![THE SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY OF INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/86/s6307849.jpg)
![THE SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY OF INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/86/s6307849.jpg)
- 电子书积分:20 积分如何计算积分?
- 出 版 社:N.SCHMITT
- 出版年份:2222
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1 Christopher Greenwood (1987), ‘The Concept of War in Modern International Law’, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 36, pp.283-306. 1
2 Dietrich Schindler (1979), ‘The Different Types of Armed Conflicts According to the Geneva Conventions and Protocols’, Recueil des Cours, pp.121-63. 25
3 Tom Farer (1971), ‘Humanitarian Law and Armed Conflicts: Toward the Definition of “International Armed Conflict”’, Columbia Law Review, 71, pp.37-72. 67
4 Hans-Peter Gasser (1983), ‘Internationalized Non-International Armed Conflicts: Case Studies of Afghanistan, Kampuchea, and Lebanon’, American University Law Review, 33, pp.145-61. 103
5 H.Lauterpacht (1952), ‘The Problem of the Revision of the Law of War’, British Year Book of International Law, 29, pp.360-82. 121
6 Howard S.Levie (1956), ‘The Nature and Scope of the Armistice Agreement’, American Journal of International Law, 50, pp.880-906. 145
7 R.R.Baxter (1976), ‘Armistices and Other Forms of Suspension of Hostilities’, Recueil des Cours, 149, pp.357-98. 173
8 H.Lauterpacht (1953), ‘The Limits of the Operation of the Law of War’, British Year Book of International Law, 30, pp.206-43. 215
9 Christopher Greenwood (1983), ‘The Relationship Between ius ad bellum and ius in bello’, Review of International Studies, 9, pp.221-34. 253
10 Adam Roberts (2008), ‘The Equal Application of the Laws of War: A Principle Under Pressure’, International Review of the Red Cross, 90,pp.931-62. 267
11 Quincy Wright (1940), ‘The Present Status of Neutrality’, American Journal of International Law, 34, pp.391-415. 299
12 D.P.O’Connell (1970), ‘International Law and Contemporary Naval Operations’, British Year Book of International Law, 44, pp.19-85. 325
13 Dietrich Schindler (1982), ‘Human Rights and Humanitarian Law’, American University Law Review, 31, pp.935-43. 393
14 Louise Doswald-Beck and Sylvain Vite (1993), ‘International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law’, International Review of the Red Cross, March-April, pp.94-119. 403
15 Francoise J.Hampson (2008), ‘The Relationship between International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law from the Perspective of a Human Rights Treaty Body’, International Review of the Red Cross, 90, pp.549-72. 429
16 Adam Roberts (2002), ‘Counter-Terrorism, Armed Force and the Laws of War’, Survival, 44, pp.7-32. 453
17 Marco Sassoli (2004), ‘Use and Abuse of the Laws of War in the “War on Terrorism”’, Law and Inequality, 22, pp.195-221. 479
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