.Constitutionalism as a State-Centred Legitimising Strategy 128
5.Academic Evolution in EU Constitutionalism 131
6.New Challenges for EU Constitutionalism 135
7.Interplay between National and EU Constitutionalism 137
8.Conclusion 142
Why Legal Scholarship Must Not Leave EU Constitutional Practice to the Social Sciences - Some Reflections&Tom Eijsbouts 145
1.Why Constitutional Practice is not of Secondary Importance 145
2.Why Practice or Convention is Problematic yet Essential in the Case of an International Organisation 148
3.Why Legal Scholarship is Wrong to Leave Practice to Others 151
Peremptory Norms as an Aspect of Constitutionalisation in the International Legal System&Alexander Orakhelashvili 153
1.Introduction 153
2.Theoretical Perspectives on Jus Cogens: Some Recent Views 154
3.Non-derogability of Jus Cogens 158
4.The Content of Jus Cogens 160
5.Jus Cogens Before National Courts: Universal Jurisdiction and State Immunity 165
6.The Proper Constitutional Significance of Jus Cogens:Primacy over UN Security Council Resolutions 171
7.Conclusion 179
Bibliography 181
Table of Cases 195
Table of Conventions 199
Index 201
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