- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:
- 出 版 社:STEVENS & SONS
- 出版年份:1984
- ISBN:9026808607
- 页数:172 页
Ⅰ.The Fundamental Principles of Space Law 1
1.Introduction 1
2.Sources of Space Law 3
3.Bilateral and Multilateral Law-Making Processes in Space Law 5
4.The Four Basic Treaties: 11
(A) The Outer Space Treaty of 1967 11
(B) The Agreement on the Rescue and Return of Astronauts 15
(C) Convention on Registration of Space Objects 19
(D) The 1972 Liability Convention 22
Conclusion 27
Notes 28
Ⅱ.The Moon Treaty of 1979 30
The Tortuous Progress of Deliberations 30
Rule of Law Concept Included 32
The Question of Exploiting the Natural Resources of the Moon 33
The Principles of Non-Appropriation 35
General Provisions 36
Critical Evaluation 36
Notes 37
Ⅲ.Delimitation of Outer Space and the Question of Geo-Stationary Orbit 38
The Limits of Outer Space 38
The Myriad Theories of Delimitation 39
The Controversy Relating to Geo-stationary Orbit 43
The Urgent Need to Define Outer Space 45
The Two Approaches-"Spatial" and "Functional" 45
Division of Earth Into Various Regions 48
The Freedom of Transit. 48
The Legal Sub-Committee's Deliberations on Geostationary Orbit from 1979 to 1982 49
Some Suggestions 56
Notes 59
Ⅳ.Legal Implications of Remote sen sing 61
Notes 82
Ⅴ.Direct Television Broadcasting by Satellites 83
Notes 96
Ⅵ.Military Escalation and the Use of Nuclear Powered Sources(NPS) in Outer Space 97
Notes 112
Ⅶ.Recent Developments in Space Law and Some Conclusions 113
Notes 123
Appendices 125
Ⅰ.1967 Outer Space Treaty 125
Ⅱ.1968 Astronaut Rescue Treaty 131
Ⅲ.1972 Liability Treaty 135
Ⅳ.1974 Registration Treaty 143
Ⅴ.1979 Moon Convention 148
Ⅵ.1981 Draft Principles Governing the Use by States of Artificial Earth Satellites for(International) Direct Television Broadcasting 157
Ⅶ.Draft Principles as contained in the Report of the Legal Sub-Committee on the Work of its Twentieth Session 162
Index 167
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